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Dr Willmar Schwabe India Senega Pentarkan

(1 customer review)

195.00 159.90

Chronic Bronchitis

Effective in chronic bronchitis with persistent cough

• Controls rattling in the chest with feeling of tightness and soreness

• Useful in ‘winter cough’ with congestion in the chest

• Indicated for chronic bronchial and pulmonary conditions where cough is loud and hollow with mucopurulent expectoration.

Presentation: Bottle of 20 g.

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20 g

Package Name


homeopathic medicine for chronic bronchitis,

homeopathy medicines for chronic bronchitis,

homeopathic treatment for chronic bronchitis,

homeopathic bronchitis remedy



Chronic bronchitis is defined as a disease, in which coughing persists for more than three months. The epithelia of the respiratory tract can be affected from prolonged cigarette smoking or toxic inhalants. Continuous irritation of the mucous membranes leads to a chronic/permanent dry cough which is characteristically accompanied by the formation of persistent bronchial secretion that is very difficult to expectorate. This gives rise to such a condition of the respiratory tract that it is rendered vulnerable to pathogens and suppurative-inflammatory processes in the bronchia. Infections are the most common identifiable cause of acute exacerbation. Patients typically have a chronic cough, followed by slowly progressive breathlessness and weakness.?

Indications: Chronic respiratory tract irritation and persistent unproductive (dry) cough. Chronic bronchitis.


Each tablet of 250 mg contains:?

Senega ? 125 mg

Antimonium sulphuratum aurantiacum 3x 25 mg

Hepar sulphur 3x 25 mg

Naphthalinum 4x 25 mg

Stannum iodatum 3x 25 mg

Excipients Q. S. to make 250mg?

Proven indications of the individual ingredients in the sphere of claimed action:?

Senega is indicated for catarrhal symptoms, rattling in chest and irritation of the respiratory tract. It influences the sensation of burning and rawness in throat, hoarseness, coughing which often ends with sneezing, feelings of oppression and soreness in the chest and difficult expectoration of viscous mucus.?

Antimonium sulphuratum aurantiacum is a remedy for many forms of chronic nasal and bronchial catarrh. It acts on increased secretion from nose and throat, tickling in the larynx, increased mucus in bronchi, dry hard cough and congested, mainly upper, lobes and winter coughs.?

Hepar sulphur has a special affinity for the respiratory mucous membranes, producing catarrhal inflammation and profuse secretion. The tendency to suppuration is most marked. It is indicated for soreness of nostrils and throat, hoarseness and dry cough, choking cough and rattling croaking cough which is exacerbated in dry cold air.??

Naphthalinum is reported to be useful in coryza, hay-fever, Whooping cough, acute laryngo-tracheitis and bronchitis when the spasmodic element is associated with tenacious expectoration and oppression, which is improved in the open air.?

Stannum iodatum has a main action centred upon the respiratory organs, especially chronic bronchial and pulmonary conditions, characterised by profuse mucopuruient discharges. The chest feels sore and weak. It acts on persistent tickling dry cough, tracheal and bronchial irritation of smokers, where the cough is loud, hollow, ending with expectoration, and purulent infiltration.?

Directions for use?

Dosage: Unless otherwise prescribed, Senega Pentarkan ? (WSI) should be taken as follows:?

1 tablet should be taken 3 times a day.

Children between 6-12 years of age should be given half of the adult dose.?

Note: For treatment of patients suffering from thyroid disease, in particular, please note that this product contains an iodine compound.?

Side effects: No side effects of Senega Pentarkan ? (WSI) are known.?

Contra-indications: This product should not be used in children under 6 years of age.?

Interactions: No interactions between Senega Pentarkan ? (WSI) and other products are known.?

Presentation: Bottle of 20 g.?

Alcohol: There is no reported safety concern if it is taken with alcohol.

Pregnancy: It is safe to use during pregnancy.

Driving: It can be taken during driving.

