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Five Ways To Solve Your Sleep Problems

Good sleep is essential for our body to function effectively as many important cellular processes happen during sleep. Any disruptions in the sleep-wake cycle not only affect the physical with signs of tiredness but also affects the mental abilities and the hormonal balance in the body. The symptoms of sleep problems differ depending on the severity and type of sleeping disorder. They also vary when sleep disorders are a result of an underlying condition.

The general symptoms of sleep disorders are difficulty falling or staying asleep, a strong urge to take naps during the day, daytime fatigue, extreme irritability or anxiety, lack of concentration, depression, etc.

Management of sleep problems

  • Lifestyle changes can greatly improve your quality of sleep. A proper and regular sleep routine helps to reduce sleep problems. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day can also significantly improve your sleep quality.
  • Healthy balanced diet: A balanced food incorporating more vegetables and fruits, whole grains, milk, and curd in the diet with reduced intake of salt and sugar, limiting the stimulants like caffeine intake will promote a healthy body and hence improve the quality of sleep. Eat small low-carbohydrate meals before bedtime
  • Regular exercises such as walking help to reduce stress and anxiety. They lead to the production of happy and feel-good hormones thereby inducing sleep.
  • Avoid the use of tobacco and alcohol use
  • While it is very tempting to sleep late on the weekends, this can make it more difficult to wake up and fall asleep during the weekdays.

Also Read Sleep Disorder - 5 Ways To Deal with Insomnia

Homeopathic medicines that help in treating sleep problems

  • Coffea cruda: When the person lies down to attempt to sleep, the mind is simply awake with a flow of ideas. This state is sometimes caused by joy, pleasurable excitement, or sudden happy surprises as well as by unexpected bad news. Such a state may also be found in those who drink too much wine or in those over-fatigued from long journeys.
  • Nux vomica : Fall asleep early, but awakens at 3:00 or 4:00 a.m. with great mental activity or worries, the patient is finally asleep but wakes up in a tired, irritable state. Insomnia is brought on by the overuse of drugs and stimulants including alcohol, coffee, and wine, or by overwork or excess studying. The person is irritable, easily angered, and impatient.
  • Aconite: The patient is restless and excited with anxiety and fear. The problems are brought on by a shock or fright, such as a serious accident, natural disaster or recent surgery.
  • Chamomilla: The person is usually in an irritable, uncivil state. They are often frantic with pain or irritability. Feels drowsy during the day, but unable to sleep in spite of sleepiness. This irritability is often found in teething infants who insist on being carried.
  • Arnica: This is a well-known remedy for those with bruises and other sorts of trauma, and those needing this remedy for insomnia have often been in a recent accident or had recent exertion and strain. The patient is overtired but cannot sleep and may feel bruised, or the bed may feel too hard. It is also the remedy for sleep problems due to jet lag.
  • Cocculus: It is indicated for sleeplessness from exhaustion. This often comes on from the loss of sleep associated with night watching or night study. Their sleep may be interrupted by waking and starting. The person is emotionally sensitive, easily offended, and intolerant of contradiction, or they may be extremely sad.
  • Belladonna: Very sleepy, yet unable to sleep. Sudden starting or jerking during sleep or when falling asleep. Often restless and grinds the teeth during sleep.
  • Gelsemium: This remedy is suitable for people who are often dull and drowsy, maybe even trembling. They cannot get to sleep but their bodies are still and they may appear asleep from the outside, but they are on the edge of sleep internally. Sometimes they start falling asleep. When finally asleep they may have restless sleep or heavy sleep.
  • Staphysagria: Sleeplessness after a fit of anger or after a dispute in which their honour was wounded and they suppressed their anger. They are often snappish and take offense easily.
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