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Hypertension and homoeopathic medicines for high blood pressure

In modern society it is highly unlikely that a person may be unaware of the condition of high blood pressure. Most of us have someone in our families or friends suffering from blood pressure issues; we may even have high blood pressure ourselves. Read on to find out about hypertension, about whether homeopathic medicine is effective for hypertension, and whether these homeopathic medicines for high blood pressure are available in India.

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a rapidly rising disease condition in today’s scenario. It is not merely a feature of aging but also a product of modern lifestyle. According to recent reports, hypertension is prevalent in 25% of urban population and 10% in rural population. Unfortunately, this figure is rising steadily. Not only that, but a vast majority of cases go undetected and add on to the end stage disease burden. Unchecked disease progression leads to morbid consequences such as heart attack, cardiovascular accident or stroke, congestive heart failure, diabetes, complications during pregnancy, kidney diseases and even eye symptoms. Other complications include varicose veins, persistent headaches and discomfort on mild exertion. Often high blood pressure is only detected once ill effects of advanced disease have set in.


High blood pressure sometimes occurs without any discerning causative factors and is known as essential hypertension. On the other hand, there are certain modifiable risk factors that contribute directly or indirectly to development of high blood pressure. A diet that is rich in salt, fatty acids, high sugar content, oily and fried foods in unchecked quantities greatly disbalances our lipid metabolism. Not only that, such high cholesterol intake causes fat deposition in our arteries, thereby increasing the amount of work the heart has to do to pump blood through these clogged arteries. This fat deposition in the arteries is called atherosclerosis and it is one of the leading contributing factors to high blood pressure. Along with a fatty and oily diet, alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking are two significant habits that play havoc with blood pressure. Add to these a sedentary lifestyle with minimum exercise and a perfect recipe for disaster is created. Another major culprit is stress. A stressful life increases the blood pressure. From these attributes it is safe to declare that hypertension is largely a lifestyle disorder.


High blood pressure is often called a silent killer because majority of cases go undiagnosed until major consequences have taken place and organs have undergone irreversible damage. Therefore, one must keep an eye on blood pressure levels. However, it is important to understand that mild fluctuations and indeed, rise in blood pressure is normal in winter, in old age, in stress, and with exertion. A single reading of high blood pressure is not sufficient to diagnose a person with hypertension. It is usually understood that 120/80 mm of Hg is a normal blood pressure, but variations are common and normal. 130-139 mm of Hg systolic and 80-89 mm of Hg diastolic is a mild or grade one hypertension. Grade two hypertension means that the systolic blood pressure exceeds 140 mm of Hg and diastolic exceeds 90 mm of Hg. It is imperative that more than two readings are taken at more than two separate occasions with a gap of at least twenty-four hours. If you are persistently finding your blood pressure raised at every reading not only do you need to take treatment for hypertension but also it is necessary to get yourself investigated for organ damage. Appropriate tests should be conducted to evaluate the status of heart and kidneys. These are usually Kidney Function Tests, echocardiography, blood sugar levels, et cetera. After attaining the age of forty years it is imperative to get routinely tested for high blood pressure, among other things.

A special mention of high blood pressure in pregnancy is important. When a hypertensive woman gets pregnant, she is said to be suffering from chronic hypertension. Strict dietary, lifestyle and medicinal measures need to be adapted to ensure an uncomplicated delivery in this case. Some women develop a new hypertension after twentieth week of pregnancy; this is called gestational hypertension. The risk is higher in women who are overweight or obese, who have a sedentary lifestyle, those who have a family history of gestational hypertension, those suffering from diabetes or lipid abnormalities, those over thirty-five years of age, and in women who are pregnant with more than one child. Smoking and alcohol intake also increase the risk. Swelling in the hands and feet, persistent headaches, vomiting, vision disturbances and breathing difficulties are some of the ways in which high blood pressure can manifest in a pregnant woman. As with any other case, strict monitoring and prompt medicinal aid is essential for the well being of both the mother and the child.


In case you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, certain modifications in your diet and lifestyle can help in achieving a near-normal health status with minimal disabilities. A well-balanced diet with adequate spacing of meals through the day is indispensable. Salt intake should be reduced. Carbonated drinks with high sugar levels should be restricted. Fats, oils, fried and greasy food need to be strictly cut down. Junk food is an absolute no-no. Adding fruits to the diet and substituting fat with protein, nuts and whole grain is helpful. Other foods that lower blood pressure are dark chocolate, berries, banana, garlic, pistachios, olive oil, pomegranates and yogurt. If you are a non-vegetarian, you can substitute red meat with fish to control lipid disturbances. Along with these measures, alcohol intake should be minimized, and smoking discontinued.

Regular exercise is necessary to control high blood pressure and keep the body healthy. Brisk walking for forty minutes a day is perfectly sufficient to keep the body in shape. Stretching exercises every morning help improve blood flow in the body and increase oxygenation. This helps counter the high blood pressure levels. Light aerobic exercises are beneficial, as are activities like swimming, cycling, jogging etc. Certain yoga postures have a special role in combating hypertension. These are uttanasana, halasana, pashchimottanasana among others. These days yoga instructors are well versed in providing a targeted programme according to individual needs.

One must cut down on stress to keep their blood pressure in check. It is true that this is easier said than done; however active measures to shape the daily routine into a productive one definitely help. A healthy diet and an active lifestyle help to keep stress at bay. Exercise also provides a healthy vent for internal turmoil. Furthermore, adequate undisturbed sleep for a minimum of seven to eight hours each day is essential. Exposure to electronic devices should be only as per needed, at least before sleep. Meditation and stress management help to control blood pressure levels.

Homeopathy is a greatly effective system of medicine in cases of high blood pressure. Constitutional treatment in beginning stages of hypertension or in cases of positive family history helps to eradicate the tendency to develop the disease in future. Homeopathic medicine for high blood pressure in pregnancy is effective when allopathic medicines may pose a serious threat to the baby. Schwabe India manufactures the best medicines for high blood pressure and diabetes in India. Some homeopathic medicines to control high blood pressure in India are Rauvolfia serpentina 1x and Schwabe India’s Viscum Pentarkan. These medicines have shown effective results in cases of high blood pressure.

To conclude, with a proper diet, an active lifestyle, adequate sleep and the best of German homeopathic medicines for blood pressure, you can avoid hypertension and live a healthy life.