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Bed sores

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Bedsores are injuries to skin and underlying tissue resulting from prolonged pressure on a part of the skin. They are also called as pressure ulcers and decubitus ulcers. Bedsores often develop on areas of the skin that covers bony parts of the body, such as the heels, ankles, hips and coccyx. This happens when a person is bedridden, immobile, unconscious, or unconscious or insensitive to pain. Based on the duration, changes, depth, severity and other characteristics, they are classified into four stages from skin and tissue damage ranges to deep corrosive injuries involving muscle and bone. Bedsores can become a serious problem in old people.

Stages of bed sores

There are four stages:

  1. The skin looks red and feels warm to the touch.
  2. There may be a painful open sore or a blister, with discoloration.
  3. A crater-like lesion develops, due to tissue damage below the skin surface.
  4. Severe damage to skin and tissue sometimes burrowing through deep to the bones.

Common sites of bed sores

In people who use a wheelchair, bed sores are common in:

  • Coccyx and buttocks
  • Shoulder blades and spine
  • Backs of arms and legs, the parts in contact with the chair
  • In people confined to a bed, common sites for bed sores
  • Back and sides of the head
  • Shoulder blades
  • Lower back, coccyx
  • Back of the thighs, heels, ankles

Causes of Bed Sores

The main causative factors for bedsores are:

  • Continuous pressure on any part of the body which leads to decreased blood flow to the tissues. This in turn causes the tissues damage and cell death.
  • Friction due to rubbing of skin and parts against the clothes and beddings.
  • -Risk factors for bed sores
  • Immobility due to any chronic health problem, traumatic injuries, etc.
  • Loss of sensory perception due to any spinal cord injuries, neurological disorders and other conditions which result in a loss of sensation.
  • Certain medical conditions which affect the blood flow such as diabetes and vascular disease.
  • Malnutrition
  • Lack of proper care


  • Cellulitis
  • Bone and joint infections
  • Cancer
  • Sepsis


  • Proper health care through good nutrition and hydration will prevent infection and promote healthy skin.
  • Frequent repositioning will avoid stress on the skin.
  • Using cushions and special mattress to relieve pressure helps to maintain comfortable positioning.
  • Keep the skin clean and dry.
  • Regular massage to the body can improve the blood flow to the parts.

Management of bed sores

  • Removing the pressure on the affected area
  • Protecting the wound with medicated gauze and proper dressings
  • Keeping the wound clean
  • Removing the damaged, infected, or dead tissue
  • Turning and repositioning every 2 hours
  • Providing good nutrition without which the bed sores cannot heal
  • Open sores should be cleaned with a saline solution each time the dressing is changed
  • Use oral antibiotics or antibiotic cream to treat an infection
  • Some bedsores may need surgical intervention

Homeopathic treatment for bed sores

Homeopathy is very effective in treating bed sores. Homeopathic remedies not only provide relief from the pain but also help in the healing process of the ulcers. Some of the best homeopathic remedies for bed sores are:

Arnica: It is the best natural medicine for treating bed sores when the skin turns bluish or blackish in appearance. It prevents pus formation. The bruises are accompanied by marked soreness and itching. Bruised and sore feeling in the affected part and feels as if the bed is too hard to lie on.

Apis Mellifica: It is a great remedy for bed sores and is indicated where the skin appears reddish or pink with a marked burning sensation in the spots. The pain gets worse by touch which is aggravated by warm room or from heat of bed. And is ameliorated by open air or uncovering the affected parts.

Carbo Veg: It is one of the best medicines for bed sores when the skin is bluish and cold. Excessive sweat and itching that gets worse by warmth and towards evening. Bleeding sores with marked weakness. Stasis of blood in the parts with blueness of the skin.

Arsenicum Album: It is an effective medicine for bed sores with ulceration and offensive, putrid discharge. Burning pain in the ulcers, which get worse at night and cold.

Silicea: It is indicated for bed sores with formation of pus. The pus oozes out from the ulcers.

Hepar Sulph: It is one of the best remedies for bed sores with ulcers and the discharge is bloody. There is extreme pain and sensitiveness in the ulcer. The blood oozes out along with pus from ulcers.

Paeonia: For bed sores especially on the skin covering sacrum and coccyx. Ulcers are very painful ad sensitive with itching.

Pyrogen: It is a best medicine for bed sores tending towards sepsis. Deep ulcers with horribly offensive discharge. There is increased pulse rate and high fever with shivering. The skin is cold and sweaty.

Argentum nitricum: It is an excellent remedy for bed sores where the centre of the open sores are covered with dry bloody crusts

Externally Calendula Q and Echinacea Q can be applied as antiseptic and healing agents

Some of the best ointment and creams for treating bed sores are
Schwabe India’s Calendula & Aloe Vera Multi Purpose Cream and Topi Heal Cream.