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Dr Willmar Schwabe India Calcarea sulphurica

(2 customer reviews)

115.00 94.30

Eczema, skin eruptions & pimples

Calcarea sulphurica is a homeopathic medicine of great use in conditions of the skin such as eczema, eruptions, boils, etc. It is also a very useful remedy for diarrhea caused by a change in weather. It acts as a blood purifier and is hence of use in infections especially those that involve pus formation and other infective discharges. These conditions are often accompanied by inflammation and thick yellowish green discharges. It is also a very helpful remedy in case of liver troubles. It is a tissue remedy (Schuessler’s salt or biochemic remedy). It is useful in chronic conditions with a sensitivity towards both heat and cold. 

What is Calcarea sulphurica? 

Calcarea sulphurica homeopathy is a medicine prepared from the elements calcium and sulphur or rather from the sulphate of lime commonly known as gypsum. It is of use in conditions where there is pus formation especially after they have found a vent to spread outwards. These discharges may also be thick and lumpy. It is a good remedy for growths of the skin making it helpful in cases of lupus, eczema, fibroids, tumors and ulcers. Its red line symptom is that it is helpful in conditions of the skin that discharge pus and take too long to heal. 

What are the main spheres of action of this remedy? 

Calcarea sulphurica benefits include the following: 

  • Head: There is scalding present on the scalp with a yellow and purulent discharge. There may also be crusting on the head. 
  • Eyes: Eyes appear thick and inflamed. It can have green sticky discharge over and around it making it a very useful remedy in cases of ophthalmic conditions of infants and neonates. There is a thick and yellow discharge from the eyes. 
  • Respiratory: There is cold with discharge of greenish yellow color. It may also be stained with blood sometimes. Discharge from the nose may be one sided. Discharges may be so excoriating that the edges of the nose become sore. It is also of use in case of tonsillitis that has greenish yellow discharges. Throat conditions with ulcerative nature or those accompanied by abscesses are better by this remedy. There may be discharge of thick yellow matter from the throat signifying a severe infection. Cough is accompanied by purulent expectoration. Sputum is thick, lumpy and pus like. Respiratory conditions are often accompanied by fever. 
  • Gastric: The tongue appears large and flabby almost like it was made of clay. There may be a thick and yellow discoloration at the base of the tongue. The insides of lips feel sore and bruised.  It is helpful in complaints of the liver with pain in the right side of the abdomen. These conditions are often accompanied by nausea and weakness. When there is diarrhea, it also has pus in it. Stools may also be mixed with blood. They may appear to be slimy too. It is a helpful remedy for anal fistulas and abscesses around the rectum. Diarrhea is often brought on by consuming sweet or sugary foods or by a change in the weather. 
  • Female Reproductive System: It is a good remedy for late menses which last too long. Menses with headache and great weakness of the whole body are often helped by this remedy. 
  • Extremities: There is a sensation of burning of the soles of feet. 
  • Skin: Since skin is a major realm of action for this remedy it is of great use in injuries to the skin such as cuts and bruises. It is helpful in case of unhealthy wounds that get infected easily or take too long to heal. All these skin conditions discharge a greenish yellow material and may have yellowish scabs on them. 

What Dosage is to be taken of Calcarea sulphurica? 

Unless otherwise recommended by your physician, Calcarea sulphurica dosage is usually two times a day. Adults can take up to four tablets in a day while children can take up to two in a day.  

Does Calcarea sulphurica have any side effects? 

No, it does not have any known side effects or complications but if you suffer from any chronic health issues then it is best to consult your physician before taking this remedy. 

To conclude, it is a remedy of use in suppurative conditions. It is very useful for complaints that are made worse by overheating such as in the sun, in a warm room, wearing warm clothes and from exercise. There is great bodily weakness and discharge of yellowish green pus from wounds or skin lesions. It is also a useful remedy for colds and coughs that are worse in stuffy closed rooms. It is a good remedy for acne and blemishes of the skin caused by acne. It acts with a cleansing mechanism and helps the body get rid of impurities form the blood.

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12x 25 g, 200x 25 g, 30x 25g, 3x 25 g, 6x 25 g, 3x 550 g, 6x 20 g, 12x 20 g, 200x 550 g, 30x 20 g, 6x 550 g, 3x 20 g, 12x 550 g, 30x 550 g, 200x 20 g

Package Name


Alcohol: There is no reported safety concern if it is taken with alcohol.

