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Dr Willmar Schwabe India Dizester Herbal

(43 customer reviews)

130.00 106.60

Herbal Digestive Tonic for liver. Dizester Herbal tonic contains Kala Jeera, Sanay, Amaltas, Jeera, Hing, Saunf, Pudina (Mentha piperita), Moringa, Jaiphal (Myristica fragrans), Harad, Ajwain and Sonth. These herbs have been used as traditional home remedies in India from centuries ago and everyone are aware of their effectiveness in treating and managing the common indispositions.

In recent years, Dr Willmar Schwabe India has introduced a variety of speciality products and ranges such as the Kindi Range, Pentarkan Range, Topi Range, etc. Aside from homeopathic medicines, dilutions and speciality products, it also markets many cosmetic and healthcare products. In line with such successful ventures, Schwabe India has set its foot in herbal tonics and medicines. Dizester Herbal is the latest introduction from this 150-year-old natural health product organization, which has proved to be as good as its previous successful launches.

In accordance with the present lifestyle and food habits, Dizester Herbal has been formulated with the aim to help the increasing number of cases related to digestive problems. It is a syrup-based Herbal tonic for digestion that helps to relieve symptoms of indigestion and other related digestive disturbances. The constituents of Dizester Herbal tonic have antispasmodic and carminative, diuretic, and anti-inflammatory properties and it protects the gastric mucosa.

Dizester Herbal tonic contains Kala Jeera (Carum carvi), Sanay (Cassia angustifolia), Amaltas (Cassia fistula), Jeera (Cuminum cyminum), Hing (Ferula asafoetida), Saunf (Foeniculum vulgare), Pudina (Mentha piperita), Moringa (Moringa oleifera), Jaiphal (Myristica fragrans), Harad (Terminalia chebula), Ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi) and Sonth (Zingiber officinale). These herbs have been used as traditional home remedies in India from centuries ago and everyone is aware of their effectiveness in treating and managing common indispositions.

Digestive system and Common digestive disorders

Digestion is the process of breaking down food into many nutrients, which can be absorbed and assimilated in the intestines. It is a very important function in our body because it provides the energy to the body for growth and various other important functioning of other body systems.

The digestive system consists of the mouth, oesophagus, stomach and intestines and the associated organs like the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder that help the body in digesting food. Any problems with any of these organs and their functions can lead to many digestive disorders. These digestive disease conditions vary from mild to severe.

Gastrointestinal disorders include conditions such as gastritis, lactose intolerance, reflux diseases, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, hemorrhoids, anal fissures, perianal abscesses, anal fistulas, perianal infections, diverticular diseases, colitis, polyps and cancer.
Other conditions associated with digestive disorders are:

  • Disorders of gall bladder such as gallstones, cholecystitis, and cholangitis
  • Ano-Rectal problems, such as hemorrhoids, anal fissures and rectal prolapse
  • Lesions in oesophagus such as stricture, varices, achalasia and esophagitis
  • Gastritis, gastric ulcers, cancer, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), peptic ulcer disease, hernias, etc.
  • Liver disorders like hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver failure, etc
  • Pancreatic diseases such as acute or chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic cyst and pancreatic tumours
  • Intestinal disorders such as severe bacterial or viral infections, inflammatory conditions, celiac disease, Crohn disease, ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis, and intestinal ulcers. malabsorption syndrome, intestinal ischemia, etc.

Diagnosis and treatment

The problems of the digestive system can be identified by the patient’s symptom manifestations. But to confirm and clarify the disease certain tests and examinations are needed to be done. As most symptoms are common to various problems, it is best to conduct these tests to identify the specific organ related to the problem and treat it accordingly.

Some of the basic tests for gastrointestinal problems include barium X-rays, endoscopy, ultrasound, endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography (ERCP), and endoscopic ultrasound and colonoscopy. A proper screening also should be done to rule out cancers if the symptoms are very severe in nature.

Factors which increase the digestive problems

  • Intake of a diet that is low in fiber.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Irregular food habits.
  • Not taking food at the proper time.
  • Lack of physical activities such as exercise and walking.
  • Sudden change in the daily routine.
  • Intake of very spicy, rich and oily foods.
  • Increased intake of dairy products.
  • Increased stress.
  • Resisting the urge to use the toilet.
  • Overuse of laxatives.
  • Certain medications such as iron tablets, antidepressants and painkillers can affect digestion and bowel movements.

Symptoms of common digestive problems

Some of the general symptoms of digestive diseases are abdominal pain, bloating, flatulence, loss of appetite, sour taste, hiccups, nausea, etc. But usually, most of the patients refer to any problem related to the gastrointestinal system as indigestion. What the patient refers to as a problem of indigestion can include a wide range of symptoms such as:

  • Changes in bowel habits
  • Abdominal pain and cramps
  • Excessive flatulence
  • Bloating of abdomen
  • Constipation
  • Incontinence of stool
  • Diarrhea
  • Gastric headache
  • Heartburn
  • Regurgitation
  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • Aphthous ulcers
  • Pain and heaviness of the chest
  • Sour taste in the mouth
  • Persistent nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Loss or increased appetite
  • Loss or gain of weight
  • Incomplete bowel movement

Some of the signs and symptoms can indicate a serious condition and might need immediate medical attention. These symptoms may be due to oesophagial varices, severe infection, gastric ulcers, duodenal ulcers, gallstones, hepatitis, cancer, etc. They are:
Spitting of blood

  • Bleeding per rectum
  • Sudden unexplained loss of weight
  • Continuous vomiting and diarrhea
  • Dehydration
  • Severe abdominal cramps
  • Incontinence
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Alternate constipation and diarrhea
  • Bleeding from the digestive tract

Prevention and management of digestive problems

Most of the common digestive problems such as indigestion, flatulence, heartburns, etc happen due to the kind, amount and time of eating food. Such minor problems can be averted by managing the lifestyle and following healthy food habits. Some of the ways to avoid these digestive troubles are:

  • A balanced diet and proper nutrition.
  • Proper intake of food at regular intervals.
  • Maintaining a proper eating routine.
  • Intake of food that is rich in fibre such as fruits, salads, whole grains, etc.
  • Regularizing bowel habits.
  • Avoid eating fast foods, junk foods and spicy foods.
  • Avoid rich and fried foods.
  • A good sleep.
  • Avoiding unnecessary stress.
  • Regular exercises will increase bowel movements.
  • Practising different postures of yoga that could help in increasing bowel movements.
  • Avoid resisting the urge to use the toilet.
  • Avoiding too much caffeine.
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol.
  • Drinking lots of water.
  • Avoid taking laxatives.

