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Hormonal Imbalances and Homoeopathy

Homoeopathy scores a point of advantage as this system has a relationship between the drugs and the personality patterns of the patients. With the knowledge of endocrinology, we learn about the hormones of different ductless glands and their influence over the mental l& biological makeup of the individual. Different glands have different functions but they seem to act synergistically. Very often the disordered functions of one gland with hypo or hyper functions put us out of track in the selection of a totality-based similar drug. But the study of the case does indicate it as simillimum.

I had an occasion to critically review the effect of drugs like Cimicifuga, Ignatia, Lachesis, Sanguinaria and Sepia in cases of menopausal problems. Except for Lachesis, which was 6x(at the administration level), the others were 2x and 3x. The clinical efficacy results were of the order of 80% and higher. Obviously, it is a better choice than HRT which is known for many side effects. This made me think of other hormonal problems. Life-style has a bearing on the management of disturbed endocrinological problems but homoeopathy looks to these as changed personality & pathological problems.

Depending on the type of thyroid problem one can think of Calcarea and Baryta salts, or Graphites & Phospohrus. but Nux Vomica is a drug, which largely suits followed by other matching drugs. If the pituitary is thought perhaps Pulsatilla & Platina will be on top of the list. Coming to intercourse and senility the top of the list may have Conium maculatum, Selenium, Sepia, Sulphur, Lachesis, Lycopodium, pulsatilla & others like Agnus, Ginseng & Damiana.

The above is not the end. Homoeopathy has many herbal extracts which target well the problems related to endocrine dysfunction.


In Britain, there is a Department of Happiness. Some of their findings need to be recorded. It says married people are happier. I confess I was surprised. I thought otherwise. But studies are to be believed and results are used for the betterment of society. Plenty of intercourse, companionship and trust produce a general sense of well-being. Government or say policies to alleviate misery, or for the policymakers to know how can they make the citizen more cheerful. Not all results make cheerful reading. Women tend to exhibit higher levels of depression. Happiness follows a U-shaped curve bottoming out at the age of 35-50.

In India, we have a Department of Family welfare. I know it advocates less for children and does work of child and maternal care. It is not only the sex ratio but literary rate, unemployment, poor health, poor empowerment, and violence proneness are all unfavourable.

The age 35-50 with fairness to intercourse can be called middle age. It is the age majority of females have menopause. Apart from the unhappiness of defined and undefined causes, it has problems like the irregularity of rhythm, the flow of menses, symptoms of hot flushes, vaginal dryness, urethritis, incontinence, irritability, tiredness and lack of libido. A study on Cimicifuga, Ignatia, Sanguinaria, Sepia at D3 and Lachesis at D6 gave more than excellent coverage. Big relief for homoeopaths, they can confidently manage with the above and other medicines like Fraxinus amer, Hydrastis, Pulsatilla, Sabina, Sabal Serrulata, Trillium, Viburnum op. etc.

Also Read How Homeopathy Can Help You Manage Change

In post-menopausal women, gonadotrophin has both luteinising & follicle-stimulating hormones at a higher level. They have links to fertility as well serve as tools for the detection of the menopausal stage. In some cases of non-homoeopathic medication, ovarian hyperstimulation may occur resulting in gastro-intestinal disturbance, ascites, pleural effusion, oliguria, hypertension and even thrombo-embolism. This information overburden is to place such symptoms in the right slot.

There are scientific reasons linked to reproductive physiology like a decrease in oestrogen, and an increase in FSH but I could not answer one question why does such phase change in females at the middle age of 45 and why in males is around 65 plus?

Depriving females of fertility early makes them feel aged. Psychological factors come to play in their life. At times physiological factors with psychological elements may complex the situation. Acute menopausal symptoms are attended to in the hospital with HRT. Subjective evaluation of symptoms & severity may call for specialized medical care.


Based on the writings of Dr P.N.Varma

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