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Dr Willmar Schwabe India Biocombination No. 08

115.00 94.30


Diarrhoea • Helps in diarrhoea as a supportive remedy.

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20 g, 25 g, 550 g

Package Name




Indications: Thin watery stools with undigested food thirst caused by fat or too-rich food. White coated tongue, prostration, recommended in convalescence.


The term literally means a running through and is applied to the frequent passage of unformed motions of loose consistency. There are many causes with one common physiological factor of excessive peristaltic movement. General causes include unsuitable food, excess of alcohol, unripe fruit, chemical irritants, oral antibiotics, poisons & infections. Local causes include gastric disturbances, gastro-enteritis, viral infection, inflammation of small and large intestines and ulcerative colitis.

There could be serious factors like typical fever, cholera, food poisoning, cancer of colon, and disorders of pancreatic secretion. These are to be differentiated from general & local causes mentioned above.

Another way to classify is as follows:

(a) Acute diarrhoea is usually due to dietetic indiscretion, food poisoning, infection such as bacillary dysentery, or an exacerbation in one of the causes of chronic diarrhoea.

(b) Chronic diarrhoea occurs:

(1) After operations such as gastrectomy and vagotomy,

(2) From lesions of the small intestine such as regional ileitis and the malabsorption syndromes,

(3) In diseases of the colon, such as carcinoma, diverticulitis, amoebiasis and ulcerative colitis.

Apart from alimentary disorders such as the above, chronic diarrhoea may be due to general causes, such as thyrotoxicosis or anxiety neurosis.

Composition: Calcarea phosphorica 3x, Ferrum phosphoricum 3x, Kalium phosphoricum 3x, Kalium sulphuricum 3x and Natrum sulphuricum 3x in equal proportion.

Proven indication of the ingredients within the claimed sphere of action:

Calcarea phosphorica: It is indicated for diarrhoea from juicy fruits and during dentition, green, slimy, hot, sputtering undigested with fetid flatus.

Ferrum phosphoricum: It is a drug for the early stages of inflammation and the febrile condition and is also indicated for watery stool, which may have blood or undigested food or both. It covers the first stage of dysentery with blood.

Kalium phosphoricum: It is a drug for mental and physical exhaustion and covers well diarrhoea with foul, putrid odour occasionally by fright, depression or exhaustion. Pathogenesis covers diarrhoea while eating, stool may be rice water in colour or may contain blood.

Kalium sulphuricum: It is indicated in yellow slimy diarrhoea, colicky pain, and the abdomen feels cold to touch, bloated and tense.

Natrum sulphuricum: It is indicated for watery yellow stools, flatulence, stool passes involuntary when passing flatus, and burning in the abdomen and anus. It covers well hyperacidity, duodenal catarrh, vomiting of bile etc. which are at times associated with diarrhoea.

Contra-indication: None. It can be used along with other medicines and measures. Dosage: As usual. Presentation: As usual.

Alcohol: There is no reported safety concern if it is taken with alcohol.

Pregnancy: It is safe to take during pregnancy.

Driving: It is safe to use during driving.

Breastfeeding/Lactation: It can be used while breastfeeding.

Kidney: There is no known contraindication with kidney diseases.

Liver: It is safe for the liver.

Sugar: It does not affect blood sugar levels.

Immunity: It will not affect the immunity of an individual.

High blood pressure/Hypertension: It is safe to use in patients with hypertension.

Low blood pressure: It will not lower the blood pressure.

Heart: It does not contain any ingredient which will affect the heart.

Mentally retarded: There is no known contraindication with mentally retarded persons.

Post covid impacts: There is no known contraindication with post covid impacts.

Diarrhea: It is a remedy for diarrhea.

Gastric: There are no known effects on the gastrointestinal system.

Empty stomach: It is preferably to be taken after a meal.

Skin allergy: There is no skin allergy when using Biocombination No.08. 

Habit: It is not a habit-forming product.

Overdose: In case of overdose, drink lots of water or consult a physician.

Storage: It has to be stored in a cool dark place, away from sunlight and strong-smelling substances.

Temperature: The temperature should be 25 degrees centigrade.


Biocombination No.08 is the combination of five biochemic medicines such as Calcarea phosphorica, Ferrum phosphoricum, Kali sulphuricum, Kali phosphoricum, and Natrum sulphuricum. It is indicated in cases of diarrhea and indigestion.

Yes, it is suitable for children.

It has to be taken as long as the symptoms are better or otherwise as prescribed by the physician.

Yes, it is safe to take Biocombination No.08.

No, it does not cause dryness in the mouth.

