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Journal (JEBH)

Alpha™- Liv Drops

Alpha – Liv Drops Due to high demand from the market, for a formulation in drops for the liver, apart from the syrup already available in the market, Schwabe India developed this product. Introduction The liver plays a key role in metabolism. It has anabolic and catabolic, exocrine and endocrine functions. The liver is a blood reservoir, filter and store of different substances (e.g. glycogen, vitamins). It is the site of serum protein (e.g. albumin, prothrombin, fibrinogen) and enzyme synthesis. Metabolic processes (e.g. bilirubin, hormone, carbohydrate and lipid turnover) and the removal of toxic products are important liver functions. 1 Hepatotoxins (e.g. alcohol, tetracycline, acetaminophen, fungal toxins, and anabolic steroids) can cause specific damage to liver cells. Toxic hepatitis may be clinically silent or severe enough to lead to the rapid development of hepatic failure. Clinical features include hepatomegaly, enzyme abnormalities, fever, abdominal pain, anorexia, nausea, vomiting and weight loss. In patients with underlying cirrhosis, manifestations of portal hypertension may predominate. Aversion to fatty food, abdominal discomfort, nausea and vomiting after meals may be symptoms of 2 cholelithiasis. Jaundice results from accumulation of bilirubin. It has non-hepatic as well as hepatic causes. Hyperbilirubinaemia may be due to abnormalities in the 3 formation, transport, metabolism or excretion of bilirubin. TM Alpha -Liv Drops aids recovery and normalisation of liver functions. Severe liver disease needs specialised treatment. Indications: Slow liver functions, fatty liver, and for supportive treatment of hepatocellular jaundice and toxic liver damage.

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Schwabe News 2016 June- Product watch – Baptisia tinctoria 1x


Baptisia tinctoria 1x

Indications: Typhoid fever and associated septic conditions.


Baptisia tinctoria is a herb, native of U.S.A and Canada. Planted as an ornamental perenniel, it an erect, plant of 1.5m in height. It contains isoflavones which are oestrogenic, flavonoids, alkaloids, coumarins and others. A homoeopathic tincture is made from the root. It is covered by Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India. Its anti- inflammatory, antipyretic, estrogenic, immunostimulant properties are pharmacologically established. It has phagocytotic anti leukaemic, antiseptic, choleretic actions as well.

Typhoid fever

Typhoid or enteric fever is an infectious bacterial fever due to Salmonella typhi. It occurs with eruption of red spots on the chest and abdomen and severe intestinal irritation. It may onset gradually with malaise, headache, sore throat and cough. Then slow rise of (stepladder) fever, onset of diarrhoea or constipation may occur. Laboratory investigation would reveal widal positive and culture of blood, stool and urine will be positive for salmonella. In many cases there is characteristic tongue coating and abdominal discomfort is present due to gastroenteritis.

Baptisia tinctoria covers all the above symptoms. It is well-known for its role in septic conditions of the blood, intestinal dysfunction and poisoning with extreme prostration. Indescribable sick feeling, great muscular soreness and putrid phenomena are always present. It is also used in chronic intestinal toxaemias of children with foetid stools and eructations. Research reports rate this as immune stimulant, against upper respiratory tract infection, anti-lymphatic detoxifying drug.A study has found that the aqueous-ethanolic extracts from Baptisia tinctoria roots has a strong lymphocyte DNA synthesis-stimulating activity.


Complementary medicines: Alfalfa Tonic for convalescence after fever.


Dosage:  Unless otherwise prescribed, 2-4 tablets 2-3 times a day. Reduce the dose as symptoms improve. If complaints are not relieved, consult a specialist.

Side effects:  No side effects of Schwabe’s Baptisia tinctoria 1x are known.

Contraindications and interactions No interactions with other drugs for the use of Schwabe’s Baptisia tinctoria 1x are known. Use under physicians supervision in pregnant ladies.

Presentation Bottle of 20gm.

Recent Advancements in Basic Homeopathic Research – A Reporton Two Significant Publications

Author: Snigdha Suman Dalua , Praveen Kumar Singh In a study conducted at the Experimental Farm of the State University of Santa Catarina, Brazil, researchers investigated the impact of homeopathic treatments on piglets during the nursery phase. The study aimed to determine whether homeopathic agents could reduce fighting behavior, improve growth performance, and affect hematological, metabolic, and oxidative variables.

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Journal of Evidence Based Homeopathy
Volume: 1, Issue: 1, January - June 2023

Comprehensive articles

Short cases

Recent provings and updated materia medica

Materia medica on phytohomeopathy

Mother tincture

Product watch

Research News