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Nappy rash

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Nappy rash is a common condition which arises after exposure to wet or dirty nappies. This condition arises as a result of leaving a wet nappy on the baby for prolonged periods of time. Generally, with a single step of changing the nappy as soon as it gets wet, one can avoid this condition. But most babies get nappy rash even after well cared by parents at some point of time.

This rash may develop on other parts of the body as well in those babies who have sensitive skin. If superadded with some other infection like thrush, it makes the condition worse. While some babies may develop it while already suffering with some other illnesses like viral infections of coryza.

Most of the cases of nappy rashes, can be treated successfully at home without the help of a general physician. while in some cases, parents have to seek expert’s advice.


  • Nappy rash can be caused by:
  • Prolonged contact of the skin of your baby with urine or stool.
  • The diaper rubbing against your baby’s skin causing soreness and irritation of the skin.
  • Not changing the diaper frequently or unclean nappy area due to improper washing of the parts.
  • Irritation from soap, detergent or bubble bath.
  • The use of baby wipes containing alcohol-base.
  • Plastic pants keep the baby’s clothes clean and dry but it prevents airflow and when a baby is left in a wet or dirty nappy for a longer period of time, this may increase the nappy rash.


Symptoms can include:

  • Inflamed skin mainly the skin around the genital area and anus looks red and moist.
  • The skin may develop a collection of fluid underneath the top layer of skin (epidermis) known as Blisters and then peel of skin causing ulcers, leaving raw patches.
  • The rashes can spread onto the tummy and buttocks.
  • Sometimes small ulcers can be formed near the area of rash on the healthy skin.
  • The presentation of this condition can vary from child to child. There may be red spots or red patches, pimples or even blisters on the bottom of your baby, depending upon the severity. Their skin may feel hot to touch with pain and may look sore.


General Management

These are the general measures every parents should take to avoid diaper rashes:

  • Wet or dirty nappies should be changed as soon as possible.
  • Clean the whole area gently but thoroughly, wiping from front to back.
  • Give Bath your baby daily but avoid bathing them more than twice a day as that may dry out their skin.
  • Dry your baby gently after washing them but avoid hard rubbing.
  • Avoid using soap, bubble bath, or lotions as these can increase the soreness and irritation of the skin with pain and itching.


Homeopathic Treatment

Nappy rashes can be managed by adopting general measures along with Homoeopathic medicines. Homoeopathic medicine should be prescribed on the basis of complete symptoms of a patient and not on a single complaint. For this, one should take medicine from a Registered Homoeopathic Medical Practitioner.
Following are the medicine which can be used in the cases of Nappy Rashes:-

SULPHUR:- Sulphur is the remedy that can be given if the nappy rash is red, dry, flaky, and feels hot. Infants who need Sulphur have a red, dry, itchy diaper rash around the anus that is worse from getting overheated and from a warm bath. Sulphur suits a dry, red raw nappy rash that might be bleeding. It is much worse for heat and better for being uncovered, and is likely to be concurrent with teething. When your baby has blisters, i.e., fluid-filled bumps present in a patch of with dark red skin. The bends and folds of the skin are more affected and the left side of the body is more involved than the right side.

RHUS TOXICODENDRON:- Rhus Tox should be given if there are small blisters and the skin is very itchy. Rhus Tox, often has sore spots or blisters which are better for washing and covering.

MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS:- Merc Sol is the homeopathic remedy of choice if the nappy area is very sweaty, and if the baby produces more saliva than normal. This may also be associated with teething.

HEPAR SULPHURIS:- Babies needing Hepar sulphuris are generally extremely chilly and very sensitive to uncovering. They have an infected diaper rash with pus that smells like rotten cheese. When the skin is more prone to the formation pus and the sensitivity of the skin increases, this medicine plays a beneficial role in curing this condition. If boils form on the genital organs with the nappy rash, Hepar sulphuris is beneficial.

GRAPHITES:- Infants who need Graphites have diaper rash in the folds of the skin, which is dry, red, cracked, and very itchy, with a honey-like discharge that crusts over.

MEDORRHINUM:- It have a sharply demarcated red, sometimes shiny diaper rash often caused by Candida infection, called “thrush diaper rash.” When the rashes develop more around the anus of your baby, this medicine recommended to subside the eruptions.

APIS MELLIFICA:- The child needing Apis, will have a rash which is hot, red, swollen and angry looking. It is worse for washing and better from open air. It is indicated in infections having a sudden onset along with widespread appearance of rashes. The child may feel heat of the body and will not ask for water to drink on his own.

ARSENICUM ALBUM:- This should be used in the cases where the skin becomes thickened, when the rash remains for a long period of time. Rash may appear papular in appearance with burning sensation in the skin which gets better from warm application. Also the rash of babies requiring Arsenicum album aggravates from cold exposure. It is indicated when the baby wants to be carried rapidly during nappy rash and desire to drink more water. The baby may appear anxious on appearance.

CALADIUM:- For babies having difficulty in breathing along with rashes this medicine can be prescribed with great results. Or when difficulty in breathing alternates with rashes, it should be used to cure the case.

PSORINUM:- It is one of the most useful Homeopathic medicines for nappy rash. It should be used when the itching is present in the bend of joints, for example, the hollow of the knee or elbow. Psorinum is indicated when there is intolerable itching with rawness sensation in the skin and may even bleed after intense scratching or from continuous scratching. This intense itching often leads to disturbance in the sleep of the child and causing him look more discomfort.


Nappy rashes are common problem because diapers are frequently used by parents to avoid wetting of clothes but this can cause discomfort and skin irritation to a child and may even lead to ulcer and other complications. Generally, it is normal for babies to develop skin rashes because of diapers getting wet, friction, etc. but sometimes it can lead to a serious problem which can be managed by general measures along with Homoeopathic medicines. Commonly used Homoeopathic medicines for this condition are sulphur, Rhus toxicodendron, Mercurius solubilis, etc.