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Fight Diabetes With These 5 Natural Remedies!

Millions of people with diabetes are dealing with health problems every single day. If diabetes is not given due attention, it might lead to blindness, kidney disease, infections, heart disease, blood vessel damage, etc. There is an entire list of home and homeopathic medicines for diabetes including changes in food styles and blood sugar levels. Having a pill for every illness is the path that we follow for most lifestyle diseases.


Having a pill for every illness is a common step we take for most lifestyle details. We tend to completely ignore the fact that nature and homeopathy offer some of the best medicines. We try to eliminate the causes of the disease rather than just controlling problems and symptoms with medicines that come with innumerable side effects. Here are a few natural ways to fight diabetes –

1. Basil leaves

Basil leaves can lower blood sugar levels. They contain potent antioxidants that relieve oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is what compounds problems in diabetics.

2. Drumstick leaves

The fiber content in the drumstick leaves increases satiety and slows the breakdown of the food. This is a very effective remedy to combat diabetes.

Also Read Treating Diabetes With Homeopathic Medicines?

3. Consume real food rather than processed food

Real foods such as fruits, fish, vegetables, meat, seeds, and nuts will help you to avoid refined carbohydrates, fats, and added sugar all of which are responsible for unhealthy weight gain and increases the risk of diabetes.

4. Meditation

Meditation reduces insulin resistance in our bodies. Stress hormones intensify insulin and glucose production. Reducing these through meditation helps to balance glucose and insulin in the blood. This also helps to normalize metabolic syndrome and diabetes.

5. Homeopathic medicine for diabetes

There are many effective homeopathic medicines for diabetes such as Biocombination 07, Abroma Augusta, SYZYGIUM JAMBOLANUM MT, etc. These have given considerable results if not in eradicating but in managing the illness.

While these 5 remedies for diabetes for some, they might not be effective for each and every person suffering from diabetes as our body types are different.

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