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Journal (JEBH)

Triumphant Conclusion: Mumbai-Based Motorist Team’s Unique Healing with Homeopathy Campaign

A motorist team led by a homeopathic doctor from Mumbai has successfully concluded the ground breaking “Heal with Homeopathy” campaign, which took place from July 23, 2022. The campaign covered a challenging route spanning Mumbai, Amritsar, Srinagar, Kargil, Ladakh, Leh, Chandigarh, and back to Mumbai, traversing some of the highest locations on their bikes. This pioneering campaign holds the distinction of being the world’s first homeopathy initiative conducted in such demanding circumstances, exploring breathtaking landscapes. The team expresses heartfelt gratitude for the overwhelming support and well wishes received, contributing to the resounding success of the campaign. The campaign’s social media posts were widely shared, spreading awareness about the power of homeopathy.

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Schwabe News 2016 June- Mother tincture info – Hepatica triloba


Hepatica triloba

Its common name is liverwort and botanical name is Hepatica nobalis. The genus name Hepatica refers to the liver like shape of the leaves. It is an evergreen, stemless herb, with a fibrous root. It grows up to 5-15 cm in height. The leaves are round have three lobes and hairless when old and fleshy, dark olive green and purplish beneath when old. The flowers are purplish, blue, or nearly white during winter and spring. Flowers are solitary and have 5-10 oval showy sepals and 3 green bracts1.

It is native to Cooler latitudes of the North Temperate Zone, Great Britain, Europe, northern Asia, North America, and northern Mexico, etc.

Hepatica contains only the ordinary constituents of herbs. It contains tannin, sugar, mucilage, protoanemonin; its value is due to its astringent principle.

It is covered by Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India as well as Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of United States.

It is indicated in Pharyngeal catarrh, with profuse, serous sputa and hoarseness, tickling and irritation of the throat. It also used in scraping and rough sensation in throat, causes free and easy expectoration. Viscid, thick, tenacious phlegm causes continued hawking. Patient may complaint pain in the nostrils2. It has sensation about epiglottis as if particles of food remained. It is used in Sputa sweet, profuse, creamy with hepatic congestion.3 It is reported that some herbalists include it in treatments for pimples, bronchitis and gout.4

Recommended dose: 5-20 drops 2-3 times a day.


  1. P. N. Varma, Indu Vaid, Encyclopaedia of Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia, Updated edition 2007, B. Jain Publishers, New Delhi.
  2. W. Boericke, New Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica & Repertory [with Relationship of Remedies], Second Re-Augmented & Revised Edition Based on Ninth Edition, Reprint Edition 2002, B. Jain Publishers, New Delhi.
  3. A. L. Blackwood, A Manual of Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacology, Reprint Edition 1995, B. Jain Publishers, New Delhi.
  4. Howard, Michael. Traditional Folk Remedies (Century, 1987); p.161–2. Source:

Journal of Evidence Based Homeopathy
Volume: 1, Issue: 1, January - June 2023