Uses and benefits of Dizester Herbal in digestive and liver complaints

Dizester Herbal tonic for Digestive Problems is a completely herbal product that can be safely and regularly used for symptoms such as problems with digestion, indigestion, flatulence, heartburns, acidity, regurgitation of food to the throat, bloating of the abdomen, abdominal cramps and pains related to digestion, etc. It is a mild and safe herbal aid to digestion and an appetizer.

It not only takes care of digestive troubles but is also a herbal digestive tonic for the liver and gall bladder that helps to prevent sedimentation of bile, and the formation of gallstones, useful in relieving bilious colic and bilious vomiting and in the treatment of fatty liver.

There is another homeopathic herbal liver tonic Dizester that stimulates the functions of the liver, its metabolism and its secretions. It detoxifies the liver and speeds up the digestive process and absorption. It can be used in the management of various conditions along with classical medical treatment. It is also useful in children in relieving diarrhoea, constipation, abdominal colic and worm infestations. It improves the appetite, improves digestion, absorption and assimilation of nutrients and minerals in children.

Additional information

Package Name

Syrup in bottle


200 ml, 450 ml

Alcohol: It is safe to consume with alcohol.

Pregnancy: It is safe during pregnancy

Breastfeeding/Lactation: It is safe during lactation

Driving: It is safe to use driving

Kidney: No harmful effects on kidney or patients with kidney diseases.

Liver: Safe for liver and patients with liver diseases

Shugar: It has no effect on blood sugar.

High Blood Pressure/Hypertension:  It is not known to contraindicate hypertension

Low Blood Pressure: It will not lower the blood pressure.

Heart Diseases: Safe for patients with heart diseases

Post Covid Impacts:  It is not known to contra-indicate the post-covid impacts.

Diarrhea: It is best indicated in diarrhoea

Gastric: No gastric disturbances are produced.

Mentally Retarded: It is not known to contra-indicate mental retardation.

Empty Stomach:  It should not be taken in an empty stomach

Skin Allergy: No skin allergies are produced..

Habit: It will not produce any addiction and it has to be taken as advised.

Overdose: In case of overdose, drink lots of water or consult a nearby physician only when symptoms like dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, etc., occur.

Storage/Temperature : It can be stored in a separate place away from strong smelling substances and inflammable substances, in a dark cool place with a temperature of 25 degree centigrade.

Unless otherwise prescribed by the physician, 5-10ml (1-2 teaspoon) 2-3 times a day preferably after meal. Children to be given half of the adult dose. If required it can be taken with normal water.

Dizester Herbal is a syrup-based herbal tonic for digestion that helps to relieve symptoms of indigestion and other related digestive disturbances. It is formulated with the aim to help the increasing number of digestion-related cases. It acts as an antispasmodic, carminative, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and protects the gastric mucosa.

Yes, it is safe for children and helps in improving the digestion, absorption and assimilation of nutrients and minerals. It is also useful in relieving diarrhoea, constipation, abdominal colic and worm infestations. It is a good appetizer.

It should be taken daily after meals until the symptoms are better.

It can be used safely and regularly.

No, it doesn’t cause any dryness of the mouth.

It is a herbal preparation which is safe and used regularly. It helps relieves common digestive problems such as indigestion, flatulence, heartburns, acidity, regurgitation of food, bloating of the abdomen, abdominal cramps and pains related to digestion. It is a mild and safe syrup which aids digestion and an appetizer. It is also a herbal tonic for the liver and gallbladder which helps to prevent sedimentation of bile and the formation of gallstones. It relieves bilious colic, and bilious vomiting and helps in the treatment of fatty liver. It also acts as a detoxifier and speeds up the digestive process.

1-2 teaspoons, 2-3 times a day after meal or otherwise as prescribed by the physician. Half of the dose should be given to children.

Dizester Herbal works as a digestive tonic, carminative, antispasmodic, and diuretic and it also has anti-inflammatory properties. It also protects the gastric mucosa. It also acts as an appetizer, detoxifier and anthelmintic.

No side effects of Dizester Herbal are known.

No precautions are to be taken before taking Dizester Herbal.

There is no problem if you have skipped for one or a few days.

The other similar products are Alfalfa Tonic- general, Alpha-liv, Alpha acid and Alpha- DP

Dizester Herbal contains Kala jeera(Carum carvi) Sd.extract 10mg,Sanay(Cassia angustifolia)Lf.extract 5mg,Amaltas(Cassia fistula) Pd.extract 15mg,Jeera(Cuminum Cuminum)Ft.extract 15mg,Hing( Ferula asafoetida)Rn.extraxct 2.5mg,Saunf(Funicular vulgare)Ft.extract 50mg,Pudina(Mentha piperita)Lf.extract 25mg,Moringa(Moringa oleifera)Lf.extract 10mg,Jaiphal (Myristica fragrans)Sd.extract 5mg, Harad( Terminalia chebula)Ft.extract 15mg,Ajwain( Trachyspermum ammi)Sd.extract 5mg,Sonth(Zingiber officinalis)Rz.extract 5mg and excipients Q.S

