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Psoriatic arthritis

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Psoriasis is a skin condition with scales, itching, burning, etc. 10-20% of psoriasis patients have arthritis, which is called as psoriatic arthritis. Its symptoms include inflammation, causing pain and stiffness in the joints, swelling around the joints, etc. The frequency of arthritis in psoriatic patients increases with the severity of skin symptoms.

Signs and symptoms

Usually skin symptoms like silver or grey scales in the scalp, elbows, knees, etc. precedes the arthritis. Pain and swelling in one or more joints are associated with pitting of fingernails/toenails. Swelling of fingers/toes gives them a “sausage” appearance.


Physiotherapies like warm-up stretching, hot shower, heat applications or ice application depending on the individual and his physical capabilities may be suggested to reduce the pain and deformities.

Get remedies


Topi MP

Topi Cardiospermum (to manage psoriasis skin symptoms)

Topi Berberis (to manage psoriasis skin symptoms)

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