Pregnancy: It is safe to take during pregnancy.

Driving: It is safe to use during driving.

Breastfeeding/Lactation: It can be used while breastfeeding/lactation.

Kidney: There is no known contraindication with kidney diseases.

Liver: It is safe for the liver.

High blood pressure/Hypertension: It is safe to use in patients with hypertension.

Low blood pressure: It will not lower the blood pressure.

Heart: It does not contain any ingredient which will affect the heart.

Mentally retarded: There is no known contraindication with mentally retarded persons.

Post covid impacts: There is no known contraindication with post covid impacts.

Diarrhea: It will not cause any diarrhea.

Gastric: There are no known effects on the gastrointestinal system.

Empty stomach: It is preferably to be taken after a meal.

Skin allergy: There is no skin allergy when using Calcarea sulphurica. 

Habit: It is not a habit-forming product.

Overdose: In case of overdose, drink lots of water or consult a physician.

Storage: It has to be stored in a cool dark place, away from sunlight and strong-smelling substances.

Temperature: The temperature should be 25 degrees centigrade.

Calcarea sulphurica is a homeopathic medicine prepared from Calcium sulphate which is a highly useful remedy for skin complaints, digestive troubles, deficiencies, other infective discharges, liver troubles, scurvy, eczema, pimples, and sensitivity to cold and heat.

Yes, it is suitable for children.

It has to be taken as long as the symptoms are better or improvement sets in or otherwise as prescribed by the physician.

Yes, it is safe to take Calcarea sulphurica.

No, it does not cause any dryness in the mouth.

Calcarea sulphurica is useful in cases of skin diseases such as eczema, eruptions, boils, etc. It is also a very useful remedy for diarrhea caused by changes in weather. It acts as a blood purifier and helps in treating infections that involve pus formation. The discharges are thick yellowish green. It is indicated in liver troubles and chronic conditions with sensitivity towards both heat and cold. It is also a remedy for fevers resulting from chronic infections.

Unless otherwise prescribed by the physician, it has to be taken as 1-2 tablets three times a day, in acute cases 2 tablets every hour for a day, and children should be given 1 tablet every hour. This is followed by 1 tablet three times a day for improvement of the symptoms.

Calcarea sulphurica is indicated in eczema, glandular swellings, cystic tumours, fibroids, suppurative processes, and lupus vulgaris. The mucous discharges are yellow, thick, and lumpy. The head is covered with purulent discharges or yellow purulent crusts. The eyes are inflamed with thick, yellow discharges, smoky cornea, and ophthalmia neonatorum. It is indicated in deafness with discharge from the middle ear sometimes mixed with blood, cold with thick yellowish purulent discharge tinged with blood, pimples, and pustules on the face, tongue flabby with sour acrid taste, throat ulcerated with the discharge of yellow matter and suppurating stage of tonsillitis. The abdomen is painful, especially in the liver region, and right side of the pelvis, followed by weakness and nausea.

It is an excellent remedy for diarrhea which is purulent, mixed with blood, occurring after maple sugar, or changes of weather, pus-like slimy discharge from the bowels, and painful abscesses about the anus. The cough with purulent and sanious sputum with hectic fever, empyema, pus in the lungs, and catarrh with thick, lumpy, white-yellow, or pus-like expectoration calls for this remedy. It is indicated in hectic fevers caused by pus formation, cuts, wounds, bruises, unhealthy skin discharging pus, yellow purulent crusts, purulent exudations in the skin, skin affections with yellowish scabs, and dry eczema in children.

No side effects have been reported so far.

It is not a problem if you skip a few doses, but avoid taking double doses.

Ferrum phosphoricum, Bio combination No.13, Bio combination No.09, and Bio combination No.10

It contains Calcarea sulphurica in varied potencies 3X, 6X, 12X, 30X and 200X according to the packaging.

Manufactured in India by Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd. A-36, Sector-60, Uttar Pradesh, Noida – 201304.

Country of Origin: India.

Registered office Address: Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd. H-36, Green Park Extension, New Delhi, Pin: 110016.

Expiry: 5 years for the date of manufacturing.

2 reviews for Dr Willmar Schwabe India Calcarea sulphurica

  1. Avatar

    Kl Makheeja


    eczema problem
    best medicin

  2. Avatar

    Saurabh Singh

    Very good & effective.

