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Dr Willmar Schwabe India Natrum carbonicum CH

105.00 86.10

Natrum carbonicum is made from genuine raw materials, back potency and expensive and purest form of alcohol, namely Extra Neutral Alcohol (ENA).

The drug is associated to stimulate the cellular activity and increase oxidation. Other conditions that fall in this sphere are weakness by heat, exhaustion, watery skin, weakness in the ankles and chronic effects of the sunstroke being peculiar to the drug.

Face – Treats yellow spots and pimples, blue rings around the eyes and swelling on the lids and upper lips.

Head – Signs such as pain from even the slightest mental exhaustion, sensitivity to hearing, vertigo from exposure to sun and headache with return of hot weather are indicated.

Sleep – Wakes up early in the morning, drowsy during the day and sexual dreams.

Bowels – As mentioned, it covers the urge to pass stool, yellow discharges and escapes in a hurry and noise.

Skin – It is beneficial for dry and cracked skin, boils on finger tips, toes and knuckles, sweat easily and vesicular eruptions in circles and patches.

Respiratory – The remedy covers dry cough and with coldness on the left side of the breast.

Other symptoms can be found in –
1. Stomach
2. Female
3. Nose
4. Extremities
5. Mind

Additional information


Please consult your physician

Package Name

6CH 30ml, 12CH 30ml, 30CH 30ml, 200CH 30ml, 1M 30ml, 10M 10ml, 50M 10ml, CM 10ml

This remedy stimulates cellular activity and increase oxidation and metabolism. There is great debility from sun heat. It relieves the chronic effects of sunstroke and exhaustion. It corrects anemia. Ankles are weak.

Mind: Difficulty in thinking. Slow comprehension. It produces mental weakness and depression. There is great sensitivity to noise and cold.

Head: Pain in the head from slight mental exertion, sun and working under gaslight. It is indicated in headaches in hot weather.

Nose: There is puffiness and pimples on the nose. It is indicated in nasal block and running nose. The discharge is offensive.

Face: Face is full of freckles, yellow spots and pimples. The upper lip is swollen. Face is pale and blue rings around eyes.

Stomach: The stomach feels swollen and sensitive. It alleviates the ill effects of drinking cold water when overheated. The digestion is weak from slight change of food.

Stool: There is sudden urge to stool. The stool is passed with great noise. The stool contains yellow substance like pulp of orange. Diarrhea sets in after drinking milk.

Female: Cervix is indurated. There is bearing down sensation in the pelvic region with heaviness which is worse from sitting and better by moving. Menses is scanty like meat washings. The white discharge is offensive and irritating.

Extremities: It is indicated in sprains. There is great weakness of limb in the morning. Ankles are easily sprained and dislocated. The toes and fingers feel sore.

Skin: It has inclination to sweat easily or there is dryness of skin with cracks. There are eruptions on finger tips, knuckles and toes.

Modalities: Complaints are worse from sitting, music, summer heat, mental exertion, thunderstorm, changes of weather and better by moving.

Dosage: Please note that the dosage of single homoeopathic medicines varies from drug to drug depending upon the condition, age, sensitivity and other things. In some cases they are given as regular doses as 3-5 drops 2-3 times a day whereas in other cases they are given only once in a week, month or even in a longer period. We strongly recommend that the medication should be taken as per the physician’s advice.

Manufactured in India by Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd. A-36, Sector-60, Uttar Pradesh, Noida – 201304.

Country of Origin: India.

Registered office Address: Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd. H-36, Green Park Extension, New Delhi, Pin: 110016.


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The drug is associated to stimulate the cellular activity and increase oxidation. Other conditions that fall in this sphere are weakness by heat, exhaustion, watery skin, weakness in the ankles and chronic effects of the sunstroke being peculiar to the drug.

Face – Treats yellow spots and pimples, blue rings around the eyes and swelling on the lids and upper lips.

Head – Signs such as pain from even the slightest mental exhaustion, sensitivity to hearing, vertigo from exposure to sun and headache with return of hot weather are indicated.

Sleep – Wakes up early in the morning, drowsy during the day and sexual dreams.

Bowels – As mentioned, it covers the urge to pass stool, yellow discharges and escapes in a hurry and noise.

Skin – It is beneficial for dry and cracked skin, boils on finger tips, toes and knuckles, sweat easily and vesicular eruptions in circles and patches.

Respiratory – The remedy covers dry cough and with coldness on the left side of the breast.

Other symptoms can be found in –
1. Stomach
2. Female
3. Nose
4. Extremities
5. Mind

Additional information


Please consult your physician

Package Name

6CH 30ml, 12CH 30ml, 30CH 30ml, 200CH 30ml, 1M 30ml, 10M 10ml, 50M 10ml, CM 10ml

This remedy stimulates cellular activity and increase oxidation and metabolism. There is great debility from sun heat. It relieves the chronic effects of sunstroke and exhaustion. It corrects anemia. Ankles are weak.

Mind: Difficulty in thinking. Slow comprehension. It produces mental weakness and depression. There is great sensitivity to noise and cold.

Head: Pain in the head from slight mental exertion, sun and working under gaslight. It is indicated in headaches in hot weather.

Nose: There is puffiness and pimples on the nose. It is indicated in nasal block and running nose. The discharge is offensive.

Face: Face is full of freckles, yellow spots and pimples. The upper lip is swollen. Face is pale and blue rings around eyes.

Stomach: The stomach feels swollen and sensitive. It alleviates the ill effects of drinking cold water when overheated. The digestion is weak from slight change of food.

Stool: There is sudden urge to stool. The stool is passed with great noise. The stool contains yellow substance like pulp of orange. Diarrhea sets in after drinking milk.

Female: Cervix is indurated. There is bearing down sensation in the pelvic region with heaviness which is worse from sitting and better by moving. Menses is scanty like meat washings. The white discharge is offensive and irritating.

Extremities: It is indicated in sprains. There is great weakness of limb in the morning. Ankles are easily sprained and dislocated. The toes and fingers feel sore.

Skin: It has inclination to sweat easily or there is dryness of skin with cracks. There are eruptions on finger tips, knuckles and toes.

Modalities: Complaints are worse from sitting, music, summer heat, mental exertion, thunderstorm, changes of weather and better by moving.

Dosage: Please note that the dosage of single homoeopathic medicines varies from drug to drug depending upon the condition, age, sensitivity and other things. In some cases they are given as regular doses as 3-5 drops 2-3 times a day whereas in other cases they are given only once in a week, month or even in a longer period. We strongly recommend that the medication should be taken as per the physician’s advice.

Manufactured in India by Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd. A-36, Sector-60, Uttar Pradesh, Noida – 201304.

Country of Origin: India.

Registered office Address: Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd. H-36, Green Park Extension, New Delhi, Pin: 110016.


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