Breastfeeding/Lactation: It is safe to use during breastfeeding.

Kidney: There is no known contraindication with kidney diseases.

Liver: It will not affect the liver.

Sugar: It does not change blood sugar levels.

Immunity: It will not affect the immunity of an individual.

High blood pressure/Hypertension: It is advisable to take in patients with hypertension.

Low blood pressure: It will not lower the blood pressure.

Heart: It does not contain any ingredient which will affect the heart.

Mentally retarded: There is no known contraindication with mentally retarded persons.

Post covid impacts: There is no known contraindication with post covid impacts.

Diarrhoea: It will not cause diarrhoea.

Gastric: There is no known effects on the gastrointestinal system.

Empty stomach: It is preferably to be taken after a meal.

Skin allergy: There is no known skin allergy when using Senega Pentarkan. However, if an individual is allergic or sensitive to any of the ingredients, they need to avoid this.

Habit: It is not a habit-forming product.

Overdose: In case of overdose, drink lots of water or consult a physician as soon as possible if symptoms like dizziness occur.

Storage: The medicine should be stored in a cool dark place, away from sunlight and strong-smelling substances.

Temperature: The ideal temperature for the storage is 25 degrees centigrade.


Dosage: Unless otherwise prescribed, Senega Pentarkan ? (WSI) should be taken as follows:

1 tablet should be taken 3 times a day.
Children between 6-12 years of age should be given half of the adult dose.

Note: For treatment of patients suffering from thyroid disease, in particular, please note that this product contains an iodine compound.

Side effects: No side effects of Senega Pentarkan ?? (WSI) are known.

Contra-indications: This product should not be used in children under 6 years of age.

Interactions: No interactions between Senega Pentarkan ? (WSI) and other products are known.

Senega Pentarkan is the homoeopathic medicine which is effective in the treatment of chronic bronchitis and chronic respiratory tract infections. It contains Senega, Antimonium sulphuratum auratum, Hepar sulphur, Naphthalinum and Stannum iodatum. These remedies are specifically proven to be effective in the complaints of bronchitis and other respiratory infections and they complement each other to give better results.

Yes, it is suitable for children.

It should be taken as long as the symptoms are better or as otherwise prescribed by the physician.

Yes, it is safe to take Senega Pentarkan.

No, it will not produce any dryness of the mouth

Senegal Pentarkan is very effective in treating cases of chronic bronchitis with a persistent cough. The cough is worse in winter which is so loud and hollow with mucopurulent expectoration. It controls the rattling in the chest with feeling of tightness and soreness. It reduces the irritation of the mucous membranes and the difficulty in expectoration.

Unless otherwise prescribed by the physician, it has to be taken as 1 tablet three times a day. Children should be given half of the dose.

Senega Pentarkan is composed of five important homoeopathic remedies such as Senega, Antimonium sulphuratum auratum, Hepar sulphur, Naphthalinum and Stannum iodatum. Senega is one of the best remedies for the complaints of respiratory tract infections in both the upper and lower respiratory tract. It is indicated in hoarseness of voice, unable to talk, inflammation of the larynx, loss of voice and hacking cough. The cough often ends in sneezing, rattling in the chest, bronchial catarrh, the sensation of oppression and weight in the chest and difficult raising of tough, profuse mucus. The bronchitis in old people, old asthmatics, and chronic emphysema are also covered by this drug. The pleura is inflamed, and filled with fluid and pressure on the chest. The vocal cords are partially paralysed and the voice is unsteady.

Antimonium sulphuratum auratum is also a remedy for chronic nasal and bronchial catarrh. The symptoms are tickling in the larynx, increased mucus with fullness in bronchi, respiration difficulty, and pressure in bronchi with constriction. There is tough mucus in the bronchi and larynx. The cough is dry, and hard with congestion of the upper lobe of the left lung. The cough is more in winter. Hepar sulphur has a special affinity for respiratory mucous membranes producing croupous and catarrhal inflammation with profuse secretions. The voice is hoarse and loss of voice, and coughs when exposed to dry, cold winds. The cough is troublesome when walking, dry, hoarse, and gets more when the parts of the body get cold or uncovered, from eating anything cold and morning. The cough is croupy, rattling, choking, croaking and suffocating.

