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Bedwetting in older children, say after 4-5 years, is troublesome. It has impact on the personality, performance, etc. Sometimes it may be due to an underlying disease. But majority of children do not have any underlying disease. Reports indicate that an underlying condition is identified in about 1% of children. In negligible percentage worms are also the cause.  Bedwetting due to worms is easily detected and immediately controlled by use of proper medication for worm. Urinary tract infections and urogenital anomalies are also to be ruled out as they may also cause bedwetting. 

What causes bedwetting?

Possible underlying medical problems such as urinary tract infection, worm infestation, structural or anatomical abnormality, neurological, and emotional problems. If the cause is not an underlying diseases, then one of the possible reasons is the child cannot hold urine for the entire night. The retaining capacity of bladder is poor. The child does not wake up when his or her bladder is full. Sometimes the child produces a large amount of urine during the evening and night hours. Some reports suggest that if the child has poor daytime toilet habits, that could cause bedwetting.

Treatment and management

Some of the useful tips to tackle bedwetting are given below:

Diet in the evening: Much liquid diet should be avoided, especially in the late evening. Much salty or spicy in the evening are known to escalate the urine. A light diet should be preferred at night.

Sleeping posture and time: Some reports suggest that sleeping on back should be avoided. Also, avoiding going to bed immediately after eating will also be helpful. Before going to bed, the child should be reminded to empty the bladder.

Giving punishment: Habit of some parents who tend to punish the child for bedwetting is scientifically known to worsen the problem. Instead counselling the child that it is a natural problem which can be overcome will help.

Bladder control practice: The child should be encouraged to hold the bladder for a longer period. This will help in improving bedwetting.

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