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Dr Willmar Schwabe India Alpha-SH

(4 customer reviews)

210.00 172.20

Sinus Headache

For Sinus Headache and sinusitis

• Opens & drains the sinuses

• Relieves dull frontal headache over the eyes

• Controls the infection and septic process

• Hastens recovery and prevents recurrences.

Presentation: 20 g bottle

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20 g

Package Name


Homeopathy Medicine for Sinus Headache Homeopathic Medicine for Synus Headache Problems in All Homeopathy Medicine for draining the sinuses Homeopathic Medicine for Sinus Headache

For use of a registered medical practitioner or a hospital or a laboratory. ALPHA  SH INTRODUCTION

Nasal cavities are lined by a mucous membrane opening into the nasal cavity. During inhalation very often the inhaled air is contaminated by pollutants and pathogenic microorganisms. It can affect the sinuses.

Headache is a common symptom of congested or infected sinuses. Alpha-SH covers a range of causes like infection, inflammation, suppuration, and excretion and helps to heal.

The five ingredients in their totality act very successfully on the different complaints in sinus conditions, such as inflammations of the maxillary and frontal sinuses. In this way, the typical symptoms of inflammations of the sinus of the nose, i.e. dull headache, stupor, watering eyes, but also nerve pains in the face, can quickly and lastingly be improved. Cinnabaris acts specially in the initial stage of the disease. The components Hydrastis, Kali bichromicum and Baryta muriatica on the other hand influence mainly the subacute and chronic processes, as they are frequently observed in protracted sinus conditions. It reduces the swelling of the mucosa and through this makes breathing through the nose easier. It also causes a reduction in the secretions and that way contributes to a reduction of the sensation of pressure in the head. Echinacea contributes to a general increase in the body’s defences. It stimulates the convalescence in febrile infections and reduces generally the frequency of recurrences.

Composition :

Each tablet of 250 mg contains:

Baryta muriatica 3x 25 mg

Cinnabaris 3x 25 mg

Hydrastis Canadensis 3x 25 mg

Kalium bichromicum 3x 25 mg

Echinacea angustifolia 1x 25 mg

Excipients Q.S. to make 250 mg

Indications: Sinus headache, acute or chronic sinusitis.

Proven indications of the individual ingredients in the sphere of claimed action :

Baryta muriatica: facilitates removal of mucus. It covers earache that may be present as a consequence of infected sinuses headache and heaviness, vertigo, and patients like to breathe through the mouth. It also covers sore throat and enlarged tonsils.

Cinnabaris: It acts on congestive headaches due to sinusitis and other congestions of the head. It covers pain at the root of the nose, extending on each side over the eyes, violent fluent coryza with the secretion of burning mucus, lumps of dirty yellow mucus discharged from the posterior nares, dryness of mouth and throat must rinse the mouth frequently.

Hydrastis canadensis: It covers frontal headache, thick, tenacious mucus which runs from posterior nares, coryza watery and excoriating, burning, smarting and rawness in nose, discharge is scanty inside rooms and profuse outdoors. It acts on aphthae and ulcers of the buccal cavity and chronic catarrh of the upper respiratory tract.

Kali bichromicum: It acts on chronic sinusitis, chronic rhinitis, ozaena, nasal ulcers and tonsillitis. It covers periodic headaches above the root of the nose, above the eyes and in the sinuses with tough, greenish-yellow stringy mucus, which blows from the nose with a fetid smell. Constant hawking, coryza with obstruction of the nose and inability to breathe through nose. Violent sneezing, septum ulcerated, the inflammation extends to frontal sinuses.

Echinacea angustifolia: Dull frontal headache especially over the eyes. Stuffiness of nostrils, with mucus in nares and pharynx. Full feeling of nose obliged to blow nose, but it does not relieve. The rawness of the right nostril and soreness, when picking causes hemorrhage. Mucus foul smelling, septic processes and lymphadenitis are well covered by this ingredient.

Dosage: Unless otherwise prescribed by the physician, 1-2 tablets every hour in acute conditions. As the symptoms improve, 1-2 tablets every 3 hours. Children are to receive half the adult dose. If complaints are not relieved, consult a specialist.

Side effects: No side effects of Alpha-SH are known.

Contra-indications: No contra-indications for the use of Alpha – SH are known.