Naphthalinum is indicated in coryza, hay fever, tuberculosis of lungs and emphysema of lungs. It is also a remedy for asthma with soreness in the chest and must loosen the clothes. The cough is a whooping type, long and continued paroxysms. It covers acute laryngo-tracheitis, and bronchitis with tenacious expectoration and oppression of the chest. Stannum iodatum has its chief action on the respiratory organs and it is indicated in bronchial and pulmonary conditions characterized by profuse muco-purulent discharges. The cough is very violent, and dry which is more in the evening until midnight. The cough is excited by laughing, singing, talking and lying on the right side. The voice is hoarse and the mucus is expelled by forcible cough. The expectoration is copious, green and sweetish. The chest feels weak, influenza-like a cough from noon to midnight with scanty expectoration. The respiration is short and oppressive.

No side effects are reported so far.

It is not a problem if you skip a few doses, but don’t double doses.

Alpha-RC, Grindelia Pentarkan, Glycyrrhiza glabra 1X, Kali muriaticum.

Senega Pentarkan contains Senega Q 125mg, Antimonium sulphuratum auratum 3X 25mg, Hepar sulphur 3X 25mg, Naphthalinum 4X 25mg, Stannum iodatum 3X 25mg, Excipients Q.S.

Manufactured in India by Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd. A-36, Sector-60, Uttar Pradesh, Noida – 201304.

Country of Origin: India.

Registered office Address: Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd. H-36, Green Park Extension, New Delhi, Pin: 110016.

Expiry: 5 years for the date of manufacturing.

1 review for Dr Willmar Schwabe India Senega Pentarkan

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    Best medicine.better then allopathic

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Effective in chronic bronchitis with persistent cough

• Controls rattling in the chest with feeling of tightness and soreness

• Useful in ‘winter cough’ with congestion in the chest

• Indicated for chronic bronchial and pulmonary conditions where cough is loud and hollow with mucopurulent expectoration.

Presentation: Bottle of 20 g.

Additional information


20 g

Package Name


homeopathic medicine for chronic bronchitis,

homeopathy medicines for chronic bronchitis,

homeopathic treatment for chronic bronchitis,

homeopathic bronchitis remedy



Chronic bronchitis is defined as a disease, in which coughing persists for more than three months. The epithelia of the respiratory tract can be affected from prolonged cigarette smoking or toxic inhalants. Continuous irritation of the mucous membranes leads to a chronic/permanent dry cough which is characteristically accompanied by the formation of persistent bronchial secretion that is very difficult to expectorate. This gives rise to such a condition of the respiratory tract that it is rendered vulnerable to pathogens and suppurative-inflammatory processes in the bronchia. Infections are the most common identifiable cause of acute exacerbation. Patients typically have a chronic cough, followed by slowly progressive breathlessness and weakness.?

Indications: Chronic respiratory tract irritation and persistent unproductive (dry) cough. Chronic bronchitis.


Each tablet of 250 mg contains:?

Senega ? 125 mg

Antimonium sulphuratum aurantiacum 3x 25 mg

Hepar sulphur 3x 25 mg

Naphthalinum 4x 25 mg

Stannum iodatum 3x 25 mg

Excipients Q. S. to make 250mg?

Proven indications of the individual ingredients in the sphere of claimed action:?

Senega is indicated for catarrhal symptoms, rattling in chest and irritation of the respiratory tract. It influences the sensation of burning and rawness in throat, hoarseness, coughing which often ends with sneezing, feelings of oppression and soreness in the chest and difficult expectoration of viscous mucus.?

