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Dr Willmar Schwabe India Tussistin

(6 customer reviews)

105.00 86.10

For spasmodic cough, pain due to cough, acute and chronic bronchitis, fever and as an expectorant

For the relief of cough and pain due to cough

• Useful for dry hard cough, cough due to cold, accumulation of tough mucus in bronchi and larynx

• It covers dry and spasmodic, irritative cough and tickling in larynx

• Used in cases of bronchitis in old and feeble person

• It is also indicated in mild forms of cough from walking in cold air, morning and night, taking deep breath, etc.

Presentation:  Bottle of 100ml.

Additional information

Package Name

Syrup in bottle


100 ml

homeopathic medicine for cough and cold in children,

homeopathic medicine for cough and cold,

homeopathic medicine for cough cold,

homeopathic medicine for cough in child



Cough is a reflex to keep the throat and airways clear. However, excessive coughing may mean underlying disease or disorder. Cough can be either acute or chronic. Acute cough begins suddenly and usually last no more than 2 to 3 weeks. Acute cough is most often associated with cold?or?flu. Cough may be dry, loose and spasmodic. Dry cough is due to affections of the throat, laryngitis and bronchitis. Some times it could be of nervous origin. Loose cough is seen in the expectoration stage of bronchitis. Spasmodic cough can be due to allergic disorders or seen in whooping cough. TussistinCough Syrup is formulated to cover different types of coughs. The homoeopathic remedies included in the product are proven for its effectiveness in the treatment of cough and pain due to cough. These help liquefaction of tenacious bronchial secretions, promoting expectoration and lowering of fever.

Clinical observation of Tussistin

Tussistin is successful for many years for cough where the acute narcotic effect of an antitussive-agent is not desired. Corresponding experiments exist in favour of Tussistin. It combines all the other qualities which are required for an antitussive and expectorant with free of side effect. Particularly, this product has proved itself in the bronchitis associated with influenza and cold. It is especially suited in the infants and children.

Indications: Spasmodic cough, pain due to cough, acute and chronic bronchitis, fever and as an expectorant


Each 100ml contains:

Antimonium sulphuratum aureum 5x 0.5ml

Bryonia alba 2x 0.5ml

Drosera rotundifolia 2x 0.5ml

Eucalyptus globulus 2x 0.5ml

Ipecacuanha 3x 0.5ml

Excipients Q.S. to make 100ml

Alcohol content 3%v/v

Proven indications of the individual ingredients in the sphere of claimed action:

Antimonium sulphuratum aureum: It is useful for dry hard cough, winter cough, accumulation of tough mucus in bronchi and larynx, increased mucus sputum, mixed with blood and of sweetish taste, and congestion of upper lobe of the lung.

Bryonia alba: It acts on pharyngolaryngitis and dry bronchitis. It covers cough mostly dry, excited by a tickling in the throat, must sit up; stitches in chest and expectoration of rust coloured sputa sometimes with vomiting; worse after eating or drinking. It also covers difficult, quick respiration, worse every movement, must support chest.

Drosera rotundifolia: It covers dry but spasmodic irritative cough, tickling in larynx on lying, sensation as if there is a soft body, such as feather in the larynx with dryness or roughness and scraping in the bottom of the gullet, with inclination to cough; hoarseness; cough worse at night and in evening, immediately after lying down and whooping cough worse after midnight. Indicated for bronchitis, bronchial asthma and whooping cough.

Eucalyptus globulus: It is used in cases of bronchitis in old and feeble persons with anaemia. Indicated for bronchorrhoea, irritative cough with thick, white, frothy, offensive mucus; whooping cough in rachitic children and bronchitis and emphysema.

Ipecacuanha: It is indicated in bronchitis, spasmodic cough, dry, shaking with fits of suffocation, stiffness of the body and bluish face. It is excited by a contractive tickling sensation extending from upper part of larynx to lowest part of bronchial tubes. The symptoms aggravate on walking in cold air, on retiring, in morning and at night and on taking a deep breath, cough with retching and vomiting without nausea & rattling noise in the bronchial tubes when drawing breath.

Dosage: Unless otherwise prescribed, 1-2 teaspoon 2-3 times daily. ? teaspoon every 1-3 hours during heavy cough. Children should be given half of the adult dose.

