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Myths and Facts of Painful Menstruation!

We give periods many unwanted names such as ‘crimson wave’ or ‘that time of the month’ that mystify and hide the natural process through which women go through every month. However, understanding this is a female process is extremely important!!. For some, it may be smooth, but for many, it may be troublesome with excessive bleeding, pain, etc. Dysmenorrhoea is the term used for painful menstruation. People resort to homeopathic medicine for painful menstruation.

5 Myths of Painful Menstruation

1. PMS is all in the head

Periods are characterised by a variety of symptoms that usually begin a week or two before menstruation. The symptoms include acne, headaches, bloating, weight gain, food cravings, mood swings, depression, anxiety and breast tenderness.

2. You shouldn’t exercise during your period

Some women feel that exercising before and during their periods can improve their mood and reduce their cramps whereas some just prefer sitting in bed.

3. Tampons can get lost in the vagina

Nothing can get ‘lost’ in your vagina. The average vagina is 3-4 inches long and the cervix is the opening at the other end. But the cervix is too small to get tampons stuck. However by any chance, it gets stuck, a doctor or a nurse can help.

Also Read Painful Menstruation: Causes, Symptoms and Relief

4. You are supposed to get your periods by a certain age

This is a very common myth but the fact is that there is no normal age for a first period and girls usually typically begin menstruating anywhere between 9 and 15 years old. But if there is no sign of your period by the time you are 15, it is important to visit a doctor.

5. Menstrual blood is different from regular blood

Blood is blood. People believe that menstrual blood is dirty but there is no such thing. The only difference that exists is that the colour and thickness may change depending on the day of the cycle as well as the hormone level.

4 Facts of Painful Menstruation

1. Too much bleeding

For women facing heavy bleeding that goes on past 7 days may mean that something is wrong, For many women and teens, this can be regulated through birth control but you should visit a doctor to find the exact reason.

Also Read How Homeopathic Medicines Help to Get Relief from painful menstruation?

2. Your period shouldn’t stop you from living life normally

If your pain or bleeding disrupts your normal life, then you should seek medical help. It may be as easy as regulating birth control or changing your lifestyle to make your periods more manageable.

3. When your mom started menopause matters for you

The age at which your mother began menopause is the best indicator of when you will start.

4. You can get pregnant during your period

Many women see their period as a safe time to have unprotected intercourse but it is very much a possibility while menstruating. However, using safe intercourse habits can help prevent unwanted STDs and pregnancies.


However, there is good homeopathic medicine for painful menstruation. Medicines such as Magnesium Phosporicum Pentarkan, Biocombination No 5, and Agnus Castus Pentarkan have proved to be effective solutions for painful menstruation and associated problems.

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