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Journal (JEBH)

Alpha™- Liv Drops

Alpha – Liv Drops Due to high demand from the market, for a formulation in drops for the liver, apart from the syrup already available in the market, Schwabe India developed this product. Introduction The liver plays a key role in metabolism. It has anabolic and catabolic, exocrine and endocrine functions. The liver is a blood reservoir, filter and store of different substances (e.g. glycogen, vitamins). It is the site of serum protein (e.g. albumin, prothrombin, fibrinogen) and enzyme synthesis. Metabolic processes (e.g. bilirubin, hormone, carbohydrate and lipid turnover) and the removal of toxic products are important liver functions. 1 Hepatotoxins (e.g. alcohol, tetracycline, acetaminophen, fungal toxins, and anabolic steroids) can cause specific damage to liver cells. Toxic hepatitis may be clinically silent or severe enough to lead to the rapid development of hepatic failure. Clinical features include hepatomegaly, enzyme abnormalities, fever, abdominal pain, anorexia, nausea, vomiting and weight loss. In patients with underlying cirrhosis, manifestations of portal hypertension may predominate. Aversion to fatty food, abdominal discomfort, nausea and vomiting after meals may be symptoms of 2 cholelithiasis. Jaundice results from accumulation of bilirubin. It has non-hepatic as well as hepatic causes. Hyperbilirubinaemia may be due to abnormalities in the 3 formation, transport, metabolism or excretion of bilirubin. TM Alpha -Liv Drops aids recovery and normalisation of liver functions. Severe liver disease needs specialised treatment. Indications: Slow liver functions, fatty liver, and for supportive treatment of hepatocellular jaundice and toxic liver damage.

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Tussikind™ – Schwabe News July – Dec 2020 & Jan – Dec 2021



Lungs are directly exposed to the environment through the inhaled air.  The air passage and respiratory bronchioles are lined by membranes, which enable the inhaled air to become warm and moist.  Under normal conditions, the infective organisms or allergens get moved up by the sweeping action of cilia to remove the particulate matter before it reaches the lungs.  The local defence consists of secretory IgA, microphages etc.  Diseased state occurs when the defence mechanisms are deficient.

Cough reflex is stimulated by irritation, and removes foreign matter with secretions.  In the early stages, cough is dry and unproductive.  With the development of inflammatory exudate, it becomes productive.  In whooping cough the exudate is tenacious and the child gives a series of quick, repeated cough.  It needs specific medical treatment.

Common cold, flu if not taken care of develops complications of acute bronchitis.  Cold, damp and foggy climate helps the development of the disease.  Wheezing, difficulty in breathing, mucoid sputum associated with fever and general malaise are common symptoms of the suffering children.  If it is repeated season after season, it may be termed as chronic bronchitis.  However, allergic asthma is different and many children suffer because of this.  Wheezing is present but there may not be fever.  Whooping cough has definite etiology, the bacteria called Bordetella pertussis.   The latter may  require special treatment.

Indications :  Cough from bronchial catarrh, acute and chronic wheeze, irritable cough and initial symptoms of  whooping cough.

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Each tablet of 100 mg contains:

Antimonium sulphuratum aureum 3x10 mg 

Bryonia alba 3x10 mg

Drosera rotundifolia 3x10 mg

Spongia tosta 3x10 mg

Ipecacuanha 4x10 mg

Excipients Q.S. 

Proven indications of the individual ingredients in the sphere of claimed action :

Antimonium sulphuratum aureum : It lowers down tickling in larynx, promotes expectoration, eases respiration and lowers the constriction and pressure in the bronchi.  Especially suited for winter cough, congestion in upper lobe and infective chronic nasal and bronchial catarrh.

Bryonia alba : It is indicated for dry, hacking cough from irritation of upper trachea, difficult, quick respiration.  In the second stage, there may be red coloured expectoration, tough and painful chest conditions.

Drosera rotundifolia: It is indicated for dry, irritative and spasmodic cough with yellow expectoration.  Hoarseness is prominent.  It is a useful remedy for whooping cough.

Spongia tosta :  It is indicated for dry, barking, croupy cough, worse during inhalation.  In this case, cough abates after eating or drinking.  Respiration is short and difficult.  The child feels suffocated and bronchial catarrh has prominent wheezing symptoms.

Ipecacuanha :  It is indicated for dyspnoea, constriction in chest, continued sneezing, coryza, whooping cough, suffocative cough, bubbling rales or clear rattling, croup, hoarseness and nausea.

Dosage :  Unless otherwise prescribed by the physician,  1 to 2 tablets hourly,  3 times per day over an extended period of time. If complaints are not relieved, consult a  specialist.

Side effects :  No side effects of Tussikind™   are known.

Contra-indications :  No contra-indications for the use of  Tussikind™  are known.

Interactions :  No interactions between Tussikind™ and other products are known.

Presentation :  Bottles of 10g of tablets.

Recent Advancements in Basic Homeopathic Research – A Reporton Two Significant Publications

Author: Snigdha Suman Dalua , Praveen Kumar Singh In a study conducted at the Experimental Farm of the State University of Santa Catarina, Brazil, researchers investigated the impact of homeopathic treatments on piglets during the nursery phase. The study aimed to determine whether homeopathic agents could reduce fighting behavior, improve growth performance, and affect hematological, metabolic, and oxidative variables.

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Journal of Evidence Based Homeopathy
Volume: 1, Issue: 1, January - June 2023

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