Introduction It is an era where everything has to happen fast. Fast eating, fast food, it is true in cases of foods and snacks. Indigestion and related problems are on rise. Many ready-to-prepare instant food items have occupied significant space in our food habits. Instead of preparing Diwali and other festival snacks at home, most people prefer to get mass-made commercial sweets and food items generally without quality checks and snack packages containing unwanted preservatives and taste enhancers. Frequency of dinner outing has increased. Every time one goes out, snack-pack pick up by children is common. Healthy snacks likes boiled sprouts are replaced by prepared branded or unbranded snacks. These taste enhancers make us to eat more. It makes more difficult for our digestive system to digest them. Keeping these altered lifestyles in mind; Schwabe has developed a new product Dizester? Herbal to aid digestion. It is equally useful in cases of sluggish digestion and sluggish liver function. Altered food habits and role of Dizester? Herbal Many people don?t have enough time to prepare food at home. This leads to increase in proportion of junk foods. Over the time, people develop the liking for them. This goes on. It becomes a habit, unaware of the consequences. According to reports (Sanjay Kalra et al. 2012) many people in major cities eat and drink frequently unhealthy foods containing trans-fats like chips, burgers, pizzas, french fries, noodles and colas. Many of these have unwanted effects on digestive system resulting in acidity, indigestion, flatulence dyspepsia, gastric & bowel disturbances and related secondary effects as urinary & respiratory troubles, weak immunity and allergic problems.?Dizester? Herbal is developed to overcome these problems. Dizester? Herbal?covers bloating, deranged digestion, flatulence dyspepsia, different types colic pain like flatulent colic and bilious colic with great accumulation of gas, nervous irritation of the intestinal tract (IBS), diarrhoea, loss of appetite. It improves weak digestive system. Useful in acidity. Pain in stomach area due to gastritis or gastric ulcer. It covers diarrhoea with or without flatulence. Its ingredients are known drugs for flatulence and spasmodic contraction of stomach and oesophagus sometimes with reverse peristalsis. Difficulty in bringing the bloating out. Flatulence and regurgitation of liquid. Forcible eructation of gas. Covers obstinate constipation. Dizester? Herbal?has clinically proven ingredient for their antispasmodic and carminative actions and improving appetite. It has soothing effect on digestive tract. It also works as diuretic, anti-inflammatory, and protective against gastric mucosal lesion. Composition Each 100ml contains

  • Kala Jeera (Carum carvi) Sd. Extract – 10 mg
  • Sanay (Cassia angustifolia) Lf.Extract – 5 mg
  • Amaltas (Cassia fistula)Pd. Extract – 15 mg
  • Jeera (Cuminum cyminum) Ft. Extract – 15 mg
  • Hing (Ferula asafoetida)Rn. Extract – 2.5 mg
  • Saunf (Foeniculum vulgare) Ft. Extract – 50 mg
  • Pudina (Mentha piperita) Lf. Extract – 25 mg
  • Moringa (Moringa oleifera) Lf.Extract – 10 mg
  • Jaiphal (Myristica fragrans) Sd. Extract – 5 mg
  • Harad (Terminalia chebula) Ft. Extract – 15 mg
  • Ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi) Ft. Extract – 5 mg
  • Sonth (Zingiber officinale) Rz. Extract – 5 mg
  • Excipients Q.S.

Proven indications of the individual ingredients in the sphere of claimed action:

Kala Jeera (Carum carvi): It is antispasmodic and carminative thus soothes digestive tract acting directly on intestinal muscles. Relieves colic, bloating and flatulence. It improves appetite, acts as tonic. The benefits on intestinal spasm and flatulence have been proven by research.

Sanay (Cassia angustifolia): From long time it is being used for constipation as a laxative.? It is being used for child suffering from flatulence. It is also reported to be useful in hepatomegaly and splenomegaly with tenderness.

Amaltas (Cassia fistula): It is indicated in intestinal ulceration, liver diseases and as laxative. It is indicated for the constipation associated with bilious complaints. Flatulence, belching, loss of appetite, fullness of abdomen are covered by this remedy.

Jeera (Cuminum cyminum):? In the recent study it is found that Cuminum cyminum has property to increase the release of bile from the liver. A study reported that it improves the irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).? It increase the activity of digestive enzymes, potentially speeding up digestion.?

Hing (Ferula asafoetida): The flatulence and spasmodic contraction of stomach and oesophagus with reverse peristalsis are covered by this ingredient. Great difficulty in bringing up bloating. Flatulence and regurgitation of liquid. Forcible eructation of gas. Pulsation in pit of stomach. Violent colic; cutting and burning in stomach and region of diaphragm. Gurgling and rolling of gas, which escapes afterwards with loud and difficult eructation. Obstinate constipation. Diarrhoea, sometimes extremely offensive.

Saunf (Foeniculum vulgare): Foeniculum vulgare is widely used as carminative, digestive, lactogogue, in treating respiratory and gastrointestinal disorders. It covers bloating, indigestion and gastric problems. In children, it is useful in abdominal colic and flatulence. Studies reveal that it relieves bloating and acts as antispasmodic, stimulates appetite, works as diuretic and anti-inflammatory. In a recent study it has shown protective effect against ethanol-induced gastric mucosal lesion.

Pudina (Mentha piperita): It is indicated in flatulent colic, deranged digestion, infantile colic, bilious colic with great accumulation of gas.

Moringa (Moringa oleifera): It is used as potential antioxidant, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic and antimicrobial agent. In a study it is found that Moringa decreased acidity in gastric ulcers by a percentage of 86.15% and 85.13%. Presence of polyphenols in moringa reduces the liver fibrosis and reverses the oxidation.

Jaiphal (Myristica fragrans): It is useful in flatulent dyspepsia, nervous irritation of the intestinal tract, diarrhoea when the stools are soft and like chopped eggs, loss of appetite.

Harad (Terminalia chebula): It is used as laxative from long time in Ayurveda to improve bowel movement. It is also used in dysentery and diarrhoea. Presence of tannin in Terminalia chebula protects gut from infection and irritation and tends to reduce intestinal secretion. It is also helpful to reduce heartburn and indigestion.

Ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi): It helps to fight against harmful bacteria like Escherichia coli and Salmonella. It is well known home remedy for the indigestion, flatulence, stomach pain, etc. Study established its efficacy in peptic ulcers. It improves the delayed stomach emptying. Its anti-inflammatory effects may help in IBS or inflammatory bowel disease.

Sonth (Zingiber officinale): It covers weak digestive system. Indicated in heaviness of abdomen. Useful in acidity. Heaviness in stomach on awakening with gas and rumbling. Pain in stomach area due to gastritis or gastric ulcer especially worse eating. Used in colic, diarrhoea with extremely loose bowels, with much flatulence, cutting pain, hot, sore, painful anus especially during pregnancy. Chronic intestinal catarrh. Anus red and inflamed. Haemorrhoids hot, painful, sore.?

