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Alpha™- Liv Drops

Alpha – Liv Drops Due to high demand from the market, for a formulation in drops for the liver, apart from the syrup already available in the market, Schwabe India developed this product. Introduction The liver plays a key role in metabolism. It has anabolic and catabolic, exocrine and endocrine functions. The liver is a blood reservoir, filter and store of different substances (e.g. glycogen, vitamins). It is the site of serum protein (e.g. albumin, prothrombin, fibrinogen) and enzyme synthesis. Metabolic processes (e.g. bilirubin, hormone, carbohydrate and lipid turnover) and the removal of toxic products are important liver functions. 1 Hepatotoxins (e.g. alcohol, tetracycline, acetaminophen, fungal toxins, and anabolic steroids) can cause specific damage to liver cells. Toxic hepatitis may be clinically silent or severe enough to lead to the rapid development of hepatic failure. Clinical features include hepatomegaly, enzyme abnormalities, fever, abdominal pain, anorexia, nausea, vomiting and weight loss. In patients with underlying cirrhosis, manifestations of portal hypertension may predominate. Aversion to fatty food, abdominal discomfort, nausea and vomiting after meals may be symptoms of 2 cholelithiasis. Jaundice results from accumulation of bilirubin. It has non-hepatic as well as hepatic causes. Hyperbilirubinaemia may be due to abnormalities in the 3 formation, transport, metabolism or excretion of bilirubin. TM Alpha -Liv Drops aids recovery and normalisation of liver functions. Severe liver disease needs specialised treatment. Indications: Slow liver functions, fatty liver, and for supportive treatment of hepatocellular jaundice and toxic liver damage.

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Caulophyllum thalictroides – Schwabe India


Schwabe News Volume 5 | Issue 1 | January 2014

Caulophyllum thalictroides


Caulophyllum thalictroides has been covered by TF Allen, AL Blackwood, W. Boericke, JH Clarke, C. Hering, etc. It is more suitable to women and main sphere of action includes female organs and smaller joints. A proving has been published recently from the Dr. Willmar Schwabe Group. The drug was proved in 12CH with 13 female and 9 male provers by Dr. David Riley with the support from Deutsche Homöopathie-Union (DHU), the homoeopathic division of Dr. Willmar Schwabe, Germany. It was a placebo controlled pathogenetic trial to re-establish its curative efficacy in homoeopathic doses.

Important symptoms found during proving were viral illnesses or influenza,  skin prickling, congested chest and coughs, fullness of the head or sinuses, nasal discharges especially from the posterior nares, voice hoarseness or raspiness, heat in face, ear, and head, sore and irritated throat, aching muscles, fevers, night sweating and coldness of perspiration during the day. Numerous female complaints like  itching and burning vaginal pains, painful and long menstrual cycles, leucorrhoea, spotting before the menses, and irritability or weepiness before the menses were also found. A combined materia medica of new proving symptoms as well as old symptoms are presented here. For the complete details of the proving, readers are requested to refer the original provings.


Fretful; irritable; apprehensive. Anger or rage. Brooding. Strange dreams. Dullness. Irritability before menses. Optimistic. Sadness as from a dream, before menses, or on waking. Wandering thoughts. Weeping easily.


Swimming in the head, a sort of vertigo, with dimness of sight. Frequent gulping of sour, bitter fluid with vertigo; spasmodic vomiting. Light-headed. Staggering in the morning on waking.


Dull headache. Drawing pains over the left eye. Sharp pains in the forehead, as if needles were sticking in, with contraction of the skin. Headache agg. on stooping, from light, in the afternoon. Congestion from sinus pressure. Fullness and enlarged sensation. Heat. Sense of lightness at the vertex. Dull forehead pain between the eyes or above the left eye. Throbbing pain in the left forehead. Pain on waking.


Drawing pains over the left eye. Pain over left eye with pressure behind eye; severe by spells; agg. stooping; from light; from noon till night. Eye dryness especially in the canthi. Itching in the evening.


Nose-bleed in whooping cough with vomiting. Drawing pains in nose. Post nasal drip. Congestion. Coryza. discharge that is brown, green, or from the posterior nares. Discharge from the posterior nares that is clear or viscid. Obstruction. Internal sinuses.