Interactions: No interactions between Alpha-SH and other products are known.

Presentation: 40 tablets in blister pack of 4×10


Manufactured in India by:

Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd.

A-36, Sector-60, Phase III, Noida, U.P. India.


A subsidiary of Schwabe International GmbH, Germany


Alcohol: There is no reported safety concern if it is taken with alcohol. Pregnancy: It is safe to take Alpha-SH during pregnancy. Breastfeeding/Lactation: It can be taken during breastfeeding. Driving: It is safe to take Alpha-SH during driving or riding. Kidney: There is no known contraindication with kidney diseases. Liver: It has no effects on the liver. Sugar: It has no adverse effects on blood sugar levels. Immunity: It will not affect the Immunity of an individual. High blood pressure: It can be used safely in hypertensive patients. Low blood pressure: It will not lower the blood pressure. Heart: It does not contain any ingredient which will affect the heart. Mentally retarded: There is no known contraindication with mentally retarded persons. Post covid impacts: There is no known contraindication with post covid impacts. Diarrhoea: It will not cause any diarrhoea. Gastric: There are no known effects on the gastrointestinal system. Empty stomach: It is preferably to be taken after a meal. Skin Allergy: There are no known skin allergies after taking Alpha-SH. However, if an individual is sensitive to any of the ingredients, better to avoid this. Habit: It is not a habit-forming product. Overdose: In case of overdose, drink lots of water or consult a physician. Storage: The medicine should be stored in a cool dark place, away from sunlight and strong-smelling substances. Temperature: The temperature for the storage is 25 degrees centigrade.

Dosage: Unless otherwise prescribed by the physician, 1-2 tablets every hour in acute conditions. As the symptoms improve, 1-2 tablets every 3 hours. Children are to receive half the adult dose. If complaints are not relieved, consult a specialist. Side effects: No side effects of Alpha-SH are known. Contra-indications: No contra-indications for the use of Alpha-SH are known. Interactions: No interactions between Alpha-SH and other products are known.

Alpha-SH is the homoeopathic preparation which is indicated for sinus headaches, nasal congestion and other nasal complaints. It contains the active ingredients like Hydrastis canadensis, Baryta muriaticum, Cinnabaris, Echinacea angustifolia and Kali bichromicum. Alpha-SH covers a range of causes like infection, inflammation, suppuration, excretion and helps healing.

Yes, it is suitable for all ages.

It should be taken regularly as long as the symptoms are relieved or better, or as prescribed by the physician.

Yes, it is safe to take Alpha-SH.

It will not cause any dryness in the mouth.

Alpha-SH is used in the treatment of sinus complaints like sinus headache, and inflammation of maxillary and frontal sinuses. It covers infection, inflammation, suppuration, and excretion and helps to heal. It helps in alleviating sub-acute and chronic conditions of sinusitis. It can relieve the tension in the head by reducing the pressure in the head. It will also increase the body’s defence against infections and reduce the frequency of attacks. It opens and drains the sinuses. It relieves dull headaches in the eyes.

It is to be taken as 1- 2 tablets every hour in acute conditions and as the symptoms subside, the tablets have to be taken every three hours or as prescribed by the physician. The children should be given half of the dose.

Alpha-SH is prepared from five important homeopathic remedies which are Baryta muriaticum, Cinnabaris, Hydrastis Canadensis, Kali bichromicum and Echinacea Angustifolia. Baryta muriaticum facilitates the expectoration of mucous. It also covers the pain in the ears resulting from sinus headaches. There is the sensation of heaviness, and vertigo and the person have to breathe through the mouth. It is also indicated in sore throat and enlarged tonsils. Cinnabaris is effective in congestive headaches due to sinusitis and other congestions of the head. It covers the pain at the root of the nose, extending on each side over the eyes with violent fluent coryza with the secretion of excoriating discharge. The expectoration is dirty, yellow mucus discharged from posterior nares with dryness of mouth and throat.

Hydrastis Canadensis is indicated in frontal headache with thick tenacious mucus from posterior nares. The coryza is watery, excoriating, burning, smarting and rawness of nose. The discharge is scanty inside the room and provides outdoors. Kali bichromicum acts well on chronic sinusitis, chronic rhinitis, ozaena, nasal ulcers and tonsillitis. It covers periodic headaches above the root of the nose, above the eyes and in the sinuses. The discharge is tough, greenish-yellow and stringy which is discharged with a fetid smell. There is constant hawking, coryza with obstruction of the nose and inability to breathe through the nose. The septum is ulcerated and inflammation extends to the frontal sinuses.

