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Journal (JEBH)

Alpha™- Liv Drops

Alpha – Liv Drops Due to high demand from the market, for a formulation in drops for the liver, apart from the syrup already available in the market, Schwabe India developed this product. Introduction The liver plays a key role in metabolism. It has anabolic and catabolic, exocrine and endocrine functions. The liver is a blood reservoir, filter and store of different substances (e.g. glycogen, vitamins). It is the site of serum protein (e.g. albumin, prothrombin, fibrinogen) and enzyme synthesis. Metabolic processes (e.g. bilirubin, hormone, carbohydrate and lipid turnover) and the removal of toxic products are important liver functions. 1 Hepatotoxins (e.g. alcohol, tetracycline, acetaminophen, fungal toxins, and anabolic steroids) can cause specific damage to liver cells. Toxic hepatitis may be clinically silent or severe enough to lead to the rapid development of hepatic failure. Clinical features include hepatomegaly, enzyme abnormalities, fever, abdominal pain, anorexia, nausea, vomiting and weight loss. In patients with underlying cirrhosis, manifestations of portal hypertension may predominate. Aversion to fatty food, abdominal discomfort, nausea and vomiting after meals may be symptoms of 2 cholelithiasis. Jaundice results from accumulation of bilirubin. It has non-hepatic as well as hepatic causes. Hyperbilirubinaemia may be due to abnormalities in the 3 formation, transport, metabolism or excretion of bilirubin. TM Alpha -Liv Drops aids recovery and normalisation of liver functions. Severe liver disease needs specialised treatment. Indications: Slow liver functions, fatty liver, and for supportive treatment of hepatocellular jaundice and toxic liver damage.

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Olmuv™ – Schwabe News Apr – Dec 2019 – Schwabe India



Pain is an unpleasant feeling. It can be felt anywhere in the body and can be related to different conditions of different body systems like nervous system, digestive system, musculoskeletal system, etc. Pain in musculoskeletal system is often managed by topical applications, in addition to oral medication. Topical application provides rapid relief by soothing and relaxing the underlying tissues to facilitate lessening of pain. Many musculoskeletal conditions like arthritis, rheumatism, spondylosis, spondylitis, injury, etc. reflect pain as a symptom. Possible causes for muscular and joint pains are over-exertion, trauma, inflammation of the muscles and joint, metabolic disorders, etc. In muscular (non-articular) rheumatism, fibrous tissue and ligaments are affected. More common locations of the muscular and joint pains are neck, back, extremities, joints, etc.

Olmuv™ is medicated oil enriched with beneficial herbs and essential minerals known for their therapeutic action on the muscles and joints alleviating pain. These medicinal ingredients are widely used in traditional and folk medicines which are proved scientifically. It can be used in acute as well as chronic pains for rapid relief. It is beneficial in joint pains like knee pain, muscular pain due to sprain, over exertion and pain due to internal injury. Active ingredients of herb show anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-rheumatic and anti-spasmodic effects.

Indications: Joint and muscular pain in general.



Active ingredients:

  • Acacia arabica1%
  • Acidum formicum1%
  • Arnica montana1%
  • Camphora officinalis2%
  • Capsaicin1%
  • Gaultheria procumbens3%
  • Guaiacum3% 
  • Mentha piperita1%
  • Mentholum4%
  • Methylum salicylatum20%
  • Olibanum1%

Oil Base: Sesame oil, Liquidum parafinum, Linseed oil (Flaxseed oil), Oleum terebinthinae, Eucalyptus oil

Indications of the individual ingredients in the sphere of claimed action:

Acacia arabica: In Indian medicine, it is a well-known remedy for painful joints, arthritis, muscular pain, etc. Study has established its potential anti-osteoarthritic effect on pain and cysteine induced arthritic rats.

Acidum formicum: It is indicated in chronic muscle pain and soreness. Gout and joint rheumatism, which appear suddenly. Chronic arthritis in connection with gouty diathesis. Shows remarkable results in arthritis following an attack of acute rheumatic fever, although often pains of a neuralgic character persisting in certain spots are very stubborn.

Arnica montana: It is popular as external application in sprains, bruises, and wounds, and as a paint for chilblains. Topical application of Arnica in osteoarthritis found as beneficial as a 5% ibuprofen in clinical study. 

Camphora officinalis:  Rheumatic pain between shoulders. Numbness, tingling and coldness in extremities. Icy cold feet, ache as if sprained. Drawing lancinations between the shoulder-blades, while moving the arms. Pressure and acute drawing in the arm and forearm. Pains, as from a bruise, in the thighs and in the knees. Cramp-like pains and acute drawings in the legs. 

Capsaicin: Capsaicin is a component of capsicum which is used as an analgesic to relieve the pain. Capsaicin aids in controlling peripheral nerve pain. Due to its analgesic property it is used for arthritis, backache, strains and sprains.

Gaultheria procumbens: It is a well-known herb used for rheumatism, arthritis, gout, and pain in bones and joints. Gaultherilene is the main component which is proved to be analgesic. It is found useful in ciliary neuralgia, facial neuralgia, gastric, ovarian, uterine, and menstrual neuralgias, sciatica, and inflammatory rheumatism.

Guaiacum: Its chief action on fibrous tissue and rheumatism is established. It is especially adapted to the arthritic diathesis. In rheumatism, contraction of limbs, stiffness and immobility are seen.

Mentha piperita: Due to its analgesic and cooling effect, it is being used for muscle pain, nerve pain, inflammation of joint conditions, headache, etc. All muscles round neck are painful to touch. Menthol content in Mentha piperita oil helps to relax muscles, treat muscular spasms, reduce pain, alleviate inflammation and promote blood circulation.

Mentholum: Muscular pain in cervical region and soreness of lumbar muscles. In a recent study, Mentholum is found beneficial to improve functioning and reduce pain among knee oesteoarthritis patients. 

Methylum salicylatum: It is known for its antiarthritic and analgesic properties. Its use in muscle and joint pain is well established.

Olibanum: It contains boswellic acid and alibanoresin. Olibanum oil is traditionally used for soothing inflammation. It relieves pain associated with rheumatism and arthritis. 

Directions for use

Dosage: Unless otherwise prescribed, Olmuv™ should be applied as follows:

The oil should be used 3 –4 times daily by applying a thin layer on the affected areas. It should be slightly massaged into the skin. 

Side effects: In rare cases, applying of the Olmuv™ might cause allergic skin reactions in people who are sensitive to any of its ingredient. 

Contraindication: Any contact with open wounds and mucous membranes should be avoided carefully.

Interactions: No interactions between Olmuv™ and other products are known.

Presentation: 60 ml.

Recent Advancements in Basic Homeopathic Research – A Reporton Two Significant Publications

Author: Snigdha Suman Dalua , Praveen Kumar Singh In a study conducted at the Experimental Farm of the State University of Santa Catarina, Brazil, researchers investigated the impact of homeopathic treatments on piglets during the nursery phase. The study aimed to determine whether homeopathic agents could reduce fighting behavior, improve growth performance, and affect hematological, metabolic, and oxidative variables.

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Journal of Evidence Based Homeopathy
Volume: 1, Issue: 1, January - June 2023

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