Moth patches on the face. Clusters of hard pimples around the mouth and chin. Heat in the face. Stiffness of the jaw. Swelling of the gland under the lower jaw.


Sensation of dryness in mouth; heat. Aphthae.


Distress in fauces, which causes frequent inclination to swallow. Dryness. Choking. Irritation. Mucus. Pain on swallowing. Scratching pain or sore pain worse when talking.


Spasmodic action of the muscular tissues of the intestines, from irritation of motor nerves, and from rheumatism. Cardialgia, spasms of stomach. Dyspepsia with spasmodic symptoms. Empty eructations. Frequent gulping up of sour, bitter fluid, with vertigo. Spasmodic vomiting, cardialgia, excessive nausea, spasms of the stomach attending uterine irritation. Dyspepsia, with spasmodic symptoms; from uterine irritation. Indigestion improves. Queasiness. Dull pain.


Rumblings in abdomen; waking at 1 A.M. , with urging to stool, then copious, painless stool, watery. Flatulent symptoms. Distention and cramping pain before or during menses. Nausea.


Stool white. Stool hard, then soft. Frequent. Loose stools.


Copious, pale or straw-colored urine. Pain in region of kidneys. Urging that wakes him at night or increased urination during the daytime. Bright yellow urine.


Every few minutes sharp, stinging pains in glans penis. Sharp, shooting pain in the right testicle that was better from a warm bath.


Menses and leucorrhoea profuse. Extraordinary rigidity of os. Spasmodic and severe pains, which fly in all directions; shivering, without progress; false pains. Revives labor pains and furthers progress of labor. After pains. Leucorrhoea, with moth-spots on forehead. Itching or burning vaginal pain. Clear leucorrhoea. Menses that are painful or protracted. Pain or spotting blood before the menstrual flow.


Tickling in the air passages especially in the evening. Sudden deep cough from the chest. Cough on waking. Dry, irritating cough. Cough from post nasal catarrh. Congestion with a moist cough.


Hoarseness, rough, or husky, with or without sore throat.


The menstrual discharge in Caulophyllum is very scanty, and is preceded by pain in the small of back. Dull pain in the lumbar region. Severe drawing pain in the sterno-cloido mastoid that draws the head to the left side. Prickling sensation in back and shoulders, like pins.


Pains in fingers, ankles, feet and toes, causing restlessness. Flying pains in the arms and legs. Drawing pains, especially in the toes. Aching in wrists and joints of fingers. Stiffness of the fingers. Right hip pain that extends downward on walking.


Decreased energy. Desires chocolate or to smoke tobacco. Influenza, feeling ill, or lassitude. Worse before menses. Pain and soreness in the muscles.


  1. Riley, David S. Materia Medica of New and Old Homoeopathic Medicines, Springer-Verlag GmbH, 2012.
  2. Boericke, W., New Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica & Repertory [with Relationship of Remedies], Second Re-Augmented & Revised Edition Based on Ninth Edition, Reprint Edition 2002, B. Jain Publishers, New Delhi.
  3. Clarcke, J. H., Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica, Reprint Edition 1992, B. Jain Publishers, New Delhi.
  4. Allen, T. F., Primer of Materia Medica, B. Jain Publishers, New Delhi.
  5. Varma, P. N., Indu Vaid, Encyclopaedia of Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia, Updated edition 2007, B. Jain Publishers, New Delhi.
  6. Vermeulen, F., Synoptic Materia Medica II, RadarOpus 1.33, Archibel S.A. Rue Fontaine St. Pierre 1E, Zoning Industriel de la Fagne, 5330 Assesse, Belgium.
  7. Cowperthwaite A., Text book of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, RadarOpus 1.33, Archibel S.A. Rue Fontaine St. Pierre 1E, Zoning Industriel de la Fagne, 5330 Assesse, Belgium.

Recent Advancements in Basic Homeopathic Research – A Reporton Two Significant Publications

Author: Snigdha Suman Dalua , Praveen Kumar Singh In a study conducted at the Experimental Farm of the State University of Santa Catarina, Brazil, researchers investigated the impact of homeopathic treatments on piglets during the nursery phase. The study aimed to determine whether homeopathic agents could reduce fighting behavior, improve growth performance, and affect hematological, metabolic, and oxidative variables.

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Journal of Evidence Based Homeopathy
Volume: 1, Issue: 1, January - June 2023

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