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Calcarea sulphurica is a homeopathic medicine of great use in conditions of the skin such as eczema, eruptions, boils, etc. It is also a very useful remedy for diarrhea caused by a change in weather. It acts as a blood purifier and is hence of use in infections especially those that involve pus formation and other infective discharges. These conditions are often accompanied by inflammation and thick yellowish green discharges. It is also a very helpful remedy in case of liver troubles. It is a tissue remedy (Schuessler’s salt or biochemic remedy). It is useful in chronic conditions with a sensitivity towards both heat and cold. 

What is Calcarea sulphurica? 

Calcarea sulphurica homeopathy is a medicine prepared from the elements calcium and sulphur or rather from the sulphate of lime commonly known as gypsum. It is of use in conditions where there is pus formation especially after they have found a vent to spread outwards. These discharges may also be thick and lumpy. It is a good remedy for growths of the skin making it helpful in cases of lupus, eczema, fibroids, tumors and ulcers. Its red line symptom is that it is helpful in conditions of the skin that discharge pus and take too long to heal. 

What are the main spheres of action of this remedy? 

Calcarea sulphurica benefits include the following: 

  • Head: There is scalding present on the scalp with a yellow and purulent discharge. There may also be crusting on the head. 
  • Eyes: Eyes appear thick and inflamed. It can have green sticky discharge over and around it making it a very useful remedy in cases of ophthalmic conditions of infants and neonates. There is a thick and yellow discharge from the eyes. 
  • Respiratory: There is cold with discharge of greenish yellow color. It may also be stained with blood sometimes. Discharge from the nose may be one sided. Discharges may be so excoriating that the edges of the nose become sore. It is also of use in case of tonsillitis that has greenish yellow discharges. Throat conditions with ulcerative nature or those accompanied by abscesses are better by this remedy. There may be discharge of thick yellow matter from the throat signifying a severe infection. Cough is accompanied by purulent expectoration. Sputum is thick, lumpy and pus like. Respiratory conditions are often accompanied by fever. 
  • Gastric: The tongue appears large and flabby almost like it was made of clay. There may be a thick and yellow discoloration at the base of the tongue. The insides of lips feel sore and bruised.  It is helpful in complaints of the liver with pain in the right side of the abdomen. These conditions are often accompanied by nausea and weakness. When there is diarrhea, it also has pus in it. Stools may also be mixed with blood. They may appear to be slimy too. It is a helpful remedy for anal fistulas and abscesses around the rectum. Diarrhea is often brought on by consuming sweet or sugary foods or by a change in the weather. 
  • Female Reproductive System: It is a good remedy for late menses which last too long. Menses with headache and great weakness of the whole body are often helped by this remedy. 
  • Extremities: There is a sensation of burning of the soles of feet. 
  • Skin: Since skin is a major realm of action for this remedy it is of great use in injuries to the skin such as cuts and bruises. It is helpful in case of unhealthy wounds that get infected easily or take too long to heal. All these skin conditions discharge a greenish yellow material and may have yellowish scabs on them. 

What Dosage is to be taken of Calcarea sulphurica? 

Unless otherwise recommended by your physician, Calcarea sulphurica dosage is usually two times a day. Adults can take up to four tablets in a day while children can take up to two in a day.  

Does Calcarea sulphurica have any side effects? 

No, it does not have any known side effects or complications but if you suffer from any chronic health issues then it is best to consult your physician before taking this remedy. 

To conclude, it is a remedy of use in suppurative conditions. It is very useful for complaints that are made worse by overheating such as in the sun, in a warm room, wearing warm clothes and from exercise. There is great bodily weakness and discharge of yellowish green pus from wounds or skin lesions. It is also a useful remedy for colds and coughs that are worse in stuffy closed rooms. It is a good remedy for acne and blemishes of the skin caused by acne. It acts with a cleansing mechanism and helps the body get rid of impurities form the blood.

Additional information


12x 25 g, 200x 25 g, 30x 25g, 3x 25 g, 6x 25 g, 3x 550 g, 6x 20 g, 12x 20 g, 200x 550 g, 30x 20 g, 6x 550 g, 3x 20 g, 12x 550 g, 30x 550 g, 200x 20 g

Package Name


Alcohol: There is no reported safety concern if it is taken with alcohol.