Biocombination No.08 is a medicine formulated for the treatment of diarrhea and stool with undigested food, and increased thirst caused by fatty or rich foods. Calcarea phosphorica is indicated in diarrhea from juicy fruits, during dentition and the stool is greenish, slimy, hot, and sputtering with undigested food with fetid flatus. Ferrum phosphoricum is indicated in the early stages of inflammation and fevers with diarrhea of watery stools, with blood and undigested food, or both. It is an excellent remedy for dysentery with blood. Kali phosphoricum is the medicine for diarrhea with a foul, putrid odor and it covers mental and physical exhaustion and depression caused by fright. Kali sulphuricum is useful in case of diarrhea which is yellow and slimy with colicky pain, and the abdomen feels cold to the touch, bloated and tense. Natrum sulphuricum is indicated in watery yellow stools, flatulence, and involuntary stools with burning in the abdomen and anus.

It has to be taken as internal medicine. It should be given as 4 tablets for adults, and 2 tablets for children, at a time, four times a day at intervals of three hours, or as prescribed by the physician.

Biocombination No.08 is prepared from a combination of biochemic medicines such as Calcarea phosphorica, Ferrum phosphoricum, Kali phosphoricum, Kali sulphuricum, and Natrum sulphuricum. Calcarea phosphorica is indicated in diarrhea from juicy fruits, cider, and during dentition. The stool is green, slimy, hot, sputtering, and undigested with fetid flatus. It is indicated in the fistula in ano, alternating with chest symptoms. Ferrum phosphoricum is indicated in the first stage of peritonitis, stools watery, bloody undigested, and the first stage of dysentery with blood. Kali phosphoricum is a remedy for diarrhea which is a foul, putrid odor, caused by fright, depression, and exhaustion, aggravated by eating, and dysentery stools consisting of pure blood. The stools have the appearance of rice water, and the patient becomes delirious. Kali sulphuricum is indicated in slimy diarrhea, yellow stools, the abdomen feeling cold to the touch, and colicky pains. Natrum sulphuricum is a remedy for diarrhea yellow, watery stools, and loose morning stools worse after a spell of wet weather. The stools are involuntary when passing flatus and burning in the abdomen and anus.

No side effects have been reported so far.

It is not a problem if you skip a few doses, but don’t take double doses.

Holarrhena antidysenterica 1X, Magnesium phosphoricum Pentarkan, Alpha-DP, Quercus robur 1X.

Each tablet of Biocombination No.08 contains Calcarea phosphorica 3X 20mg, Ferrum phosphoricum 3X 20mg, Kali phosphoricum 3X 20mg, Kali sulphuricum 3X 20mg and Natrum sulphuricum 3X 20mg.

Manufactured in India by Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd. A-36, Sector-60, Uttar Pradesh, Noida – 201304.

Country of Origin: India.

Registered office Address: Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd. H-36, Green Park Extension, New Delhi, Pin: 110016.

Expiry: 5 years for the date of manufacturing.


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Diarrhoea • Helps in diarrhoea as a supportive remedy.

Additional information


20 g, 25 g, 550 g

Package Name




Indications: Thin watery stools with undigested food thirst caused by fat or too-rich food. White coated tongue, prostration, recommended in convalescence.


The term literally means a running through and is applied to the frequent passage of unformed motions of loose consistency. There are many causes with one common physiological factor of excessive peristaltic movement. General causes include unsuitable food, excess of alcohol, unripe fruit, chemical irritants, oral antibiotics, poisons & infections. Local causes include gastric disturbances, gastro-enteritis, viral infection, inflammation of small and large intestines and ulcerative colitis.

There could be serious factors like typical fever, cholera, food poisoning, cancer of colon, and disorders of pancreatic secretion. These are to be differentiated from general & local causes mentioned above.

Another way to classify is as follows:

(a) Acute diarrhoea is usually due to dietetic indiscretion, food poisoning, infection such as bacillary dysentery, or an exacerbation in one of the causes of chronic diarrhoea.

(b) Chronic diarrhoea occurs:

(1) After operations such as gastrectomy and vagotomy,

(2) From lesions of the small intestine such as regional ileitis and the malabsorption syndromes,

(3) In diseases of the colon, such as carcinoma, diverticulitis, amoebiasis and ulcerative colitis.

Apart from alimentary disorders such as the above, chronic diarrhoea may be due to general causes, such as thyrotoxicosis or anxiety neurosis.

Composition: Calcarea phosphorica 3x, Ferrum phosphoricum 3x, Kalium phosphoricum 3x, Kalium sulphuricum 3x and Natrum sulphuricum 3x in equal proportion.

Proven indication of the ingredients within the claimed sphere of action:

Calcarea phosphorica: It is indicated for diarrhoea from juicy fruits and during dentition, green, slimy, hot, sputtering undigested with fetid flatus.

Ferrum phosphoricum: It is a drug for the early stages of inflammation and the febrile condition and is also indicated for watery stool, which may have blood or undigested food or both. It covers the first stage of dysentery with blood.

Kalium phosphoricum: It is a drug for mental and physical exhaustion and covers well diarrhoea with foul, putrid odour occasionally by fright, depression or exhaustion. Pathogenesis covers diarrhoea while eating, stool may be rice water in colour or may contain blood.

Kalium sulphuricum: It is indicated in yellow slimy diarrhoea, colicky pain, and the abdomen feels cold to touch, bloated and tense.