Antimonium sulphuratum aurantiacum is a remedy for many forms of chronic nasal and bronchial catarrh. It acts on increased secretion from nose and throat, tickling in the larynx, increased mucus in bronchi, dry hard cough and congested, mainly upper, lobes and winter coughs.?

Hepar sulphur has a special affinity for the respiratory mucous membranes, producing catarrhal inflammation and profuse secretion. The tendency to suppuration is most marked. It is indicated for soreness of nostrils and throat, hoarseness and dry cough, choking cough and rattling croaking cough which is exacerbated in dry cold air.??

Naphthalinum is reported to be useful in coryza, hay-fever, Whooping cough, acute laryngo-tracheitis and bronchitis when the spasmodic element is associated with tenacious expectoration and oppression, which is improved in the open air.?

Stannum iodatum has a main action centred upon the respiratory organs, especially chronic bronchial and pulmonary conditions, characterised by profuse mucopuruient discharges. The chest feels sore and weak. It acts on persistent tickling dry cough, tracheal and bronchial irritation of smokers, where the cough is loud, hollow, ending with expectoration, and purulent infiltration.?

Directions for use?

Dosage: Unless otherwise prescribed, Senega Pentarkan ? (WSI) should be taken as follows:?

1 tablet should be taken 3 times a day.

Children between 6-12 years of age should be given half of the adult dose.?

Note: For treatment of patients suffering from thyroid disease, in particular, please note that this product contains an iodine compound.?

Side effects: No side effects of Senega Pentarkan ? (WSI) are known.?

Contra-indications: This product should not be used in children under 6 years of age.?

Interactions: No interactions between Senega Pentarkan ? (WSI) and other products are known.?

Presentation: Bottle of 20 g.?

Alcohol: There is no reported safety concern if it is taken with alcohol.

Pregnancy: It is safe to use during pregnancy.

Driving: It can be taken during driving.

Breastfeeding/Lactation: It is safe to use during breastfeeding.

Kidney: There is no known contraindication with kidney diseases.

Liver: It will not affect the liver.

Sugar: It does not change blood sugar levels.

Immunity: It will not affect the immunity of an individual.

High blood pressure/Hypertension: It is advisable to take in patients with hypertension.

Low blood pressure: It will not lower the blood pressure.

Heart: It does not contain any ingredient which will affect the heart.

Mentally retarded: There is no known contraindication with mentally retarded persons.

Post covid impacts: There is no known contraindication with post covid impacts.

Diarrhoea: It will not cause diarrhoea.

Gastric: There is no known effects on the gastrointestinal system.

Empty stomach: It is preferably to be taken after a meal.

Skin allergy: There is no known skin allergy when using Senega Pentarkan. However, if an individual is allergic or sensitive to any of the ingredients, they need to avoid this.

Habit: It is not a habit-forming product.

Overdose: In case of overdose, drink lots of water or consult a physician as soon as possible if symptoms like dizziness occur.

Storage: The medicine should be stored in a cool dark place, away from sunlight and strong-smelling substances.

Temperature: The ideal temperature for the storage is 25 degrees centigrade.


Dosage: Unless otherwise prescribed, Senega Pentarkan ? (WSI) should be taken as follows:

1 tablet should be taken 3 times a day.
Children between 6-12 years of age should be given half of the adult dose.

Note: For treatment of patients suffering from thyroid disease, in particular, please note that this product contains an iodine compound.

Side effects: No side effects of Senega Pentarkan ?? (WSI) are known.

Contra-indications: This product should not be used in children under 6 years of age.

Interactions: No interactions between Senega Pentarkan ? (WSI) and other products are known.

Senega Pentarkan is the homoeopathic medicine which is effective in the treatment of chronic bronchitis and chronic respiratory tract infections. It contains Senega, Antimonium sulphuratum auratum, Hepar sulphur, Naphthalinum and Stannum iodatum. These remedies are specifically proven to be effective in the complaints of bronchitis and other respiratory infections and they complement each other to give better results.

