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Edema of the feet

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Edema, a medical term used for swelling from the accumulation of excess fluid the tissues of the body, may affect any part of the body, including the hands, arms, feet, legs, and ankles.

Signs and symptoms of edema include:

  • Puffiness of the tissue of arms, legs, feet, and ankles
  • Persistent or sudden onset of the pain with swelling in the leg and calf muscles in one or both legs in case of DVT
  • Stretched out the skin of the affected area (which looks shiny and glossy due to expansion)
  • If the area is pressed for few seconds pit formation can be noticed (due to fluid displacement)
  • In the case of ascites, distended and increased the size of the abdomen, bloating can be observed. Dyspnoea, pain and ankle swelling may also be an accompanying symptom
  • Breathlessness, pain in the chest, tightness in chest in case of pulmonary edema

Causes for edema in feet:

The fluid seeps out of the tiny blood vessels surrounding the tissues. This fluid build-up leads to puffiness, swelling and causes for edema. Mild edema in feet usually disappears on its own and may not require any immediate medical supervision. Mild edema in feet may result due to:

  • Prolonged sitting in one position
  • Too much salt in the food
  • As premenstrual signs and symptoms

What are the underlying medical conditions responsible for edema in legs:

However, a more serious underlying medical condition may be the reason behind edema and swelling. These serious and grave medical conditions may include:

Congestive heart failure: In case of congestive heart failure, one or both of heart’s lower chambers lose the ability to pump blood effectively. As a result, the blood in your legs, ankles, and feet is backed-up causing edema. Congestive heart failure can also contribute to swelling in your abdomen, and fluid to accumulate in your lungs leading to pulmonary edema, which causes shortness of breath.

Cirrhosis: Due to damaged liver, the fluid may start to accumulate in the abdominal cavity causing ascites, edema in legs and feet.

Kidney damage: In nephrotic syndrome, tiny blood vessels in the kidneys can result in starts damaging resulting in declined levels of a protein called albumin in the blood. This leads to fluid accumulation and edema in the lower extremities.

Kidney disease: Kidney disease can contribute to the accumulation of extra fluid and sodium in the circulation that ultimately leads to edema in the legs and around the eyes.

Chronic venous insufficiency: Weakness or damage to veins in the legs is commonly noticed in a chronic venous insufficiency. The one-way valves in the of leg veins are weakened or battered. The blood starts to pool in the veins of the causing puffiness and swelling. Sometimes the swelling in the leg is accompanied by pain in the calf muscle. It may arise due to a blood clot /deep vein thrombosis, or DVT in one of the veins of the leg. Medical consultation is advised if you have a sudden onset of pain in the calf area along with swelling in your leg.

Damaged and inadequate lymphatic system: The lymphatic system in the body has the purpose to clear any excess fluid from tissues. If this system is battered the lymph nodes and lymph vessels draining an area will not work correctly, and edema occurs- for example, edema may be noticed after the lymphatic system is damaged after cancer surgery.

Severe and long-term deficiency of protein: A diet lacking in protein for over a long time can lead to edema and fluid accumulation.


Risk factors for edema in feet:

Pregnancy: During pregnancy, due to the retention of sodium and water than usual can increase the risk of developing edema in legs, ankles, and feet.

Medication: You are at risk of edema if you take certain medications, including High blood pressure medications, Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, Steroid drugs, Estrogens, Certain diabetes medications called thiazolidinediones

A chronic illness — Chronic illness like congestive heart failure, liver disease or kidney disease may increase the risk of edema in lower extremities especially feet.

Complications of edema in feet: The puffiness and edema not treated on time may lead to some complications and troubles like:

  • Pain
  • Difficulty while walking
  • Awkward gait
  • Stiffness and decreased elasticity in the affected limb
  • The skin around the edematous area becomes irritable and itchy
  • Increased risk of infection and scarring between layers of tissue of the affected area
  • Decreased circulation of blood
  • Increased risk of skin ulceration due to ischemia

Prevention and medication for edema in feet:

Reducing the daily salt intake in your food often alleviates the edema. When edema is a sign pointing to an underlying disease, a separate treatment strategy for the disease itself should be kept in mind. Medication should be taken to remove excess fluid causing edema. Making changes in lifestyle and adding exercise to your routine may prove beneficial. Elevating the feet while lying down helps to improve the circulation in your feet. Homeopathic medicine is the best and effective solution you can think of. It provides a simple and hustle free solution to alleviate the symptoms corresponding to edema.

Homeopathic medicine for edema also alleviates the puffiness in hands, arms, legs, feet, and eyes with gentleness. The patients taking radiation-chemotherapy as cancer treatments can opt for homeopathic medicine for edema in extremities along with the ongoing treatment. It will also take care of any ongoing and under covered chronic illness lurking behind the superficial presenting symptoms. The phenomenon behind homeopathy is based on a simple philosophy of like curing likes. The medicine selected for the person suffering from the disease is entirely based on his presenting symptom and his individual constitution. It is always advised to consult a homeopath before taking any medication for edema. The homeopathic medicine is easy to take and tastes better. If you are looking for easy and effortless solution homeopathic aid is an answer for you.