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Dr Willmar Schwabe India Biocombination No. 13

115.00 94.30


Leucorrhoea • Collaterally prescribed for abnormal vaginal discharges as a supportive remedy.

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20 g, 25 g, 550 g

Package Name



Indications: All forms of leucorrhoea during puberty, pregnancy and in the climacteric; in states of general weakness and hysteria.


It is a common and often a distressing vaginal condition associated with a fishy smelling, white thick, creamy, sometimes curd like or a thin watery offensive discharge and an abnormal vaginal flora. Such a condition may be due to bacterial infection (bacterial vaginosis, anaerobic vaginosis), trachoma, UTI infection, or non-specific leucorrhoea due to poor health, bad hygiene condition or due to calcium deficiency. Discharge may be associated with serious conditions like endometritis, salpingitis, which are ascending infection through the cervix & uterus and long-term complication include infertility.

Leucorrhoea has been studied in detail in homoeopathy and the literature has differentiated like acrid, corroding, burning, albuminous slimy mucous, blackish, bland, bloody, brown, flesh coloured, greenish, gushing, itching, lumpy, milk like, offensive, painful, painless, profuse painless, purulent, staining yellow, thick, thin watery or viscid stringy and tough. It could just be a temporary normal phenomenon due to excitement or overindulgence in intercourse. The differentiation between normal and pathological condition should be done to manage the case appropriately.

The situation tends to be neglected because normally it is not associated with any severe pain or fever. It is partly also due to poor knowledge of physiology of growing females about hygiene. Most of the patients complain backache and weakness in the legs.

Composition: Calcarea phosphorica 3x, Kalium phosphoricum 3x, Kalium sulphuricum 3x and Natrum muriaticum 3x in equal proportion.

Proven indication of the ingredients within the claimed sphere of action:

Calcarea phosphorica: Itis indicated for calcium deficiency, excessive watery vaginal discharge with pain, pressure and weakness in uterine region. Leucorrhoea is like a white egg.

Kalium phosphoricum: Itis basically a drug for symptoms arising out of excitement, overwork and worry leading to mental, and physical depression. Menses are too late or too scanty. The females are irritable and sensitive. In the event the discharge is profuse, it is thin watery and non-coagulating.

Kalium sulphuricum: Itis deep acting medicine for inflammations associated with yellow mucous and serous discharges, profuse or intermittent. It covers pain in the back and limbs.

Natrum muriaticum: Itis another deep-acting medicine for acrid, watery leucorrhoea, bearing down pain, pain in the back with a desire for some firm support, and arms, legs, and knees feel weak.

Contra-indication: Nil. It is safe for pregnant ladies. It does not interface with the menstrual cycle or flow or the hormonal balance. Dosage: Adults 4 tablets, at a time, four times a day at intervals of three hours. Presentation: Tablets of 100 mg in bottles of 20g.

Alcohol: There is no reported safety concern if it is taken with alcohol.

Pregnancy: It is safe to take during pregnancy.

Driving: It is safe to use during driving.

Breastfeeding/Lactation: It can be used while breastfeeding.

Kidney: There is no known contraindication with kidney diseases.

Sugar: It does not affect blood sugar levels.

Immunity: It will not affect the immunity of an individual.

Liver: It is safe for the liver.

High blood pressure/Hypertension: It is safe to use in patients with hypertension.

Low blood pressure: It will not lower the blood pressure.

Heart: It does not contain any ingredient which will affect the heart.

Mentally retarded: There is no known contraindication with mentally retarded persons.

Post covid impacts: There is no known contraindication with post covid impacts.

Diarrhea: It will not cause any diarrhea.

Gastric: There are no known effects on the gastrointestinal system.

Empty stomach: It is preferably to be taken after a meal.

Skin allergy: There is no skin allergy when using Biocombination No.13. 

Habit: It is not a habit-forming product.

Overdose: In case of overdose, drinks lots of water or consult a physician.

Storage: It has to be stored in a cool dark place, away from sunlight and strong-smelling substances.

Temperature: The temperature should be 25 degrees centigrade.

Biocombination No.13 is the homeopathic preparation prepared from the combination of biochemic medicines such as Calcarea phosphorica, Kali phosphoricum, Kali sulphuricum, and Natrum muriaticum. It helps to maintain healthy discharges before and after menstruation,during puberty, pregnancy, and in the climacteric period. It is also a remedy for general weakness and hysteria.

No, it is not suitable for children.

It has to be taken as long as the symptoms are better or till the improvement sets in or otherwise as prescribed by the physician.

Yes, it is safe to take Biocombination No.13.

No, it does not cause dryness in the mouth.