Dosage: For adults 1/2 teaspoon every 1-3 hours, subsequently 1-2 teaspoon 2-3 times daily, Children should be given half of the adult dose or as suggested by the physician. Side effects: No side effect of?Dizester? Herbal are known. Contra-indications: No contra-indications for the use of?Dizester? Herbal are known. Interactions: No interactions between?Dizester? Herbal and other products are known. Presentation: Bottle of 200 ml.


Manufactured in India by BACFO Pharmaceuticals Ltd.  C-46, Phase -II, Noida, District- Gautambuddha Nagar,  201305 (U.P)

Country of Origin: India.

Marketed By: Dr Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd. A-36, Sector-60, Uttar Pradesh, Noida – 201304.

Registered Office Address: Dr Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd. H-36, Green Park Extension, New Delhi, Pin: 110016.

Product Expiry: 2 Years from the date of Manufacturing

43 reviews for Dr Willmar Schwabe India Dizester Herbal

  1. Avatar

    Prof.Nansk Bhattachatjya,Physicist,and a Homoeo yherapist fot 40

    Digedter Herbal

    It’s a wondergul effective medicine.It not only promotes the digestive function,rathet
    hrlps thr foundation of thr total body mind system.No side effect.Moteover the cost is very very small.Rverybody csn take.Moringa is a supet food with 7 amino acid and othet nutrient in it.start today.

  2. Avatar

    Dr Baidhyanath kumar

    Very useful medicine

    Nice result

  3. Avatar

    Saurabh Singh (verified owner)

    Great Digestive tonic

    I have been using this product for quite some time. Its a very effective Herbal Digestive tonic. Highly recommended

  4. Avatar


    Highly Recommend

    Can’t tell how good is this for gas and digestive system,,, want to give more than 5*

  5. Avatar

    Sunil Sharma

    Effective Digestive Tonic

    Being a regular Schwabe Customer, I saw an ad of Dizester Herbal. My father was suffering from bloating and acidity issues for a very long period of time & I decided to give this tonic a try. To my surprise, Dizester herbal started showing positive results within a week of dosage. My father’s digestive health has improved and that too without any side effects. Thanks, Schwabe. Would highly recommend this herbal digestive tonic.

  6. Avatar

    Tushar Khurana

    Good tasting digestive tonic

    Dizester herbal provides instant relief for an upset stomach. It also helped me in dealing with constipation. The taste of tonic is not like any other herbal tonics. It actually tastes good. This tonic feels warm and healing as you swallow it.

  7. Avatar


    Nice Product

    I have been using for a long time, highly recommend

  8. Avatar

    Master Parkash Master (verified owner)


    very good product

  9. Avatar

    Master Parkash Master (verified owner)


    very good product

  10. Avatar

    Parminder singh

    Nice medicine

    Good medicine. Thank you very very much

  11. Avatar

    Dhiraj Gehi

    Superb results

    Gave a relief to a long lasting problem I had. Highly recommended for gas n digestion troubles.

  12. Avatar

    Shiba Prasad Satpathy (verified owner)

    Review by Dr S P Satpathy

    This is a very useful product for everyone suffering from indigestion, acidity, constipation and other related ailments. This is working quickly and permanently.
    Dr S P Satpathy .Homeopathic practitioner

  13. Avatar

    Abhishek Gautam


    Its magical and effective

  14. Avatar

    Vishal Tripathi

    Best Medicine

    best remedy for bloating, especially after a meal

  15. Avatar

    Saurabh Singh (verified owner)

    Good Syrup for Digestion

    My grand father is using this syrup for last one year. It is really very effective for improving the digestion system. Since it is herbal, it has no side effects. I like it.

  16. Avatar

    Shivaraji Kondaveeti

    First time going to purchase

  17. Avatar


    Very nice

  18. Avatar


    Very nice product

  19. Avatar


    Best tonic for digestion

  20. Avatar

    Gaurav rathore

    There can be no better medicine than this. Digester Syrup Very good medicine for stomach

  21. Avatar

    Dr. Rajesh Kumar Gupta (verified owner)

    Actually my father was suffering from acidity & indigestion issues for a long time and I try to give him this tonic as a trial, I surprise to my feel feel very good and he also suggest for other who suffering for the same problem.
    Dizester herbal provides instant relief for an upset stomach. It also helped him in dealing with constipation. The taste of tonic is not like any other herbal tonics. It actually tastes good & we can give to children also. This tonic feels warm and healing as you swallow it.

  22. Avatar


    It’s a good product for digestion specially for aged people. above all its sugar free.

  23. Avatar

    Faizan Khan

    5 stars this product best

  24. Avatar


  25. Avatar

    ASHISH SARKAR (verified owner)

    Effective results

  26. Avatar

    best product

  27. Avatar (verified owner)

    The product is very good. I took one bottle and I got relief from gastric trouble and now I have ordered for three bottles.

  28. Avatar

    Jai Singh

    my digestion improved after taking this.

  29. Avatar


    very good for digestion and stomack issues.

  30. Avatar

    Shiva Yadav (verified owner)

    excellent, relieves bloating and feeling very light and energetic, just awesome.

  31. Avatar


    It’s awesome produdts

  32. Avatar


    product is very good but online service is very poor.

  33. Avatar

    KK Samadhiya

    can we use it in prediabetic stage?

  34. Avatar


    This is nice product for dizesion

  35. Avatar

    Dipak Das


  36. Avatar

    surinder pal.singh

    ਕਾਇਮ ਆ ਗੱਲਬਾਤ

  37. Avatar


    A good product

  38. Avatar

    Saurabh (verified owner)

    Very good tonic to improve the digestive system. Herbal ingredients have no side effects. It’s sugar-free.

  39. Avatar

    D N Mishra

    Effective.must buy

  40. Avatar

    Govind Prasad jaiswal

    digester herbal sugar free syrup is complete solution to all digestive problems.
    An excellent and highly effective herbal combination.

