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Journal (JEBH)

Triumphant Conclusion: Mumbai-Based Motorist Team’s Unique Healing with Homeopathy Campaign

A motorist team led by a homeopathic doctor from Mumbai has successfully concluded the ground breaking “Heal with Homeopathy” campaign, which took place from July 23, 2022. The campaign covered a challenging route spanning Mumbai, Amritsar, Srinagar, Kargil, Ladakh, Leh, Chandigarh, and back to Mumbai, traversing some of the highest locations on their bikes. This pioneering campaign holds the distinction of being the world’s first homeopathy initiative conducted in such demanding circumstances, exploring breathtaking landscapes. The team expresses heartfelt gratitude for the overwhelming support and well wishes received, contributing to the resounding success of the campaign. The campaign’s social media posts were widely shared, spreading awareness about the power of homeopathy.

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ALPHA-CF – Used for Upper Respiratory Tract Infection, Common Cold – Schwabe India


Schwabe News Volume 3| Issue 1 | February 2012



Cold and influenza are infections which are mainly caused by viruses.  They however differ in terms of organs they affect and afflictions experienced. ALPHA – CF (COLD & FLU) has a wide spectrum of coverage over complaints of upper respiratory tract infection, common cold and headache due to cold.  Catarrh is a general term covering cold coryza and cough where profuse watery discharge is prominent.

Acute coryza (common cold):  It may be of infective origin where mucous membrane of nose and nasopharynx are involved.  It is associated with sneezing and profuse watery discharge.  Simple exposure to cold may also give rise to febrile conditions, headache and initial otitis.  Varying degrees of malaise and pyrexia are present.  Cough may be voluntary or as a result of reflex action due to irritation in any part of respiratory mucous membrane.   It may be dry, loose and spasmodic. 

Alpha – CF takes care of these symptoms.

Influenza:  It is a specific acute illness caused by a group of myxoviruses of two common types, A and B.  Symptoms are sudden onset of pyrexia associated with generalised aches and pains, anorexia, nausea and vomiting.  Degree of ill health ranges from mild to serious conditions.  It has usually harsh unproductive cough.  Most patients with Alpha – CF do not develop complaints and acute symptoms subside within 3-5 days, but may be followed by post influenzal asthenia which can persist for several weeks needing continued use of this product along with medicines for convalescence.

Indications : Cold, catarrah, influenza, associated headache and bodyache.

Each tablet for 250mg contains:

Aconitum napellus 3x                           25 mg

Bryonia alba 3x                                      25 mg

Eupatorium perfoliatum 1x                 25 mg

Gelsemium semp 3x                             25 mg

Ipecacuanha 3x                                     25 mg

Phosphorus 6x                                      25 mg

Eucalyptus globulus 2x                         10 mg

Excipients Q.S. to make                        250 mg

Proven indications of the individual ingredients in the sphere of claimed action:

Aconitum napellus :  Physical and mental restlessness with fever and great feeling of  weakness, complaints and tension caused by exposure to dry, cold weather, draught of cold air, smell acutely sensitive, pain at the root of nose, mucous membrane dry, nose dry or with scanty watery coryza, throat is red, dry and constricted.

Bryonia alba:  Aching in every muscle, mucous membranes are all dry with dry cough, rheumatic pains and swellings, physical weakness, irritable, splitting headache, headache worse on motion, even of eyeballs, dryness of mouth, tongue and throat with excessive thirst, soreness in larynx and trachea, hoarseness, dry, hacking cough from irritation in upper trachea, cough, dry at night, must sit up, worse after eating or drinking  with stitches in chest, are covered by this drug.

Eupatorium perfoliatum:  Indicated for febrile diseases, influenza, headache, bone-pain, coryza with sneezing, hoarseness and cough with soreness in chest, must support it and fever preceded by thirst are fully covered by this medicine.

Gelsemium sempervirens: Indicated for muscular weakness, vertigo, heaviness of head, occipital headache with feeling as if there is a tight band around the head, dull heavy ache with heaviness of eyelids, sneezing, fullness at root nose, dryness of nasal fossa, watery excoriating discharge, acute coryza, with dull headache, fever, and dry cough with sore chest. Spasm of the glottis are also covered by this drug.

Ipecacuanha:  The chief action is on the ramifications of the pneumo-gastric nerve, producing spasmodic, irritation in chest and stomach. Coryza with stoppage of nose and nausea, dyspnoea, cough incessant and violent with every breath.  Sneezing and  nausea are covered by this drug.

Eucalyptus globulus: It is a remedy with marked effects on catarrhal processes, influenza,  fever of relapsing character, stuffy nose, tightness across bridge, chronic catarrhal dyspnoea and palpitation, expectoration white, thick mucous, bronchitis in the aged, bronchorrhoea, profuse expectoration of thin watery coryza, offensive muco-pus and  irritative cough.

Phosphorus: It is indicated where the picture is of destructive metabolism, great lowness of spirit, neuralgia, parts must be kept warm, chronic catarrh with small haemorrhages, larynx very painful, sore throat, cannot talk on account of pain in larynx, cough from tickling in throat, worse in cold air.

Dosage:  Unless otherwise prescribed by the physician, at acute stage take 1  tablet every hour upto 12 tablets daily and subsequently 1 to 2 tablets,  3 times per day over an extended period of time. If complaints are not relieved, consult a specialist.

Side effects :  No side effects of Alpha –  CF are known.

Contra-indications :  No contra-indications for the use of Alpha –  CF  are known.

Interactions :  No interactions between Alpha –  CF and other products are known.

Presentation :  40 tablets in blister pack of 4×10

Journal of Evidence Based Homeopathy
Volume: 1, Issue: 1, January - June 2023