Biocombination No.13 is useful in maintaining the healthy discharges per vagina during puberty, pregnancy, and in the climacteric period. It is also used in states of general weakness and hysteria. Calcarea phosphorica is indicated for calcium deficiency, excessive watery discharge with pain, pressure, and weakness in the uterine region. The leucorrhoea is like the white of an egg. Kali phosphoricum is basically a drug for complaints arising out of excitement, overwork and worry leading to mental, physical depression. The menses is too late or too scanty, profuse discharge, thin watery and non-coagulating, mentally irritable and sensitive. Kali sulphuricum is a deep acting remedy for inflammations associated with yellow mucus and serous discharges, profuse and intermittent. Natrum muriaticum is another deep acting medicine for acrid, watery leucorrhoea, bearing down pain, pain in back with desire for firm support.

It should be taken as 4 tablets for adults, at a time, four times a day at intervals of three hours or as prescribed by the physician.

Biocombination No.13 is the combination of important homeopathic medicines such as Calcarea phosphorica, Kali phosphoricum, Kali sulphuricum, and Natrum muriaticum. Calcarea phosphorica is indicated in female complaints like menses too early, excessive and bright in girls, sexual excitement during lactation, nymphomania with aching, pressing or weakness in uterine region, after prolonged nursing, leucorrhoea like white of an egg, worse morning and prolapsus in debilitated persons. Kali phosphoricum is indicated in late menses, scanty with a feeling of weight in the abdomen and metrorrhagia and the leucorrhoea is a yellow discharge. Kali phosphoricum is indicated in too late or too scanty menstruation, in pale irritable, sensitive lachrymose females, profuse discharge, deep red, thin and non-coagulating. Natrum muriaticum is a remedy for irregular menstruation, profuseness, dryness of the vagina, leucorrhoea acrid and watery, bearing down pains that worse in the morning, prolapse of the uterus, ineffectual labor pains, and suppressed menses.

No side effects have been reported so far.

It is not a problem if you skip a few doses, but don’t take double doses.

Klimaktolan, Orchitinum CH, Calcarea phosphorica, Silicea, Helonias dioica.

Each tablet of Biocombination No.13 contains Calcarea phosphorica 3X 25mg, Kali sulphuricum 3X25mg, Kali phosphoricum 3X 25mg, and Natrum muriaticum 3X 25mg.

Manufactured in India by Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd. A-36, Sector-60, Uttar Pradesh, Noida – 201304.

Country of Origin: India.

Registered office Address: Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd. H-36, Green Park Extension, New Delhi, Pin: 110016.

Expiry: 5 years for the date of manufacturing.


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Leucorrhoea • Collaterally prescribed for abnormal vaginal discharges as a supportive remedy.

Additional information


20 g, 25 g, 550 g

Package Name



Indications: All forms of leucorrhoea during puberty, pregnancy and in the climacteric; in states of general weakness and hysteria.


It is a common and often a distressing vaginal condition associated with a fishy smelling, white thick, creamy, sometimes curd like or a thin watery offensive discharge and an abnormal vaginal flora. Such a condition may be due to bacterial infection (bacterial vaginosis, anaerobic vaginosis), trachoma, UTI infection, or non-specific leucorrhoea due to poor health, bad hygiene condition or due to calcium deficiency. Discharge may be associated with serious conditions like endometritis, salpingitis, which are ascending infection through the cervix & uterus and long-term complication include infertility.

Leucorrhoea has been studied in detail in homoeopathy and the literature has differentiated like acrid, corroding, burning, albuminous slimy mucous, blackish, bland, bloody, brown, flesh coloured, greenish, gushing, itching, lumpy, milk like, offensive, painful, painless, profuse painless, purulent, staining yellow, thick, thin watery or viscid stringy and tough. It could just be a temporary normal phenomenon due to excitement or overindulgence in intercourse. The differentiation between normal and pathological condition should be done to manage the case appropriately.

The situation tends to be neglected because normally it is not associated with any severe pain or fever. It is partly also due to poor knowledge of physiology of growing females about hygiene. Most of the patients complain backache and weakness in the legs.

Composition: Calcarea phosphorica 3x, Kalium phosphoricum 3x, Kalium sulphuricum 3x and Natrum muriaticum 3x in equal proportion.

Proven indication of the ingredients within the claimed sphere of action:

Calcarea phosphorica: Itis indicated for calcium deficiency, excessive watery vaginal discharge with pain, pressure and weakness in uterine region. Leucorrhoea is like a white egg.

Kalium phosphoricum: Itis basically a drug for symptoms arising out of excitement, overwork and worry leading to mental, and physical depression. Menses are too late or too scanty. The females are irritable and sensitive. In the event the discharge is profuse, it is thin watery and non-coagulating.

Kalium sulphuricum: Itis deep acting medicine for inflammations associated with yellow mucous and serous discharges, profuse or intermittent. It covers pain in the back and limbs.

