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Children health tonic

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Children’s health includes physical, mental and social well being. Children’s growth and development thus involves all the changes that his/her body and mind go through. The parents need to have knowledge of all the factors that affect such changes.

Physical development – It involves an increase in height, weight and development of muscles and bones. The factors that affect physical development are as follows:-

  • Genetics- Just like height or skin color, some health disorders are also passed on genetically which may adversely affect the child’s weight, muscle and bone development, etc.
  • Nutrition- For proper growth and development child’s body needs the right amount of essential nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. For example, vitamin A is required for vision in poor lighting; calcium and vitamin D are required for bone and muscle development. Therefore poor or inadequate nutrition can lead to stunted growth in children
  • Environment- Prolonged exposure to pollutants such as lead, manganese, mercury, arsenic and even pesticides through either land, water or food it ultimately results in various physical abnormalities in children.

Mental and cognitive development- It consists of brain development, along with the development of various neurological processes, cognitive abilities, learning abilities, etc. The factors that affect the mental and cognitive development in children are:

  • Nutrition- It is seen that an inadequate amount of iodine, iron, folic acid and vitamin B12 in diet can lead to mental retardation and in extreme cases, even neurological damage.
  • Environment- Prolonged exposure to environmental pollutants like lead, manganese, mercury and arsenic poisoning leads to cognitive impairment in the children especially at the age of 6years- 12 years. For example, mercury poisoning is known to cause impaired language skills, attention, and memory in children.

Emotional and social development- It comprises of understanding, managing and expressing his/her own emotions by a child. At the same time, social development includes child behavior with other people around them. Factors that affect emotional and social development are:

Parenting- Too strict parents who use means like shaming, shouting and rough punishing can cause the child to become hypersensitive or indifferent, whereas overprotective parents may end up making their children too dependent on them. On the other hand, a parent-child relationship that is based on love, care and trust can help the child become emotionally mature.

Culture- Cultural norms influence a child’s social interactions that in turn, lead to their emotional and social development. For example, if a male child grows up in a cultural setting where aggression is acceptable in males, then he might grow more aggressive.


In order to keep track of the child’s development, it is advised that the parents get regular checkups done of their children with a health care provider. Other than that children should be carefully observed for the following signs and symptoms.

  • Significant weight gain or loss.
  • Sleep problems or change in behavior
  • Fever higher than 102
  • Rashes or skin infection
  • Frequent sore throats
  • Breathing problems.
  • Decline in school performance
  • Poor grade despite strong efforts
  • Regular worry or anxiety
  • Repeated refusal to go to school
  • Hyperactivity or fidgeting
  • Persistent nightmares
  • Persistent disobedience or aggression
  • Depression, sadness or irritable
  • Frequent temper tantrums

In addition, parents can adopt the following guidelines to promote the healthy development of their children:-

  • For good physical health

– Provide nutritious food.
– Ensure adequate shelter and sleep
– Encourage regular exercise
– Timely immunizations
– Ensure a healthy living environment

  • For good mental health

-Give unconditional love
– Provide an opportunity to play with other children and restrict TV, mobile, computer time to less than 2 hours a day.
– Ensure presence of encouraging teachers and supportive caretakers
– Nurture child’s confidence and self-esteem by praising them, helping them set realistic goals, be honest with children and do not hide your failures from them and avoid sarcastic remarks.


Homeopathy has a vital role to play in children’s health. Homeopathic medicine can help treat many of the physical and mental illnesses of children safely and effectively. Best homeopathic tonic for children is the one most similar to disease manifestation in each case which is elicited from both mental and physical spheres. In some cases, even the intrauterine history of the child is considered for the prescription. For this, the physical and mental state of the mother during the pregnancy is elicited. Homeopathic tonic for children helps to accelerate overall growth in children by developing hunger in children for food and improving the assimilation of nutrients from the diet. In this context, Alfalfa homeopathic tonic deserves special mention. It is specially made for children to stimulate their overall well being. Alfalfa homeopathic tonic has many benefits i.e. it improves appetite, improves digestion, provides natural nutrients to promote well being, improves anemia, relieves nervous tension, stress and irritability and even supports the healing process during and after illnesses.