Side effects: No side effects of Tussistin Cough Syrup are known.

Contraindications: No contra-indications for the use of Tussistin Cough Syrup are known.

Interactions: No interactions between Tussistin Cough Syrup and other products are known.

Presentation: Bottle of 100ml

Dosage: Unless otherwise prescribed, 1-2 teaspoon 2-3 times daily.1 teaspoon every 1-3 hours during heavy cough. Children should be given half of the adult dose.

Side effects: No side effects of Tussistin Cough Syrup are known.

Contraindications: No contra-indications for the use of Tussistin Cough Syrup are known.

Interactions: No interactions between Tussistin Cough Syrup and other products are known.

Tussistin is a cough syrup containing Antimonium sulphuratum aureum, Bryonia alba, Drosera rotundifolia, Eucalyptus globulus, and Ipecacuanha. It is a homeopathic preparation formulated especially for the treatment of cough, which may be dry, loose, and spasmodic.

Yes, it is suitable for all ages.

It has to be taken as long as the symptoms are better or otherwise as prescribed by the physician.

Yes, it is safe to take Tussistin.

No, it will not produce such symptoms.

Tussistin is good for treating coughs, and it contains important homeopathic medicines that help relieve coughs and treat mucus buildup in the bronchi and larynx. It is indicated in winter cough, dry cough, bloody sputum, bronchitis, roughness and rawness of the throat, hoarseness, whooping cough, bronchial asthma, tickling sensation in the larynx, and spasmodic cough.

It is to be taken as 1-2 teaspoons of syrup 2-3 times a day and half a teaspoon every three hours during a heavy cough or otherwise as prescribed by the physician.

Tussistin is a homeopathic preparation for the treatment of cough that contains Antimonium sulphuratum aureum, Bryonia alba, Drosera rotundifolia, Eucalyptus globulus, and Ipecacuanha. Antimonium sulphuratum aureum is indicated in acute and chronic nasal and bronchial catarrh, nose-bleed, accumulation of tough mucus in the larynx and bronchi, respiration difficulty, dry hard cough, and passive congestion of the upper lobe of the left lung. The expectoration is mixed with sputum and is sweet in taste. Bryonia alba is indicated for dryness, scraping sensation in the throat, tough mucus in larynx and trachea, soreness in larynx and trachea, hoarseness of voice worse in the open air, dry hacking cough from irritation in upper trachea, cough at night must sit up, cough with vomiting with stitches in chest, expectoration of rust-colored sputum, difficult quick respiration, croupous and pleuro-pneumonia, tough mucus in trachea, warm room excites cough and angina pectoris.
Drosera rotundifolia is a remedy for respiratory complaints especially cough and bronchial troubles. It is the principal remedy for whooping cough. It can break down resistance to tubercle and it is indicated in laryngeal phthisis. Phthisis pulmonum, vomiting of food from coughing with gastric irritation, and profuse expectoration are also covered by this wonderful remedy. The cough is spasmodic, dry, irritative, and whooping with paroxysms following each other, choking can scarcely breathe, very deep, hoarse worse after midnight, yellow expectoration with bleeding from nose and mouth, retching and vomiting, hoarseness of voice, rough scraping sensation deep in the throat, the sensation of crumbs and feather in the larynx, laryngeal phthisis and clergyman’s sore throat. Asthma when talking, difficulty in speech, and harassing and titillating cough in children are also covered by this remedy.
Eucalyptus globulus is an excellent remedy for catarrhal conditions and it acts as a powerful antiseptic, expectorant, and efficient diaphoretic. It is indicated in catarrhal conditions, malaria, influenza, fevers of relapsing character, and typhoid. The nose is stuffed up, watery coryza, chronic catarrh, purulent and fetid discharge, ethmoid and frontal sinus involved, throat burns, constant sensation of phlegm in the throat, enlarged and ulcerated tonsils, asthma with great dyspnoea, expectoration white and thick, bronchitis in the aged, irritative cough, whooping cough and emphysema are the symptoms covered by this remedy.
Ipecacuanha is indicated in dyspnoea, constant constriction of the chest, asthma yearly attacks, shortness of breathing, continued sneezing, coryza, wheezing cough, incessant and violent with every breath, bubbling rales, suffocative cough in children, whooping cough with a nosebleed, croup, hemoptysis from slightest exertion, hoarseness of voice and then complete aphonia.

