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LM Potency


*Note: Products name in red are Out of Stock

Name Potency Price Action
NameDr Willmar Schwabe India Calcarea arsenicosa LMPotencyPrice Rs. 0
NameDr Willmar Schwabe India Calcarea carbonica LMPotencyPrice Rs. 0
NameDr Willmar Schwabe India Calcarea fluorica LMPotencyPrice Rs. 0
NameDr Willmar Schwabe India Calcarea phosphorica LMPotencyPrice Rs. 0
NameDr Willmar Schwabe India Calcarea sulphurica LMPotencyPrice Rs. 0
NameDr Willmar Schwabe India Cantharis LMPotencyPrice Rs. 0
NameDr Willmar Schwabe India Carbo vegetabilis LMPotencyPrice Rs. 0
NameDr Willmar Schwabe India Caulophyllum thalictroides LMPotencyPrice Rs. 0
NameDr Willmar Schwabe India Causticum LMPotencyPrice Rs. 0
NameDr Willmar Schwabe India Chamomilla LMPotencyPrice Rs. 0
NameDr Willmar Schwabe India Chininum arsenicosum LMPotencyPrice Rs. 0
NameDr Willmar Schwabe India Chininum sulphuricum LMPotencyPrice Rs. 0
NameDr Willmar Schwabe India Cimicifuga racemosa LMPotencyPrice Rs. 0
NameDr Willmar Schwabe India Cina LMPotencyPrice Rs. 0
NameDr Willmar Schwabe India Cinchona officinalis (China) LMPotencyPrice Rs. 0
NameDr Willmar Schwabe India Colchicum autumnale LMPotencyPrice Rs. 0
NameDr Willmar Schwabe India Colocynthis LMPotencyPrice Rs. 0
NameDr Willmar Schwabe India Conium maculatum LMPotencyPrice Rs. 0
NameDr Willmar Schwabe India Cuprum metallicum LMPotencyPrice Rs. 0

LM potency was introduced by Dr. Hahnemann himself in the 6th edition of organon. Use of LM potency is increasing. To cater the increasing demand of LM potency, Schwabe makes this potency strictly following Dr. Hahnemann’s instructions.


Schwabe offers 95 drugs in LM potency, which are given below. These can be purchased online right away.

Note :- Please note that LM Potencies are rarely ordered,they are not always readily available in our stock.Most of the time it is “MADE-TO-ORDER”. Please be informed that in case of LM potencies it normally takes 2-3 weeks time to make and despatch . Neverthless we take all the efforts to make and ship it fast.