Pregnancy: It is safe to take during pregnancy.

Driving: It is safe to use during driving.

Breastfeeding/Lactation: It can be used while breastfeeding/lactation.

Kidney: There is no known contraindication with kidney diseases.

Liver: It is safe for the liver.

High blood pressure/Hypertension: It is safe to use in patients with hypertension.

Low blood pressure: It will not lower the blood pressure.

Heart: It does not contain any ingredient which will affect the heart.

Mentally retarded: There is no known contraindication with mentally retarded persons.

Post covid impacts: There is no known contraindication with post covid impacts.

Diarrhea: It will not cause any diarrhea.

Gastric: There are no known effects on the gastrointestinal system.

Empty stomach: It is preferably to be taken after a meal.

Skin allergy: There is no skin allergy when using Calcarea sulphurica. 

Habit: It is not a habit-forming product.

Overdose: In case of overdose, drink lots of water or consult a physician.

Storage: It has to be stored in a cool dark place, away from sunlight and strong-smelling substances.

Temperature: The temperature should be 25 degrees centigrade.

Calcarea sulphurica is a homeopathic medicine prepared from Calcium sulphate which is a highly useful remedy for skin complaints, digestive troubles, deficiencies, other infective discharges, liver troubles, scurvy, eczema, pimples, and sensitivity to cold and heat.

Yes, it is suitable for children.

It has to be taken as long as the symptoms are better or improvement sets in or otherwise as prescribed by the physician.

Yes, it is safe to take Calcarea sulphurica.

No, it does not cause any dryness in the mouth.

Calcarea sulphurica is useful in cases of skin diseases such as eczema, eruptions, boils, etc. It is also a very useful remedy for diarrhea caused by changes in weather. It acts as a blood purifier and helps in treating infections that involve pus formation. The discharges are thick yellowish green. It is indicated in liver troubles and chronic conditions with sensitivity towards both heat and cold. It is also a remedy for fevers resulting from chronic infections.

Unless otherwise prescribed by the physician, it has to be taken as 1-2 tablets three times a day, in acute cases 2 tablets every hour for a day, and children should be given 1 tablet every hour. This is followed by 1 tablet three times a day for improvement of the symptoms.

Calcarea sulphurica is indicated in eczema, glandular swellings, cystic tumours, fibroids, suppurative processes, and lupus vulgaris. The mucous discharges are yellow, thick, and lumpy. The head is covered with purulent discharges or yellow purulent crusts. The eyes are inflamed with thick, yellow discharges, smoky cornea, and ophthalmia neonatorum. It is indicated in deafness with discharge from the middle ear sometimes mixed with blood, cold with thick yellowish purulent discharge tinged with blood, pimples, and pustules on the face, tongue flabby with sour acrid taste, throat ulcerated with the discharge of yellow matter and suppurating stage of tonsillitis. The abdomen is painful, especially in the liver region, and right side of the pelvis, followed by weakness and nausea.

It is an excellent remedy for diarrhea which is purulent, mixed with blood, occurring after maple sugar, or changes of weather, pus-like slimy discharge from the bowels, and painful abscesses about the anus. The cough with purulent and sanious sputum with hectic fever, empyema, pus in the lungs, and catarrh with thick, lumpy, white-yellow, or pus-like expectoration calls for this remedy. It is indicated in hectic fevers caused by pus formation, cuts, wounds, bruises, unhealthy skin discharging pus, yellow purulent crusts, purulent exudations in the skin, skin affections with yellowish scabs, and dry eczema in children.

No side effects have been reported so far.

It is not a problem if you skip a few doses, but avoid taking double doses.

Ferrum phosphoricum, Bio combination No.13, Bio combination No.09, and Bio combination No.10

It contains Calcarea sulphurica in varied potencies 3X, 6X, 12X, 30X and 200X according to the packaging.

Manufactured in India by Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd. A-36, Sector-60, Uttar Pradesh, Noida – 201304.

Country of Origin: India.

Registered office Address: Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd. H-36, Green Park Extension, New Delhi, Pin: 110016.

Expiry: 5 years for the date of manufacturing.

2 reviews for Dr Willmar Schwabe India Calcarea sulphurica

  1. Avatar

    Kl Makheeja


    eczema problem
    best medicin

  2. Avatar

    Saurabh Singh

    Very good & effective.

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