Natrum sulphuricum: It is indicated for watery yellow stools, flatulence, stool passes involuntary when passing flatus, and burning in the abdomen and anus. It covers well hyperacidity, duodenal catarrh, vomiting of bile etc. which are at times associated with diarrhoea.

Contra-indication: None. It can be used along with other medicines and measures. Dosage: As usual. Presentation: As usual.

Alcohol: There is no reported safety concern if it is taken with alcohol.

Pregnancy: It is safe to take during pregnancy.

Driving: It is safe to use during driving.

Breastfeeding/Lactation: It can be used while breastfeeding.

Kidney: There is no known contraindication with kidney diseases.

Liver: It is safe for the liver.

Sugar: It does not affect blood sugar levels.

Immunity: It will not affect the immunity of an individual.

High blood pressure/Hypertension: It is safe to use in patients with hypertension.

Low blood pressure: It will not lower the blood pressure.

Heart: It does not contain any ingredient which will affect the heart.

Mentally retarded: There is no known contraindication with mentally retarded persons.

Post covid impacts: There is no known contraindication with post covid impacts.

Diarrhea: It is a remedy for diarrhea.

Gastric: There are no known effects on the gastrointestinal system.

Empty stomach: It is preferably to be taken after a meal.

Skin allergy: There is no skin allergy when using Biocombination No.08. 

Habit: It is not a habit-forming product.

Overdose: In case of overdose, drink lots of water or consult a physician.

Storage: It has to be stored in a cool dark place, away from sunlight and strong-smelling substances.

Temperature: The temperature should be 25 degrees centigrade.


Biocombination No.08 is the combination of five biochemic medicines such as Calcarea phosphorica, Ferrum phosphoricum, Kali sulphuricum, Kali phosphoricum, and Natrum sulphuricum. It is indicated in cases of diarrhea and indigestion.

Yes, it is suitable for children.

It has to be taken as long as the symptoms are better or otherwise as prescribed by the physician.

Yes, it is safe to take Biocombination No.08.

No, it does not cause dryness in the mouth.

Biocombination No.08 is a medicine formulated for the treatment of diarrhea and stool with undigested food, and increased thirst caused by fatty or rich foods. Calcarea phosphorica is indicated in diarrhea from juicy fruits, during dentition and the stool is greenish, slimy, hot, and sputtering with undigested food with fetid flatus. Ferrum phosphoricum is indicated in the early stages of inflammation and fevers with diarrhea of watery stools, with blood and undigested food, or both. It is an excellent remedy for dysentery with blood. Kali phosphoricum is the medicine for diarrhea with a foul, putrid odor and it covers mental and physical exhaustion and depression caused by fright. Kali sulphuricum is useful in case of diarrhea which is yellow and slimy with colicky pain, and the abdomen feels cold to the touch, bloated and tense. Natrum sulphuricum is indicated in watery yellow stools, flatulence, and involuntary stools with burning in the abdomen and anus.

It has to be taken as internal medicine. It should be given as 4 tablets for adults, and 2 tablets for children, at a time, four times a day at intervals of three hours, or as prescribed by the physician.

Biocombination No.08 is prepared from a combination of biochemic medicines such as Calcarea phosphorica, Ferrum phosphoricum, Kali phosphoricum, Kali sulphuricum, and Natrum sulphuricum. Calcarea phosphorica is indicated in diarrhea from juicy fruits, cider, and during dentition. The stool is green, slimy, hot, sputtering, and undigested with fetid flatus. It is indicated in the fistula in ano, alternating with chest symptoms. Ferrum phosphoricum is indicated in the first stage of peritonitis, stools watery, bloody undigested, and the first stage of dysentery with blood. Kali phosphoricum is a remedy for diarrhea which is a foul, putrid odor, caused by fright, depression, and exhaustion, aggravated by eating, and dysentery stools consisting of pure blood. The stools have the appearance of rice water, and the patient becomes delirious. Kali sulphuricum is indicated in slimy diarrhea, yellow stools, the abdomen feeling cold to the touch, and colicky pains. Natrum sulphuricum is a remedy for diarrhea yellow, watery stools, and loose morning stools worse after a spell of wet weather. The stools are involuntary when passing flatus and burning in the abdomen and anus.

No side effects have been reported so far.

It is not a problem if you skip a few doses, but don’t take double doses.

Holarrhena antidysenterica 1X, Magnesium phosphoricum Pentarkan, Alpha-DP, Quercus robur 1X.

Each tablet of Biocombination No.08 contains Calcarea phosphorica 3X 20mg, Ferrum phosphoricum 3X 20mg, Kali phosphoricum 3X 20mg, Kali sulphuricum 3X 20mg and Natrum sulphuricum 3X 20mg.

Manufactured in India by Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd. A-36, Sector-60, Uttar Pradesh, Noida – 201304.

Country of Origin: India.

Registered office Address: Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd. H-36, Green Park Extension, New Delhi, Pin: 110016.

Expiry: 5 years for the date of manufacturing.


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