Natrum muriaticum: Itis another deep-acting medicine for acrid, watery leucorrhoea, bearing down pain, pain in the back with a desire for some firm support, and arms, legs, and knees feel weak.

Contra-indication: Nil. It is safe for pregnant ladies. It does not interface with the menstrual cycle or flow or the hormonal balance. Dosage: Adults 4 tablets, at a time, four times a day at intervals of three hours. Presentation: Tablets of 100 mg in bottles of 20g.

Alcohol: There is no reported safety concern if it is taken with alcohol.

Pregnancy: It is safe to take during pregnancy.

Driving: It is safe to use during driving.

Breastfeeding/Lactation: It can be used while breastfeeding.

Kidney: There is no known contraindication with kidney diseases.

Sugar: It does not affect blood sugar levels.

Immunity: It will not affect the immunity of an individual.

Liver: It is safe for the liver.

High blood pressure/Hypertension: It is safe to use in patients with hypertension.

Low blood pressure: It will not lower the blood pressure.

Heart: It does not contain any ingredient which will affect the heart.

Mentally retarded: There is no known contraindication with mentally retarded persons.

Post covid impacts: There is no known contraindication with post covid impacts.

Diarrhea: It will not cause any diarrhea.

Gastric: There are no known effects on the gastrointestinal system.

Empty stomach: It is preferably to be taken after a meal.

Skin allergy: There is no skin allergy when using Biocombination No.13. 

Habit: It is not a habit-forming product.

Overdose: In case of overdose, drinks lots of water or consult a physician.

Storage: It has to be stored in a cool dark place, away from sunlight and strong-smelling substances.

Temperature: The temperature should be 25 degrees centigrade.

Biocombination No.13 is the homeopathic preparation prepared from the combination of biochemic medicines such as Calcarea phosphorica, Kali phosphoricum, Kali sulphuricum, and Natrum muriaticum. It helps to maintain healthy discharges before and after menstruation,during puberty, pregnancy, and in the climacteric period. It is also a remedy for general weakness and hysteria.

No, it is not suitable for children.

It has to be taken as long as the symptoms are better or till the improvement sets in or otherwise as prescribed by the physician.

Yes, it is safe to take Biocombination No.13.

No, it does not cause dryness in the mouth.

Biocombination No.13 is useful in maintaining the healthy discharges per vagina during puberty, pregnancy, and in the climacteric period. It is also used in states of general weakness and hysteria. Calcarea phosphorica is indicated for calcium deficiency, excessive watery discharge with pain, pressure, and weakness in the uterine region. The leucorrhoea is like the white of an egg. Kali phosphoricum is basically a drug for complaints arising out of excitement, overwork and worry leading to mental, physical depression. The menses is too late or too scanty, profuse discharge, thin watery and non-coagulating, mentally irritable and sensitive. Kali sulphuricum is a deep acting remedy for inflammations associated with yellow mucus and serous discharges, profuse and intermittent. Natrum muriaticum is another deep acting medicine for acrid, watery leucorrhoea, bearing down pain, pain in back with desire for firm support.

It should be taken as 4 tablets for adults, at a time, four times a day at intervals of three hours or as prescribed by the physician.

Biocombination No.13 is the combination of important homeopathic medicines such as Calcarea phosphorica, Kali phosphoricum, Kali sulphuricum, and Natrum muriaticum. Calcarea phosphorica is indicated in female complaints like menses too early, excessive and bright in girls, sexual excitement during lactation, nymphomania with aching, pressing or weakness in uterine region, after prolonged nursing, leucorrhoea like white of an egg, worse morning and prolapsus in debilitated persons. Kali phosphoricum is indicated in late menses, scanty with a feeling of weight in the abdomen and metrorrhagia and the leucorrhoea is a yellow discharge. Kali phosphoricum is indicated in too late or too scanty menstruation, in pale irritable, sensitive lachrymose females, profuse discharge, deep red, thin and non-coagulating. Natrum muriaticum is a remedy for irregular menstruation, profuseness, dryness of the vagina, leucorrhoea acrid and watery, bearing down pains that worse in the morning, prolapse of the uterus, ineffectual labor pains, and suppressed menses.

No side effects have been reported so far.

It is not a problem if you skip a few doses, but don’t take double doses.

Klimaktolan, Orchitinum CH, Calcarea phosphorica, Silicea, Helonias dioica.

Each tablet of Biocombination No.13 contains Calcarea phosphorica 3X 25mg, Kali sulphuricum 3X25mg, Kali phosphoricum 3X 25mg, and Natrum muriaticum 3X 25mg.

Manufactured in India by Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd. A-36, Sector-60, Uttar Pradesh, Noida – 201304.

Country of Origin: India.

Registered office Address: Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd. H-36, Green Park Extension, New Delhi, Pin: 110016.

Expiry: 5 years for the date of manufacturing.


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