No side effects are reported so far.

It is not a problem if you skip a few doses, but don’t take double doses.

Alpha-Coff syrup, Eucalyptus globulus MT, Drosera rotundifolia CH, Stodal cough syrup.

Manufactured in India by Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd. A-36, Sector-60, Uttar Pradesh, Noida – 201304.

Country of Origin: India.

Registered office Address: Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd. H-36, Green Park Extension, New Delhi, Pin: 110016.

Expiry: 5 years for the date of manufacturing.

6 reviews for Dr Willmar Schwabe India Tussistin

  1. Avatar

    Sachin deo

    Tussistin Cough Syrup

    Before some days, i have been suffering from dry cough and then i purchased online TUSSISTIN cough syrup from, i got the product delivery on the time and quality of product is really good.

  2. Avatar

    Aditya Gupta

    Helpful for Cough

    I am facing a cough problem for some days and my friend suggested me that I should use Tussistin Syrup to get relief from cough problems. It really worked.

  3. Avatar

    Sonam Dangi

    Fantastic Medicine for Pain in Neck due to Cough

    I have pain in my neck due to cough problem since last 20 days then my friend Dr. Gulati suggested me that I should use Tussistin homeopathic medicine to get relief from cough. It worked, I am feeling relaxed.

  4. Avatar

    Shivani Rai

    Good homeopathic medicine for cough & cold

    My child was suffering from severe cough and cold. Then my neighbor suggested homeopathic medicine for cough and cold and I purchased Tussistin Syrup from I got delivery in 24 hours and my child felt relaxed.

  5. Avatar

    Sarvesh Singh

    Good for Cough

    Generally, my grandmother suffers from cough problems in winter season. My friend advised me to buy homeopathic medicine for cough. I purchased tussistin online from Schwabe India. My grandmother has used this since last 15 days. Now, she is feeling well and got relief from the cough.

  6. Avatar

    satheesan.v s

    Very good for treatment of cough.

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For the relief of cough and pain due to cough

• Useful for dry hard cough, cough due to cold, accumulation of tough mucus in bronchi and larynx

• It covers dry and spasmodic, irritative cough and tickling in larynx

• Used in cases of bronchitis in old and feeble person

• It is also indicated in mild forms of cough from walking in cold air, morning and night, taking deep breath, etc.

Presentation:  Bottle of 100ml.

Additional information

Package Name

Syrup in bottle


100 ml

homeopathic medicine for cough and cold in children,

homeopathic medicine for cough and cold,

homeopathic medicine for cough cold,

homeopathic medicine for cough in child



Cough is a reflex to keep the throat and airways clear. However, excessive coughing may mean underlying disease or disorder. Cough can be either acute or chronic. Acute cough begins suddenly and usually last no more than 2 to 3 weeks. Acute cough is most often associated with cold?or?flu. Cough may be dry, loose and spasmodic. Dry cough is due to affections of the throat, laryngitis and bronchitis. Some times it could be of nervous origin. Loose cough is seen in the expectoration stage of bronchitis. Spasmodic cough can be due to allergic disorders or seen in whooping cough. TussistinCough Syrup is formulated to cover different types of coughs. The homoeopathic remedies included in the product are proven for its effectiveness in the treatment of cough and pain due to cough. These help liquefaction of tenacious bronchial secretions, promoting expectoration and lowering of fever.

Clinical observation of Tussistin

Tussistin is successful for many years for cough where the acute narcotic effect of an antitussive-agent is not desired. Corresponding experiments exist in favour of Tussistin. It combines all the other qualities which are required for an antitussive and expectorant with free of side effect. Particularly, this product has proved itself in the bronchitis associated with influenza and cold. It is especially suited in the infants and children.