  41. Avatar

    Govind Prasad jaiswal

    It is an effective herbal preparation and panacea to all digestive Issues.

  42. Avatar

    pta ni

  43. Avatar

    Murari Gupta (verified owner)

    All good

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Total Price: From: 278.80

In recent years, Dr Willmar Schwabe India has introduced a variety of speciality products and ranges such as the Kindi Range, Pentarkan Range, Topi Range, etc. Aside from homeopathic medicines, dilutions and speciality products, it also markets many cosmetic and healthcare products. In line with such successful ventures, Schwabe India has set its foot in herbal tonics and medicines. Dizester Herbal is the latest introduction from this 150-year-old natural health product organization, which has proved to be as good as its previous successful launches.

In accordance with the present lifestyle and food habits, Dizester Herbal has been formulated with the aim to help the increasing number of cases related to digestive problems. It is a syrup-based Herbal tonic for digestion that helps to relieve symptoms of indigestion and other related digestive disturbances. The constituents of Dizester Herbal tonic have antispasmodic and carminative, diuretic, and anti-inflammatory properties and it protects the gastric mucosa.

Dizester Herbal tonic contains Kala Jeera (Carum carvi), Sanay (Cassia angustifolia), Amaltas (Cassia fistula), Jeera (Cuminum cyminum), Hing (Ferula asafoetida), Saunf (Foeniculum vulgare), Pudina (Mentha piperita), Moringa (Moringa oleifera), Jaiphal (Myristica fragrans), Harad (Terminalia chebula), Ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi) and Sonth (Zingiber officinale). These herbs have been used as traditional home remedies in India from centuries ago and everyone is aware of their effectiveness in treating and managing common indispositions.

Digestive system and Common digestive disorders

Digestion is the process of breaking down food into many nutrients, which can be absorbed and assimilated in the intestines. It is a very important function in our body because it provides the energy to the body for growth and various other important functioning of other body systems.

The digestive system consists of the mouth, oesophagus, stomach and intestines and the associated organs like the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder that help the body in digesting food. Any problems with any of these organs and their functions can lead to many digestive disorders. These digestive disease conditions vary from mild to severe.

Gastrointestinal disorders include conditions such as gastritis, lactose intolerance, reflux diseases, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, hemorrhoids, anal fissures, perianal abscesses, anal fistulas, perianal infections, diverticular diseases, colitis, polyps and cancer.
Other conditions associated with digestive disorders are:

  • Disorders of gall bladder such as gallstones, cholecystitis, and cholangitis
  • Ano-Rectal problems, such as hemorrhoids, anal fissures and rectal prolapse
  • Lesions in oesophagus such as stricture, varices, achalasia and esophagitis
  • Gastritis, gastric ulcers, cancer, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), peptic ulcer disease, hernias, etc.
  • Liver disorders like hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver failure, etc
  • Pancreatic diseases such as acute or chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic cyst and pancreatic tumours
  • Intestinal disorders such as severe bacterial or viral infections, inflammatory conditions, celiac disease, Crohn disease, ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis, and intestinal ulcers. malabsorption syndrome, intestinal ischemia, etc.

Diagnosis and treatment

The problems of the digestive system can be identified by the patient’s symptom manifestations. But to confirm and clarify the disease certain tests and examinations are needed to be done. As most symptoms are common to various problems, it is best to conduct these tests to identify the specific organ related to the problem and treat it accordingly.

Some of the basic tests for gastrointestinal problems include barium X-rays, endoscopy, ultrasound, endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography (ERCP), and endoscopic ultrasound and colonoscopy. A proper screening also should be done to rule out cancers if the symptoms are very severe in nature.

Factors which increase the digestive problems

  • Intake of a diet that is low in fiber.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Irregular food habits.
  • Not taking food at the proper time.
  • Lack of physical activities such as exercise and walking.
  • Sudden change in the daily routine.
  • Intake of very spicy, rich and oily foods.
  • Increased intake of dairy products.
  • Increased stress.
  • Resisting the urge to use the toilet.
  • Overuse of laxatives.
  • Certain medications such as iron tablets, antidepressants and painkillers can affect digestion and bowel movements.

Symptoms of common digestive problems

Some of the general symptoms of digestive diseases are abdominal pain, bloating, flatulence, loss of appetite, sour taste, hiccups, nausea, etc. But usually, most of the patients refer to any problem related to the gastrointestinal system as indigestion. What the patient refers to as a problem of indigestion can include a wide range of symptoms such as:

  • Changes in bowel habits
  • Abdominal pain and cramps
  • Excessive flatulence
  • Bloating of abdomen
  • Constipation
  • Incontinence of stool
  • Diarrhea
  • Gastric headache
  • Heartburn
  • Regurgitation
  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • Aphthous ulcers
  • Pain and heaviness of the chest
  • Sour taste in the mouth
  • Persistent nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Loss or increased appetite
  • Loss or gain of weight
  • Incomplete bowel movement

Some of the signs and symptoms can indicate a serious condition and might need immediate medical attention. These symptoms may be due to oesophagial varices, severe infection, gastric ulcers, duodenal ulcers, gallstones, hepatitis, cancer, etc. They are:
Spitting of blood

  • Bleeding per rectum
  • Sudden unexplained loss of weight
  • Continuous vomiting and diarrhea
  • Dehydration
  • Severe abdominal cramps
  • Incontinence
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Alternate constipation and diarrhea
  • Bleeding from the digestive tract

Prevention and management of digestive problems

Most of the common digestive problems such as indigestion, flatulence, heartburns, etc happen due to the kind, amount and time of eating food. Such minor problems can be averted by managing the lifestyle and following healthy food habits. Some of the ways to avoid these digestive troubles are:

  • A balanced diet and proper nutrition.
  • Proper intake of food at regular intervals.
  • Maintaining a proper eating routine.
  • Intake of food that is rich in fibre such as fruits, salads, whole grains, etc.
  • Regularizing bowel habits.
  • Avoid eating fast foods, junk foods and spicy foods.
  • Avoid rich and fried foods.
  • A good sleep.
  • Avoiding unnecessary stress.
  • Regular exercises will increase bowel movements.
  • Practising different postures of yoga that could help in increasing bowel movements.
  • Avoid resisting the urge to use the toilet.
  • Avoiding too much caffeine.
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol.
  • Drinking lots of water.
  • Avoid taking laxatives.

