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Mother Tinctures


*Note: Products name in red are Out of Stock

Name Potency Price Action
NameDr Willmar Schwabe India Jaborandi MTPotencyPrice Rs. 0
NameDr Willmar Schwabe India Janosia ashoka MTPotencyPrice Rs. 0
NameDr Willmar Schwabe India Juglans regia MTPotencyPrice Rs. 0
NameDr Willmar Schwabe India Juniperus communis MTPotencyPrice Rs. 0
NameDr Willmar Schwabe India Justicia adhatoda MTPotencyPrice Rs. 0

Mother tincture refers to crude or primary extracts collected from various sources. It forms the basis for producing further dilutions and formulations. In a simple way, a mother tincture is made from the herbs, natural minerals or some animal products. A mother tincture contains the lowest possible potency of any particular homoeopathic preparation. Mother tinctures are the starting point for dilutions. Authenticity of the raw materials, age, collection, cleaning and drying methods, basic percentage of active ingredients, the quality of alcohol and water, and the percentage used, method used such as Percolation or Maceration, the strength of phyto-chemicals, filteration, bacterial counts are some of the important factors responsible for producing a good quality mother tincture.

These are meticulously followed at Schwabe India, where the distilled and filtered mother tinctures are stored in rooms fitted with expensive, explosion resistant and flame-proof electrical fittings of proper intensities to avoid any accident and to protect the phyto-chemicals content in the tinctures. Mother tinctures have fast action and they remain effective for a long time. This makes them quite popular among people. At Schwabe India, you can get high quality mother tinctures. The use of genuine raw materials, back potency and expensive and purest form of alcohol, make Schwabe India’s mother tinctures superior to others available in the market.

They are very much helpful in treating various health problems when taken along with a selected remedy. It is always better to consult a doctor before taking any homoeopathic mother tincture. These extracts, are easily absorbed by the body and has faster action.

Uses of Mother Tinctures: Mother tinctures are very effective in treating many disorders along with the selected remedies for such problems. Some of the common problems that can be treated with mother tinctures are:

Weight Loss: Fucus Vesiculosus MT and Phytolacca berry MT are both effective in aiding weight loss. They increase the rate of metabolism, burn the excess fat and also has a positive effect on hunger pattern.

Dandruff: Cochlearia armoracia MT is used to treat dandruff. It helps to relieve itching, dryness and soreness of the scalp.

High Blood Pressure: Rauwolfia serpentina MT and Viscum Album MT are effective mother tinctures to combat high blood pressure.

Acne: Berberis Aquifolium MT and Echinacea MT are applied topically. They soothes the irritated skin and also prevent any further acne formation.

Hair loss: A combination of Jaborandi MT and Arnica Montana MT are used to treat hair loss. Usually they are mixed with hair oils and applied to the scalp.

Asthma and cough: Blatta orientalis MT, Grindelia MT, Aralia racemosa MT are effective in cases of difficulty in breathing and suffocative cough.