Indications: Spasmodic cough, pain due to cough, acute and chronic bronchitis, fever and as an expectorant


Each 100ml contains:

Antimonium sulphuratum aureum 5x 0.5ml

Bryonia alba 2x 0.5ml

Drosera rotundifolia 2x 0.5ml

Eucalyptus globulus 2x 0.5ml

Ipecacuanha 3x 0.5ml

Excipients Q.S. to make 100ml

Alcohol content 3%v/v

Proven indications of the individual ingredients in the sphere of claimed action:

Antimonium sulphuratum aureum: It is useful for dry hard cough, winter cough, accumulation of tough mucus in bronchi and larynx, increased mucus sputum, mixed with blood and of sweetish taste, and congestion of upper lobe of the lung.

Bryonia alba: It acts on pharyngolaryngitis and dry bronchitis. It covers cough mostly dry, excited by a tickling in the throat, must sit up; stitches in chest and expectoration of rust coloured sputa sometimes with vomiting; worse after eating or drinking. It also covers difficult, quick respiration, worse every movement, must support chest.

Drosera rotundifolia: It covers dry but spasmodic irritative cough, tickling in larynx on lying, sensation as if there is a soft body, such as feather in the larynx with dryness or roughness and scraping in the bottom of the gullet, with inclination to cough; hoarseness; cough worse at night and in evening, immediately after lying down and whooping cough worse after midnight. Indicated for bronchitis, bronchial asthma and whooping cough.

Eucalyptus globulus: It is used in cases of bronchitis in old and feeble persons with anaemia. Indicated for bronchorrhoea, irritative cough with thick, white, frothy, offensive mucus; whooping cough in rachitic children and bronchitis and emphysema.

Ipecacuanha: It is indicated in bronchitis, spasmodic cough, dry, shaking with fits of suffocation, stiffness of the body and bluish face. It is excited by a contractive tickling sensation extending from upper part of larynx to lowest part of bronchial tubes. The symptoms aggravate on walking in cold air, on retiring, in morning and at night and on taking a deep breath, cough with retching and vomiting without nausea & rattling noise in the bronchial tubes when drawing breath.

Dosage: Unless otherwise prescribed, 1-2 teaspoon 2-3 times daily. ? teaspoon every 1-3 hours during heavy cough. Children should be given half of the adult dose.

Side effects: No side effects of Tussistin Cough Syrup are known.

Contraindications: No contra-indications for the use of Tussistin Cough Syrup are known.

Interactions: No interactions between Tussistin Cough Syrup and other products are known.

Presentation: Bottle of 100ml

Dosage: Unless otherwise prescribed, 1-2 teaspoon 2-3 times daily.1 teaspoon every 1-3 hours during heavy cough. Children should be given half of the adult dose.

Side effects: No side effects of Tussistin Cough Syrup are known.

Contraindications: No contra-indications for the use of Tussistin Cough Syrup are known.

Interactions: No interactions between Tussistin Cough Syrup and other products are known.

Tussistin is a cough syrup containing Antimonium sulphuratum aureum, Bryonia alba, Drosera rotundifolia, Eucalyptus globulus, and Ipecacuanha. It is a homeopathic preparation formulated especially for the treatment of cough, which may be dry, loose, and spasmodic.

Yes, it is suitable for all ages.

It has to be taken as long as the symptoms are better or otherwise as prescribed by the physician.

Yes, it is safe to take Tussistin.

No, it will not produce such symptoms.

Tussistin is good for treating coughs, and it contains important homeopathic medicines that help relieve coughs and treat mucus buildup in the bronchi and larynx. It is indicated in winter cough, dry cough, bloody sputum, bronchitis, roughness and rawness of the throat, hoarseness, whooping cough, bronchial asthma, tickling sensation in the larynx, and spasmodic cough.

It is to be taken as 1-2 teaspoons of syrup 2-3 times a day and half a teaspoon every three hours during a heavy cough or otherwise as prescribed by the physician.