Echinacea Angustifolia covers dull headaches especially over the eyes with the stuffiness of nostrils with mucus in the nares and pharynx. The nose is stuffed and obliged to blow the nose with the rawness of the right nostril and soreness and bleeding when picking the nose. The mucus is foul-smelling. It prevents further sepsis and frequency of attacks.

There are no side effects reported so far.

No precautions are necessary.

It is not a problem if you skip a few doses, but don’t take double doses.

Alpha-NC, Alpha-RC, Nisikind, Rinikind, Biocombination No.06.

Each tablet of Alpha-SH contains Baryta muriaticum 3X 25mg, Cinnabaris 3X 25mg, Hydrastis canadensis 3X 25mg, Kali bichromicum 3X 25mg, Echinacea angustifolia 1X 25mg, Excipients Q.S.

Manufactured in India by Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd. A-36, Sector-60, Uttar Pradesh, Noida – 201304. Country of Origin: India. Registered office Address: Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd. H-36, Green Park Extension, New Delhi, Pin: 110016. Expiry: 5 years for the date of manufacturing.

4 reviews for Dr Willmar Schwabe India Alpha-SH

  1. Avatar

    Suhani roy


    this medicine was quite effective.

  2. Avatar

    Arunabha Banerjee (verified owner)

    A real releif

    Had been suffering from sinus headaches for past 15 yrs and Alpha SH has always been my best bet. When nothing works Homeopathy does! Its a fact

  3. Avatar

    Arunabha Banerjee (verified owner)

    It really works wonders

    Alpha SH has been my saviour for Sinusitis and associated headachaces for past 15 yrs. Trust me it has worked everytime. Always have a pack of Alpha SH in my backpack

  4. Avatar


    Alpha sh

    real releif

    Had been suffering from sinus headaches for past 15 yrs and Alpha SH has always been my best bet. When nothing works Homeopathy does! Its a fact

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For Sinus Headache and sinusitis

• Opens & drains the sinuses

• Relieves dull frontal headache over the eyes

• Controls the infection and septic process

• Hastens recovery and prevents recurrences.

Presentation: 20 g bottle

Additional information


20 g

Package Name


Homeopathy Medicine for Sinus Headache Homeopathic Medicine for Synus Headache Problems in All Homeopathy Medicine for draining the sinuses Homeopathic Medicine for Sinus Headache

For use of a registered medical practitioner or a hospital or a laboratory. ALPHA  SH INTRODUCTION

Nasal cavities are lined by a mucous membrane opening into the nasal cavity. During inhalation very often the inhaled air is contaminated by pollutants and pathogenic microorganisms. It can affect the sinuses.

Headache is a common symptom of congested or infected sinuses. Alpha-SH covers a range of causes like infection, inflammation, suppuration, and excretion and helps to heal.

The five ingredients in their totality act very successfully on the different complaints in sinus conditions, such as inflammations of the maxillary and frontal sinuses. In this way, the typical symptoms of inflammations of the sinus of the nose, i.e. dull headache, stupor, watering eyes, but also nerve pains in the face, can quickly and lastingly be improved. Cinnabaris acts specially in the initial stage of the disease. The components Hydrastis, Kali bichromicum and Baryta muriatica on the other hand influence mainly the subacute and chronic processes, as they are frequently observed in protracted sinus conditions. It reduces the swelling of the mucosa and through this makes breathing through the nose easier. It also causes a reduction in the secretions and that way contributes to a reduction of the sensation of pressure in the head. Echinacea contributes to a general increase in the body’s defences. It stimulates the convalescence in febrile infections and reduces generally the frequency of recurrences.

Composition :

Each tablet of 250 mg contains:

Baryta muriatica 3x 25 mg

Cinnabaris 3x 25 mg

Hydrastis Canadensis 3x 25 mg

Kalium bichromicum 3x 25 mg

Echinacea angustifolia 1x 25 mg

Excipients Q.S. to make 250 mg

Indications: Sinus headache, acute or chronic sinusitis.

