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Cold syrup are medications used by people suffering from the common cold, cough, or conditions related to lungs. Cough syrups contain codeine, dextromethorphan, etc that have many side effects, which causes breathlessness, anxiety, sleepiness, loss of coordination, etc.


There are many medicines used for cold and cough. Cough syrup have different compositions, so they are divided into different classes. For example:

  • Mucolytics, which are used in the clearing of mucus from the respiratory passage, trachea.
  • Expectorants are the products which make expectoration or mucus loose and easily evacuate out from the mouth clearing the passage.
  • Antihistamines, mainly used in cases for allergic rhinitis, may cause sedation to some extent and due to it, symptoms like sneezing, runny nose get reduced.
  • Decongestants which make the person feel better in congestion in nose and sinusitis.

Adverse Effects

Cold syrup can cause nausea and vomiting, along with drowsiness, sleepiness, etc. If it is given in large quantity or for long duration, it can cause hallucination (condition in which person experience things that don’t exist in the world), involuntary jaw, tongue and eye movement.

Homeopathic Treatment

    1. Getting cold sometime may be good, since the body’s natural immune reaction to the cold microorganisms is sometimes a healthy response. Hence not every cold needs to be treated. Homeopathy has particular affinity in treatment of cough and cold but treatment varies from person to person as homeopathy follow every patient as new patient with different sufferings. There are some medicines frequently used in cold and cough are given below:
    2. ACONITUM NAPELLUS: Aconite is useful when the symptoms come suddenly and goes suddenly. If the symptoms of cold appear in the first 24 hours after being exposed to dry cold weather. During cough, throat is dry, hoarse, croupy cough, which get increased at night and after midnight. Along with cough, a patient has dry mouth, difficulty in breathing and little expectoration.
    3. ALLIUM CEPA: This remedy is very effective in cases of colds when the person has a profuse and acrid nasal discharge which get triggered after getting in a warm room and better in open air and a bland discharge from eyes(tears). The acrid nasal discharge corrodes the nasal opening and causes irritation and pain. Discharge from eyes causes redness and itching with continuous rubbing.
    4. ARSENICUM ALBUM: The person has acrid discharge and burning that irritates the nasal cavity and upper lip. A patient is very chilly and easily catches cold after exposure to drafts of cold air. Throat is very dry with They also have dryness of mouth with great thirst but drinks a little at a time.
    5. BRYONIA ALBA: This is prescribed when the person has dry cold and cough in which no discharge is coming out from nose with pain over forehead. Pain is dull and stitching pain on top of head while sneezing. The person has dry mouth with great thirst, for cold drinks.
    6. CALCAREA CARBONICA: Physically, patient is fair, fatty and flabby. A patient is highly sensitive to change of weather, especially to cold and catches cold easily. Desire for sweets and indigestible things like sand, clay, lead, etc. The person perspire a lot especially over the head. Character of cough is thick, yellow discharge from the nose with rattling sound on breathing.
    7. EUPHRASIA: Profuse, acrid lachrymation (tears) from the eyes and a bland nasal discharge is the characteristic symptom of Euphrasia. The eyes get reddened due to acrid discharge from eyes with burning. All the eye symptoms get worse in the open air and nasal discharge feel better while lying down, at night, and in windy weather.
    8. FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM: This remedy is mostly used in cold associated with bleeding from the nose and general weakness.
    9. GELSEMIUM: Gelsemium has prescribed in cold with watery nasal discharge, sneezing, and sensation of fullness at the root of the nose is present. Cold may be associated with a fever, general weakness and body aches.
    10. HEPAR SULPHURIS: This medicine is indicated who suffered from even slight exposure to cold air. The person is easily affected by cold and the nasal cavity become sore and painful. Discharge when suffered from cold is thick and yellow.
    11. KALI BICHROMICUM: Kali bichrome has characteristic discharge of yellow, stringy, and ropy. Discharge experienced in the throat, instead from nose with pain at the root of the nose, worse by the open air, exposure to cold and better by applying pressure on the affected part. The person constantly trying to clear the nose.
    12. NATRUM MURIATICUM: Nat. mur. have a special action in curing tendency to catch cold easily. The person has a history of grief, maybe because of disappointed love, death, etc. They experience frequent sneezing and a profuse watery discharge from the nose and eyes, and a loss of taste and smell. When the disease changes to chronic state, the nasal discharge turns from watery to thick, white mucus which increases in the morning.
    13. NUX VOMICA: It is used when a patient gives history of over-eating of rich foods or after prolonged mental or emotional stress. The nose alternately got blocked, especially at night with discharge running down the nose usually in daytime.
    14. PULSATILLA: Pulsatilla is the remedy which is commonly used either in acute or chronic colds. Discharges are thick, yellowish-green and a bland which is characteristic feature of Pulsatilla. The person has nasal blockage which get worse at night, on lying down, in warm room, while get better in open air which causes difficult breathing. Pulsatilla as a person is highly emotional, and get easily affected by others with weep easily after slight emotion that get better after sympathizing by others.

Specific cough syrups like Alpha-Coff and Tussistin are available to effectively manage cough. Alpha-Coff sooths and provides relief from cough and related respiratory infections. It suits well in both acute as well as chronic respiratory infections. Tussistin is useful for dry hard and productive cough especially in children. It is indicated in irritative cough and tickling in larynx.


A cough with phlegm can be a good thing as it clears all the foreign particles from your airways. Cough syrup can be used to manage cough which have side effects. In Homoeopathy, without any side effects and suppression of symptoms, treatment can be done with cure in its whole extent with complete relief.