Yes, it is suitable for children.

It should be taken as long as the symptoms are better or as otherwise prescribed by the physician.

Yes, it is safe to take Senega Pentarkan.

No, it will not produce any dryness of the mouth

Senegal Pentarkan is very effective in treating cases of chronic bronchitis with a persistent cough. The cough is worse in winter which is so loud and hollow with mucopurulent expectoration. It controls the rattling in the chest with feeling of tightness and soreness. It reduces the irritation of the mucous membranes and the difficulty in expectoration.

Unless otherwise prescribed by the physician, it has to be taken as 1 tablet three times a day. Children should be given half of the dose.

Senega Pentarkan is composed of five important homoeopathic remedies such as Senega, Antimonium sulphuratum auratum, Hepar sulphur, Naphthalinum and Stannum iodatum. Senega is one of the best remedies for the complaints of respiratory tract infections in both the upper and lower respiratory tract. It is indicated in hoarseness of voice, unable to talk, inflammation of the larynx, loss of voice and hacking cough. The cough often ends in sneezing, rattling in the chest, bronchial catarrh, the sensation of oppression and weight in the chest and difficult raising of tough, profuse mucus. The bronchitis in old people, old asthmatics, and chronic emphysema are also covered by this drug. The pleura is inflamed, and filled with fluid and pressure on the chest. The vocal cords are partially paralysed and the voice is unsteady.

Antimonium sulphuratum auratum is also a remedy for chronic nasal and bronchial catarrh. The symptoms are tickling in the larynx, increased mucus with fullness in bronchi, respiration difficulty, and pressure in bronchi with constriction. There is tough mucus in the bronchi and larynx. The cough is dry, and hard with congestion of the upper lobe of the left lung. The cough is more in winter. Hepar sulphur has a special affinity for respiratory mucous membranes producing croupous and catarrhal inflammation with profuse secretions. The voice is hoarse and loss of voice, and coughs when exposed to dry, cold winds. The cough is troublesome when walking, dry, hoarse, and gets more when the parts of the body get cold or uncovered, from eating anything cold and morning. The cough is croupy, rattling, choking, croaking and suffocating.

Naphthalinum is indicated in coryza, hay fever, tuberculosis of lungs and emphysema of lungs. It is also a remedy for asthma with soreness in the chest and must loosen the clothes. The cough is a whooping type, long and continued paroxysms. It covers acute laryngo-tracheitis, and bronchitis with tenacious expectoration and oppression of the chest. Stannum iodatum has its chief action on the respiratory organs and it is indicated in bronchial and pulmonary conditions characterized by profuse muco-purulent discharges. The cough is very violent, and dry which is more in the evening until midnight. The cough is excited by laughing, singing, talking and lying on the right side. The voice is hoarse and the mucus is expelled by forcible cough. The expectoration is copious, green and sweetish. The chest feels weak, influenza-like a cough from noon to midnight with scanty expectoration. The respiration is short and oppressive.

No side effects are reported so far.

It is not a problem if you skip a few doses, but don’t double doses.

Alpha-RC, Grindelia Pentarkan, Glycyrrhiza glabra 1X, Kali muriaticum.

Senega Pentarkan contains Senega Q 125mg, Antimonium sulphuratum auratum 3X 25mg, Hepar sulphur 3X 25mg, Naphthalinum 4X 25mg, Stannum iodatum 3X 25mg, Excipients Q.S.

Manufactured in India by Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd. A-36, Sector-60, Uttar Pradesh, Noida – 201304.

Country of Origin: India.

Registered office Address: Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd. H-36, Green Park Extension, New Delhi, Pin: 110016.

Expiry: 5 years for the date of manufacturing.

1 review for Dr Willmar Schwabe India Senega Pentarkan

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    Best medicine.better then allopathic

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