Tussistin is a homeopathic preparation for the treatment of cough that contains Antimonium sulphuratum aureum, Bryonia alba, Drosera rotundifolia, Eucalyptus globulus, and Ipecacuanha. Antimonium sulphuratum aureum is indicated in acute and chronic nasal and bronchial catarrh, nose-bleed, accumulation of tough mucus in the larynx and bronchi, respiration difficulty, dry hard cough, and passive congestion of the upper lobe of the left lung. The expectoration is mixed with sputum and is sweet in taste. Bryonia alba is indicated for dryness, scraping sensation in the throat, tough mucus in larynx and trachea, soreness in larynx and trachea, hoarseness of voice worse in the open air, dry hacking cough from irritation in upper trachea, cough at night must sit up, cough with vomiting with stitches in chest, expectoration of rust-colored sputum, difficult quick respiration, croupous and pleuro-pneumonia, tough mucus in trachea, warm room excites cough and angina pectoris.
Drosera rotundifolia is a remedy for respiratory complaints especially cough and bronchial troubles. It is the principal remedy for whooping cough. It can break down resistance to tubercle and it is indicated in laryngeal phthisis. Phthisis pulmonum, vomiting of food from coughing with gastric irritation, and profuse expectoration are also covered by this wonderful remedy. The cough is spasmodic, dry, irritative, and whooping with paroxysms following each other, choking can scarcely breathe, very deep, hoarse worse after midnight, yellow expectoration with bleeding from nose and mouth, retching and vomiting, hoarseness of voice, rough scraping sensation deep in the throat, the sensation of crumbs and feather in the larynx, laryngeal phthisis and clergyman’s sore throat. Asthma when talking, difficulty in speech, and harassing and titillating cough in children are also covered by this remedy.
Eucalyptus globulus is an excellent remedy for catarrhal conditions and it acts as a powerful antiseptic, expectorant, and efficient diaphoretic. It is indicated in catarrhal conditions, malaria, influenza, fevers of relapsing character, and typhoid. The nose is stuffed up, watery coryza, chronic catarrh, purulent and fetid discharge, ethmoid and frontal sinus involved, throat burns, constant sensation of phlegm in the throat, enlarged and ulcerated tonsils, asthma with great dyspnoea, expectoration white and thick, bronchitis in the aged, irritative cough, whooping cough and emphysema are the symptoms covered by this remedy.
Ipecacuanha is indicated in dyspnoea, constant constriction of the chest, asthma yearly attacks, shortness of breathing, continued sneezing, coryza, wheezing cough, incessant and violent with every breath, bubbling rales, suffocative cough in children, whooping cough with a nosebleed, croup, hemoptysis from slightest exertion, hoarseness of voice and then complete aphonia.

No side effects are reported so far.

It is not a problem if you skip a few doses, but don’t take double doses.

Alpha-Coff syrup, Eucalyptus globulus MT, Drosera rotundifolia CH, Stodal cough syrup.

Manufactured in India by Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd. A-36, Sector-60, Uttar Pradesh, Noida – 201304.

Country of Origin: India.

Registered office Address: Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd. H-36, Green Park Extension, New Delhi, Pin: 110016.

Expiry: 5 years for the date of manufacturing.

6 reviews for Dr Willmar Schwabe India Tussistin

  1. Avatar

    Sachin deo

    Tussistin Cough Syrup

    Before some days, i have been suffering from dry cough and then i purchased online TUSSISTIN cough syrup from, i got the product delivery on the time and quality of product is really good.

  2. Avatar

    Aditya Gupta

    Helpful for Cough

    I am facing a cough problem for some days and my friend suggested me that I should use Tussistin Syrup to get relief from cough problems. It really worked.

  3. Avatar

    Sonam Dangi

    Fantastic Medicine for Pain in Neck due to Cough

    I have pain in my neck due to cough problem since last 20 days then my friend Dr. Gulati suggested me that I should use Tussistin homeopathic medicine to get relief from cough. It worked, I am feeling relaxed.

  4. Avatar

    Shivani Rai

    Good homeopathic medicine for cough & cold

    My child was suffering from severe cough and cold. Then my neighbor suggested homeopathic medicine for cough and cold and I purchased Tussistin Syrup from I got delivery in 24 hours and my child felt relaxed.

  5. Avatar

    Sarvesh Singh

    Good for Cough

    Generally, my grandmother suffers from cough problems in winter season. My friend advised me to buy homeopathic medicine for cough. I purchased tussistin online from Schwabe India. My grandmother has used this since last 15 days. Now, she is feeling well and got relief from the cough.

  6. Avatar

    satheesan.v s

    Very good for treatment of cough.

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