Proven indications of the individual ingredients in the sphere of claimed action :

Baryta muriatica: facilitates removal of mucus. It covers earache that may be present as a consequence of infected sinuses headache and heaviness, vertigo, and patients like to breathe through the mouth. It also covers sore throat and enlarged tonsils.

Cinnabaris: It acts on congestive headaches due to sinusitis and other congestions of the head. It covers pain at the root of the nose, extending on each side over the eyes, violent fluent coryza with the secretion of burning mucus, lumps of dirty yellow mucus discharged from the posterior nares, dryness of mouth and throat must rinse the mouth frequently.

Hydrastis canadensis: It covers frontal headache, thick, tenacious mucus which runs from posterior nares, coryza watery and excoriating, burning, smarting and rawness in nose, discharge is scanty inside rooms and profuse outdoors. It acts on aphthae and ulcers of the buccal cavity and chronic catarrh of the upper respiratory tract.

Kali bichromicum: It acts on chronic sinusitis, chronic rhinitis, ozaena, nasal ulcers and tonsillitis. It covers periodic headaches above the root of the nose, above the eyes and in the sinuses with tough, greenish-yellow stringy mucus, which blows from the nose with a fetid smell. Constant hawking, coryza with obstruction of the nose and inability to breathe through nose. Violent sneezing, septum ulcerated, the inflammation extends to frontal sinuses.

Echinacea angustifolia: Dull frontal headache especially over the eyes. Stuffiness of nostrils, with mucus in nares and pharynx. Full feeling of nose obliged to blow nose, but it does not relieve. The rawness of the right nostril and soreness, when picking causes hemorrhage. Mucus foul smelling, septic processes and lymphadenitis are well covered by this ingredient.

Dosage: Unless otherwise prescribed by the physician, 1-2 tablets every hour in acute conditions. As the symptoms improve, 1-2 tablets every 3 hours. Children are to receive half the adult dose. If complaints are not relieved, consult a specialist.

Side effects: No side effects of Alpha-SH are known.

Contra-indications: No contra-indications for the use of Alpha – SH are known.

Interactions: No interactions between Alpha-SH and other products are known.

Presentation: 40 tablets in blister pack of 4×10


Manufactured in India by:

Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd.

A-36, Sector-60, Phase III, Noida, U.P. India.


A subsidiary of Schwabe International GmbH, Germany


Alcohol: There is no reported safety concern if it is taken with alcohol. Pregnancy: It is safe to take Alpha-SH during pregnancy. Breastfeeding/Lactation: It can be taken during breastfeeding. Driving: It is safe to take Alpha-SH during driving or riding. Kidney: There is no known contraindication with kidney diseases. Liver: It has no effects on the liver. Sugar: It has no adverse effects on blood sugar levels. Immunity: It will not affect the Immunity of an individual. High blood pressure: It can be used safely in hypertensive patients. Low blood pressure: It will not lower the blood pressure. Heart: It does not contain any ingredient which will affect the heart. Mentally retarded: There is no known contraindication with mentally retarded persons. Post covid impacts: There is no known contraindication with post covid impacts. Diarrhoea: It will not cause any diarrhoea. Gastric: There are no known effects on the gastrointestinal system. Empty stomach: It is preferably to be taken after a meal. Skin Allergy: There are no known skin allergies after taking Alpha-SH. However, if an individual is sensitive to any of the ingredients, better to avoid this. Habit: It is not a habit-forming product. Overdose: In case of overdose, drink lots of water or consult a physician. Storage: The medicine should be stored in a cool dark place, away from sunlight and strong-smelling substances. Temperature: The temperature for the storage is 25 degrees centigrade.

Dosage: Unless otherwise prescribed by the physician, 1-2 tablets every hour in acute conditions. As the symptoms improve, 1-2 tablets every 3 hours. Children are to receive half the adult dose. If complaints are not relieved, consult a specialist. Side effects: No side effects of Alpha-SH are known. Contra-indications: No contra-indications for the use of Alpha-SH are known. Interactions: No interactions between Alpha-SH and other products are known.

Alpha-SH is the homoeopathic preparation which is indicated for sinus headaches, nasal congestion and other nasal complaints. It contains the active ingredients like Hydrastis canadensis, Baryta muriaticum, Cinnabaris, Echinacea angustifolia and Kali bichromicum. Alpha-SH covers a range of causes like infection, inflammation, suppuration, excretion and helps healing.