Uses and benefits of Dizester Herbal in digestive and liver complaints

Dizester Herbal tonic for Digestive Problems is a completely herbal product that can be safely and regularly used for symptoms such as problems with digestion, indigestion, flatulence, heartburns, acidity, regurgitation of food to the throat, bloating of the abdomen, abdominal cramps and pains related to digestion, etc. It is a mild and safe herbal aid to digestion and an appetizer.

It not only takes care of digestive troubles but is also a herbal digestive tonic for the liver and gall bladder that helps to prevent sedimentation of bile, and the formation of gallstones, useful in relieving bilious colic and bilious vomiting and in the treatment of fatty liver.

There is another homeopathic herbal liver tonic Dizester that stimulates the functions of the liver, its metabolism and its secretions. It detoxifies the liver and speeds up the digestive process and absorption. It can be used in the management of various conditions along with classical medical treatment. It is also useful in children in relieving diarrhoea, constipation, abdominal colic and worm infestations. It improves the appetite, improves digestion, absorption and assimilation of nutrients and minerals in children.

Additional information

Package Name

Syrup in bottle


200 ml, 450 ml

Alcohol: It is safe to consume with alcohol.

Pregnancy: It is safe during pregnancy

Breastfeeding/Lactation: It is safe during lactation

Driving: It is safe to use driving

Kidney: No harmful effects on kidney or patients with kidney diseases.

Liver: Safe for liver and patients with liver diseases

Shugar: It has no effect on blood sugar.

High Blood Pressure/Hypertension:  It is not known to contraindicate hypertension

Low Blood Pressure: It will not lower the blood pressure.

Heart Diseases: Safe for patients with heart diseases

Post Covid Impacts:  It is not known to contra-indicate the post-covid impacts.

Diarrhea: It is best indicated in diarrhoea

Gastric: No gastric disturbances are produced.

Mentally Retarded: It is not known to contra-indicate mental retardation.

Empty Stomach:  It should not be taken in an empty stomach

Skin Allergy: No skin allergies are produced..

Habit: It will not produce any addiction and it has to be taken as advised.

Overdose: In case of overdose, drink lots of water or consult a nearby physician only when symptoms like dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, etc., occur.

Storage/Temperature : It can be stored in a separate place away from strong smelling substances and inflammable substances, in a dark cool place with a temperature of 25 degree centigrade.

Unless otherwise prescribed by the physician, 5-10ml (1-2 teaspoon) 2-3 times a day preferably after meal. Children to be given half of the adult dose. If required it can be taken with normal water.

Dizester Herbal is a syrup-based herbal tonic for digestion that helps to relieve symptoms of indigestion and other related digestive disturbances. It is formulated with the aim to help the increasing number of digestion-related cases. It acts as an antispasmodic, carminative, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and protects the gastric mucosa.

Yes, it is safe for children and helps in improving the digestion, absorption and assimilation of nutrients and minerals. It is also useful in relieving diarrhoea, constipation, abdominal colic and worm infestations. It is a good appetizer.

It should be taken daily after meals until the symptoms are better.

It can be used safely and regularly.

No, it doesn’t cause any dryness of the mouth.

It is a herbal preparation which is safe and used regularly. It helps relieves common digestive problems such as indigestion, flatulence, heartburns, acidity, regurgitation of food, bloating of the abdomen, abdominal cramps and pains related to digestion. It is a mild and safe syrup which aids digestion and an appetizer. It is also a herbal tonic for the liver and gallbladder which helps to prevent sedimentation of bile and the formation of gallstones. It relieves bilious colic, and bilious vomiting and helps in the treatment of fatty liver. It also acts as a detoxifier and speeds up the digestive process.

1-2 teaspoons, 2-3 times a day after meal or otherwise as prescribed by the physician. Half of the dose should be given to children.

Dizester Herbal works as a digestive tonic, carminative, antispasmodic, and diuretic and it also has anti-inflammatory properties. It also protects the gastric mucosa. It also acts as an appetizer, detoxifier and anthelmintic.

No side effects of Dizester Herbal are known.

No precautions are to be taken before taking Dizester Herbal.

There is no problem if you have skipped for one or a few days.

The other similar products are Alfalfa Tonic- general, Alpha-liv, Alpha acid and Alpha- DP

Dizester Herbal contains Kala jeera(Carum carvi) Sd.extract 10mg,Sanay(Cassia angustifolia)Lf.extract 5mg,Amaltas(Cassia fistula) Pd.extract 15mg,Jeera(Cuminum Cuminum)Ft.extract 15mg,Hing( Ferula asafoetida)Rn.extraxct 2.5mg,Saunf(Funicular vulgare)Ft.extract 50mg,Pudina(Mentha piperita)Lf.extract 25mg,Moringa(Moringa oleifera)Lf.extract 10mg,Jaiphal (Myristica fragrans)Sd.extract 5mg, Harad( Terminalia chebula)Ft.extract 15mg,Ajwain( Trachyspermum ammi)Sd.extract 5mg,Sonth(Zingiber officinalis)Rz.extract 5mg and excipients Q.S

