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Measles, an infection caused by a virus, affects mostly the children. Measles caused by the rubeola virus, which can be fatal for small children. It is very infectious, spreads rapidly and is an endemic disease. Once affected by measles, the person develops lifelong immunity to the disease. Despite the availability of the vaccine, it is still one of the most common reasons for pediatric deaths below the age of 5. The infection spreads through close contact or droplets from the nose or mouth and the symptoms usually appear about 10-14 days after infection. The disease is most infectious about 4 days and 4 days after the appearance of rash.

Incubation period: The first 10 to 14 days after infection when there are no signs or symptoms during this time.


Measles is caused by the rubeola virus. This virus lives in the mucus lining of the nose and throat of the infected person and it spreads through direct or close contact with the infected person. It can also be caused by droplet infection through sneezing, coughing and touching the droplets.


  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Dry cough
  • Runny nose
  • Sore throat
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Sneezing
  • Grayish white spots in the mouth, insides of cheeks, and throat called Koplik’s spots
  • Body pain and weakness
  • The appearance of a reddish rash around 3 to 4 days after infection
  • The rashes appear on face, spreads towards the arms and trunk, the thighs, lower legs and feet as the fever increase gradually
  • The rashes recede and disappear first from the face and then al last from the feet

Risk factors for measles

  • Children under age of 5
  • Older people
  • Pregnancy
  • Not received the measles vaccine
  • Traveling abroad
  • Vitamin A deficiency
  • Malnutrition
  • Immunodeficiency

Complications of measles


  • Infection of ear
  • Infection of eye
  • Bronchitis
  • Pneumonia
  • Encephalitis
  • Diarrhea and vomiting
  • Hepatitis
  • Seizures
  • Thrombocytopenia
  • Squint
  • Rarely complications of heart and nervous complications



The WHO recommends the children and adults to receive the vaccine to prevent measles.

Management and precautions

  • People with measles should be isolated and kept away from the daily to avoid interactions with others as it is very contagious
  • Keep children and anyone who is not vaccinated away from the infected person
  • Switch off or dim the lights as the infected person is sensitive to light
  • Clean the body with a warm, damp cloth
  • Use tissues while sneezing and coughing if you are infected
  • Drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration
  • Wash and disinfect the hands properly after handling the infected child or person
  • Stay away from sharing personal items with people who are at high risk of infection

Homeopathic treatment for Measles

Aconitum: It is the best homeopathic medicines at the beginning stages of measles. Sudden onset of high fever, dry cough and conjunctivitis. Very restless, tosses and turns. The skin burns and itches. Dry, violent cough with thirst for the cold water.

Belladonna: It is indicated for measles at the beginning stage. There is sudden onset of high fever, red face with a throbbing headache. Thirstlessness during fever. Very drowsy and delirious during fever. Difficulty falling or staying asleep.

Euphrasia: Usually fever and rash with acrid tearing of the eyes and a bland nasal discharge are the indications. They become sensitive to light. They have a cough, but only during the day.

Pulsatilla: It is one of the effective remedies for measles. The rash develops very slowly. Fever with infection of ear, running nose, and cough. Profuse watering from the eyes and nasal discharge. Dry cough at night and loose cough in the daytime. Mouth dry without thirst. The child is clingy and weepy. Warmthness aggravates the problem open air makes them feel better. Itching eruptions which is worse from warmth.

Bryonia: It is indicated in measles with delayed rashes. Dry cough without expectoration. Severe body pain aggravated by motion.

Euphrasia: It is useful when there is severe cough with much mucus and has to clear the throat frequently. The eyes are burning, watery and sensitive to light. Watery acrid discharge from the eyes. The eyelids are red and swollen. Bland, watery discharge from the nose.

Gelsemium: It is indicated when the onset of symptoms is slow. Fever with great weakness and a sense of heaviness of the whole body. Puffiness and heaviness of the eyelids. No thirst during fever.

Apis mellifica: It is often used for measles where the eruptions are painful, burning, hot and stinging. Puffiness of face and eyelids. The skin looks shiny with itching better by cold applications and worse by heat. It is indicated for suppressed or delayed eruptions.

Bryonia: It is indicated for measles with delayed or suppressed eruptions. The complaints are better by the warmth of the bed. Bursting and violent headache, with thirsty for large quantities of water.

Morbillium: Morbillium is used in homeopathy as a prophylactic remedy for the infection. It helps to build up immunity and is used as a genus epidemicus for this condition.

Some of the best homeopathic medicines for measles available in India are Schwabe India’s Bio-combination No. 14, Tanacetum vulgare MT, and all the above-mentioned medicines of superior quality and all the potencies.