Yes, it is suitable for all ages.

It should be taken regularly as long as the symptoms are relieved or better, or as prescribed by the physician.

Yes, it is safe to take Alpha-SH.

It will not cause any dryness in the mouth.

Alpha-SH is used in the treatment of sinus complaints like sinus headache, and inflammation of maxillary and frontal sinuses. It covers infection, inflammation, suppuration, and excretion and helps to heal. It helps in alleviating sub-acute and chronic conditions of sinusitis. It can relieve the tension in the head by reducing the pressure in the head. It will also increase the body’s defence against infections and reduce the frequency of attacks. It opens and drains the sinuses. It relieves dull headaches in the eyes.

It is to be taken as 1- 2 tablets every hour in acute conditions and as the symptoms subside, the tablets have to be taken every three hours or as prescribed by the physician. The children should be given half of the dose.

Alpha-SH is prepared from five important homeopathic remedies which are Baryta muriaticum, Cinnabaris, Hydrastis Canadensis, Kali bichromicum and Echinacea Angustifolia. Baryta muriaticum facilitates the expectoration of mucous. It also covers the pain in the ears resulting from sinus headaches. There is the sensation of heaviness, and vertigo and the person have to breathe through the mouth. It is also indicated in sore throat and enlarged tonsils. Cinnabaris is effective in congestive headaches due to sinusitis and other congestions of the head. It covers the pain at the root of the nose, extending on each side over the eyes with violent fluent coryza with the secretion of excoriating discharge. The expectoration is dirty, yellow mucus discharged from posterior nares with dryness of mouth and throat.

Hydrastis Canadensis is indicated in frontal headache with thick tenacious mucus from posterior nares. The coryza is watery, excoriating, burning, smarting and rawness of nose. The discharge is scanty inside the room and provides outdoors. Kali bichromicum acts well on chronic sinusitis, chronic rhinitis, ozaena, nasal ulcers and tonsillitis. It covers periodic headaches above the root of the nose, above the eyes and in the sinuses. The discharge is tough, greenish-yellow and stringy which is discharged with a fetid smell. There is constant hawking, coryza with obstruction of the nose and inability to breathe through the nose. The septum is ulcerated and inflammation extends to the frontal sinuses.

Echinacea Angustifolia covers dull headaches especially over the eyes with the stuffiness of nostrils with mucus in the nares and pharynx. The nose is stuffed and obliged to blow the nose with the rawness of the right nostril and soreness and bleeding when picking the nose. The mucus is foul-smelling. It prevents further sepsis and frequency of attacks.

There are no side effects reported so far.

No precautions are necessary.

It is not a problem if you skip a few doses, but don’t take double doses.

Alpha-NC, Alpha-RC, Nisikind, Rinikind, Biocombination No.06.

Each tablet of Alpha-SH contains Baryta muriaticum 3X 25mg, Cinnabaris 3X 25mg, Hydrastis canadensis 3X 25mg, Kali bichromicum 3X 25mg, Echinacea angustifolia 1X 25mg, Excipients Q.S.

Manufactured in India by Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd. A-36, Sector-60, Uttar Pradesh, Noida – 201304. Country of Origin: India. Registered office Address: Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd. H-36, Green Park Extension, New Delhi, Pin: 110016. Expiry: 5 years for the date of manufacturing.

4 reviews for Dr Willmar Schwabe India Alpha-SH

  1. Avatar

    Suhani roy


    this medicine was quite effective.

  2. Avatar

    Arunabha Banerjee (verified owner)

    A real releif

    Had been suffering from sinus headaches for past 15 yrs and Alpha SH has always been my best bet. When nothing works Homeopathy does! Its a fact

  3. Avatar

    Arunabha Banerjee (verified owner)

    It really works wonders

    Alpha SH has been my saviour for Sinusitis and associated headachaces for past 15 yrs. Trust me it has worked everytime. Always have a pack of Alpha SH in my backpack

  4. Avatar


    Alpha sh

    real releif

    Had been suffering from sinus headaches for past 15 yrs and Alpha SH has always been my best bet. When nothing works Homeopathy does! Its a fact

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