Introduction It is an era where everything has to happen fast. Fast eating, fast food, it is true in cases of foods and snacks. Indigestion and related problems are on rise. Many ready-to-prepare instant food items have occupied significant space in our food habits. Instead of preparing Diwali and other festival snacks at home, most people prefer to get mass-made commercial sweets and food items generally without quality checks and snack packages containing unwanted preservatives and taste enhancers. Frequency of dinner outing has increased. Every time one goes out, snack-pack pick up by children is common. Healthy snacks likes boiled sprouts are replaced by prepared branded or unbranded snacks. These taste enhancers make us to eat more. It makes more difficult for our digestive system to digest them. Keeping these altered lifestyles in mind; Schwabe has developed a new product Dizester? Herbal to aid digestion. It is equally useful in cases of sluggish digestion and sluggish liver function. Altered food habits and role of Dizester? Herbal Many people don?t have enough time to prepare food at home. This leads to increase in proportion of junk foods. Over the time, people develop the liking for them. This goes on. It becomes a habit, unaware of the consequences. According to reports (Sanjay Kalra et al. 2012) many people in major cities eat and drink frequently unhealthy foods containing trans-fats like chips, burgers, pizzas, french fries, noodles and colas. Many of these have unwanted effects on digestive system resulting in acidity, indigestion, flatulence dyspepsia, gastric & bowel disturbances and related secondary effects as urinary & respiratory troubles, weak immunity and allergic problems.?Dizester? Herbal is developed to overcome these problems. Dizester? Herbal?covers bloating, deranged digestion, flatulence dyspepsia, different types colic pain like flatulent colic and bilious colic with great accumulation of gas, nervous irritation of the intestinal tract (IBS), diarrhoea, loss of appetite. It improves weak digestive system. Useful in acidity. Pain in stomach area due to gastritis or gastric ulcer. It covers diarrhoea with or without flatulence. Its ingredients are known drugs for flatulence and spasmodic contraction of stomach and oesophagus sometimes with reverse peristalsis. Difficulty in bringing the bloating out. Flatulence and regurgitation of liquid. Forcible eructation of gas. Covers obstinate constipation. Dizester? Herbal?has clinically proven ingredient for their antispasmodic and carminative actions and improving appetite. It has soothing effect on digestive tract. It also works as diuretic, anti-inflammatory, and protective against gastric mucosal lesion. Composition Each 100ml contains

  • Kala Jeera (Carum carvi) Sd. Extract – 10 mg
  • Sanay (Cassia angustifolia) Lf.Extract – 5 mg
  • Amaltas (Cassia fistula)Pd. Extract – 15 mg
  • Jeera (Cuminum cyminum) Ft. Extract – 15 mg
  • Hing (Ferula asafoetida)Rn. Extract – 2.5 mg
  • Saunf (Foeniculum vulgare) Ft. Extract – 50 mg
  • Pudina (Mentha piperita) Lf. Extract – 25 mg
  • Moringa (Moringa oleifera) Lf.Extract – 10 mg
  • Jaiphal (Myristica fragrans) Sd. Extract – 5 mg
  • Harad (Terminalia chebula) Ft. Extract – 15 mg
  • Ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi) Ft. Extract – 5 mg
  • Sonth (Zingiber officinale) Rz. Extract – 5 mg
  • Excipients Q.S.

Proven indications of the individual ingredients in the sphere of claimed action:

Kala Jeera (Carum carvi): It is antispasmodic and carminative thus soothes digestive tract acting directly on intestinal muscles. Relieves colic, bloating and flatulence. It improves appetite, acts as tonic. The benefits on intestinal spasm and flatulence have been proven by research.

Sanay (Cassia angustifolia): From long time it is being used for constipation as a laxative.? It is being used for child suffering from flatulence. It is also reported to be useful in hepatomegaly and splenomegaly with tenderness.

Amaltas (Cassia fistula): It is indicated in intestinal ulceration, liver diseases and as laxative. It is indicated for the constipation associated with bilious complaints. Flatulence, belching, loss of appetite, fullness of abdomen are covered by this remedy.

Jeera (Cuminum cyminum):? In the recent study it is found that Cuminum cyminum has property to increase the release of bile from the liver. A study reported that it improves the irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).? It increase the activity of digestive enzymes, potentially speeding up digestion.?

Hing (Ferula asafoetida): The flatulence and spasmodic contraction of stomach and oesophagus with reverse peristalsis are covered by this ingredient. Great difficulty in bringing up bloating. Flatulence and regurgitation of liquid. Forcible eructation of gas. Pulsation in pit of stomach. Violent colic; cutting and burning in stomach and region of diaphragm. Gurgling and rolling of gas, which escapes afterwards with loud and difficult eructation. Obstinate constipation. Diarrhoea, sometimes extremely offensive.

Saunf (Foeniculum vulgare): Foeniculum vulgare is widely used as carminative, digestive, lactogogue, in treating respiratory and gastrointestinal disorders. It covers bloating, indigestion and gastric problems. In children, it is useful in abdominal colic and flatulence. Studies reveal that it relieves bloating and acts as antispasmodic, stimulates appetite, works as diuretic and anti-inflammatory. In a recent study it has shown protective effect against ethanol-induced gastric mucosal lesion.

Pudina (Mentha piperita): It is indicated in flatulent colic, deranged digestion, infantile colic, bilious colic with great accumulation of gas.

Moringa (Moringa oleifera): It is used as potential antioxidant, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic and antimicrobial agent. In a study it is found that Moringa decreased acidity in gastric ulcers by a percentage of 86.15% and 85.13%. Presence of polyphenols in moringa reduces the liver fibrosis and reverses the oxidation.

Jaiphal (Myristica fragrans): It is useful in flatulent dyspepsia, nervous irritation of the intestinal tract, diarrhoea when the stools are soft and like chopped eggs, loss of appetite.

Harad (Terminalia chebula): It is used as laxative from long time in Ayurveda to improve bowel movement. It is also used in dysentery and diarrhoea. Presence of tannin in Terminalia chebula protects gut from infection and irritation and tends to reduce intestinal secretion. It is also helpful to reduce heartburn and indigestion.

Ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi): It helps to fight against harmful bacteria like Escherichia coli and Salmonella. It is well known home remedy for the indigestion, flatulence, stomach pain, etc. Study established its efficacy in peptic ulcers. It improves the delayed stomach emptying. Its anti-inflammatory effects may help in IBS or inflammatory bowel disease.

Sonth (Zingiber officinale): It covers weak digestive system. Indicated in heaviness of abdomen. Useful in acidity. Heaviness in stomach on awakening with gas and rumbling. Pain in stomach area due to gastritis or gastric ulcer especially worse eating. Used in colic, diarrhoea with extremely loose bowels, with much flatulence, cutting pain, hot, sore, painful anus especially during pregnancy. Chronic intestinal catarrh. Anus red and inflamed. Haemorrhoids hot, painful, sore.?

