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Watery discharge or dry

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The glands in the vagina and cervix secrete a healthy discharge to keep the parts clean and moist. This fluid carries bacteria and dead cells out of the body thus help in the prevention of infections. The healthy discharge is mostly clear fluid, it can also be sticky and have a thicker texture or it may be milky with a subtle scent (not an unpleasant or foul one). The quantity and characteristics of discharge may vary from woman to woman. The changes in the discharge may be noticed during monthly menstrual cycles.

The normal discharge will not soak a pad or panty liner. However, an unusual change in the smell, color, or texture of the discharge indicates an ongoing infection. Irritation in the vaginal or valvular region, pain, or itching may accompany the discharge.

The characteristics of the discharge may be stretchy and wet during the ovulation period i.e. approximately between days 11 and 21 of the menstrual cycle. The body produces more mucus during this stage time. Discharge is often white or cloudy, due to raised levels of the progesterone just before the periods. And immediately after a period, characteristic brownish discharge with fishy odor may be noticed, because of the remnants of blood in the vagina.

Watery discharge: A woman is likely to have more vaginal discharge if they are pregnant, taking birth control pills, suffering from UTI.

Potential infections that may cause watery discharge may include: Bacterial vaginosis, candida, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, gonorrhea or, genital herpes

Vaginal dryness: The dryness in the vagina can be experienced by a woman of any age group but most commonly affecting the woman in their menopausal and post-menopausal age. The main cause of dryness is thought to be the declining levels of estrogen. Estrogen is the hormone secreted in the female body to keep the lining of the vagina lubricated, thick, and elastic. Tenderness and irritation may be experienced due to dryness. The dryness can also lead to bacterial or yeast infections in the vaginal region.

It is very important to be on the lookout for any unusual discharge through the vagina during pregnancy.

  • l Be aware of any changes in smell, color, or texture of the discharge,
  • l Pain or irritation in the vaginal area along with the discharge
  • l Pruritus or soreness in the vaginal area

If a woman suspects any unusual discharge or dryness along with the mentioned symptoms, they should seek prompt medical treatment.

  • l Hygiene tips include:
  • l Keep the area clean and maintain vaginal hygiene,
  • l Regularly changing the underwear
  • l Avoiding any fecal contamination by wiping from front to back.
  • l Although the given measures may help, they cannot annihilate an infection.

Consult a doctor if there is more discharge than normally appears,

  • l The smell, color, or texture of the discharge is unusual,
  • l The vaginal area is itchy, tender or sore,
  • l Bleeding occurs between periods or after intercourse
  • l Pain or burning sensation while urinating, pain in the pelvic region or lower back, pain in the area between the abdomen and the thighs


Homeopathy is the most ideal form of medication that helps you to deal with the symptoms and complications of vaginal infection. Homeopathic treatment has proven to be effective in treating any kind of women’s health-related ailments, including ailments during pregnancy, morning sickness, headaches, digestive ailments, muscle aches and any other discomforts which are commonly faced by women. The usage of Homeopathic medicines by women of any age group is completely safe. Pregnant women can also use homeopathic medications during the gestational period as it uses small amounts of active ingredients. These active ingredients enhance the natural abilities of the human body to heal and cause overall improvement. Also, when compared to the other conventional treatment plans, Homeopathy has proven innocuous with no side effects. It is non-addictive, hence harmless.