Dosage: For adults 1/2 teaspoon every 1-3 hours, subsequently 1-2 teaspoon 2-3 times daily, Children should be given half of the adult dose or as suggested by the physician. Side effects: No side effect of?Dizester? Herbal are known. Contra-indications: No contra-indications for the use of?Dizester? Herbal are known. Interactions: No interactions between?Dizester? Herbal and other products are known. Presentation: Bottle of 200 ml.


Manufactured in India by BACFO Pharmaceuticals Ltd.  C-46, Phase -II, Noida, District- Gautambuddha Nagar,  201305 (U.P)

Country of Origin: India.

Marketed By: Dr Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd. A-36, Sector-60, Uttar Pradesh, Noida – 201304.

Registered Office Address: Dr Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd. H-36, Green Park Extension, New Delhi, Pin: 110016.

Product Expiry: 2 Years from the date of Manufacturing

43 reviews for Dr Willmar Schwabe India Dizester Herbal

  1. Avatar

    Prof.Nansk Bhattachatjya,Physicist,and a Homoeo yherapist fot 40

    Digedter Herbal

    It’s a wondergul effective medicine.It not only promotes the digestive function,rathet
    hrlps thr foundation of thr total body mind system.No side effect.Moteover the cost is very very small.Rverybody csn take.Moringa is a supet food with 7 amino acid and othet nutrient in it.start today.

  2. Avatar

    Dr Baidhyanath kumar

    Very useful medicine

    Nice result

  3. Avatar

    Saurabh Singh (verified owner)

    Great Digestive tonic

    I have been using this product for quite some time. Its a very effective Herbal Digestive tonic. Highly recommended

  4. Avatar


    Highly Recommend

    Can’t tell how good is this for gas and digestive system,,, want to give more than 5*

  5. Avatar

    Sunil Sharma

    Effective Digestive Tonic

    Being a regular Schwabe Customer, I saw an ad of Dizester Herbal. My father was suffering from bloating and acidity issues for a very long period of time & I decided to give this tonic a try. To my surprise, Dizester herbal started showing positive results within a week of dosage. My father’s digestive health has improved and that too without any side effects. Thanks, Schwabe. Would highly recommend this herbal digestive tonic.

  6. Avatar

    Tushar Khurana

    Good tasting digestive tonic

    Dizester herbal provides instant relief for an upset stomach. It also helped me in dealing with constipation. The taste of tonic is not like any other herbal tonics. It actually tastes good. This tonic feels warm and healing as you swallow it.

  7. Avatar


    Nice Product

    I have been using for a long time, highly recommend

  8. Avatar

    Master Parkash Master (verified owner)


    very good product

  9. Avatar

    Master Parkash Master (verified owner)


    very good product

  10. Avatar

    Parminder singh

    Nice medicine

    Good medicine. Thank you very very much

  11. Avatar

    Dhiraj Gehi

    Superb results

    Gave a relief to a long lasting problem I had. Highly recommended for gas n digestion troubles.

  12. Avatar

    Shiba Prasad Satpathy (verified owner)

    Review by Dr S P Satpathy

    This is a very useful product for everyone suffering from indigestion, acidity, constipation and other related ailments. This is working quickly and permanently.
    Dr S P Satpathy .Homeopathic practitioner

  13. Avatar

    Abhishek Gautam


    Its magical and effective

  14. Avatar

    Vishal Tripathi

    Best Medicine

    best remedy for bloating, especially after a meal

  15. Avatar

    Saurabh Singh (verified owner)

    Good Syrup for Digestion

    My grand father is using this syrup for last one year. It is really very effective for improving the digestion system. Since it is herbal, it has no side effects. I like it.

  16. Avatar

    Shivaraji Kondaveeti

    First time going to purchase

  17. Avatar


    Very nice

  18. Avatar


    Very nice product

  19. Avatar


    Best tonic for digestion

  20. Avatar

    Gaurav rathore

    There can be no better medicine than this. Digester Syrup Very good medicine for stomach

  21. Avatar

    Dr. Rajesh Kumar Gupta (verified owner)

    Actually my father was suffering from acidity & indigestion issues for a long time and I try to give him this tonic as a trial, I surprise to my feel feel very good and he also suggest for other who suffering for the same problem.
    Dizester herbal provides instant relief for an upset stomach. It also helped him in dealing with constipation. The taste of tonic is not like any other herbal tonics. It actually tastes good & we can give to children also. This tonic feels warm and healing as you swallow it.

  22. Avatar


    It’s a good product for digestion specially for aged people. above all its sugar free.

  23. Avatar

    Faizan Khan

    5 stars this product best

  24. Avatar


  25. Avatar

    ASHISH SARKAR (verified owner)

    Effective results

  26. Avatar

    best product

  27. Avatar (verified owner)

    The product is very good. I took one bottle and I got relief from gastric trouble and now I have ordered for three bottles.

  28. Avatar

    Jai Singh

    my digestion improved after taking this.

  29. Avatar


    very good for digestion and stomack issues.

  30. Avatar

    Shiva Yadav (verified owner)

    excellent, relieves bloating and feeling very light and energetic, just awesome.

  31. Avatar


    It’s awesome produdts

  32. Avatar


    product is very good but online service is very poor.

  33. Avatar

    KK Samadhiya

    can we use it in prediabetic stage?

  34. Avatar


    This is nice product for dizesion

  35. Avatar

    Dipak Das


  36. Avatar

    surinder pal.singh

    ਕਾਇਮ ਆ ਗੱਲਬਾਤ

  37. Avatar


    A good product

  38. Avatar

    Saurabh (verified owner)

    Very good tonic to improve the digestive system. Herbal ingredients have no side effects. It’s sugar-free.

  39. Avatar

    D N Mishra

    Effective.must buy

  40. Avatar

    Govind Prasad jaiswal

    digester herbal sugar free syrup is complete solution to all digestive problems.
    An excellent and highly effective herbal combination.

  41. Avatar

    Govind Prasad jaiswal

    It is an effective herbal preparation and panacea to all digestive Issues.

  42. Avatar

    pta ni

  43. Avatar

    Murari Gupta (verified owner)

    All good

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